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The year was 1995, I was a freshly minted audiophile - just out of college and a new job in the US of A, with dreams of a system that soared to the sky and a bank balance that unfortunately went the other way. One thing I always did during these pre-internet times was to browse as many audio magazines as I could at Barnes & Noble or at the Borders magazine aisles, alas I was too poor to buy any. One review in particular caught my eye, a review of the NHT superzero monitors by Corey Greenberg in the Jan 1995 Stereophile. He went on to state that these $230 a pair of speakers coupled to a sub., would challenge many higher end speaker available at that time (I did end up buying the magazine). I was smitten, if I stretched it, ate breakfast cereal at dinner for a few weeks, drank some cheap beer like pabst blue ribbon instead of the pricey stuff for a couple of months, etc etc. I could scrounge up the $200 or so for the speakers and maybe another $300-400 for a subwoofer - (Since it was pre-internet there were no real options of buying used - other than local thrift stores etc). So after a few months I ended up getting these speakers along with a cerwin vega powered sub. I was blown away, the sound coming out of these tiny boxes was so good, I couldn't believe it. The mid range was glorious, the treble well extended, soundstage was spacious, the speakers literally disappered, and of-course no real bass - hence the vega sub. was filling in real well. I had these speakers for at-least 7-8 years well into the early 2000's and during some spring cleaning (I had bought a house by then), they were sold. I always had fond memories of these and the sound they could produce. Well fast forward to now - I am older, wiser - hopefully, grayer and balder. And I had a need for some inexpensive speakers for another location for part of my business travels, these came to my mind - having read a crushing review about these from Amir at ASR basically declaring them as junk with measurements to back it up. As much as I like objective stats., I am not one to ignore my gut and the delightful time I had with my superzeros, so I acquired a pair now in the 2.1 guise and almost impossibly very close to the same price almost 30 years ago. Hooked them up in my bedroom system and supported by a Rythmik sub, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. All those old memories flooded back and these sounded every bit as spectacular as the ones I had before.
Thanks for taking the time to read the rambling ruminations of an old audiofool.
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