Decware amplifiers


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2017
The waiting list is ridiculously long for such a niche product!
We know (?) that just because a lot of people believe in something it is not always true.
But this brand and the Zen Triode amp has been going for over two decades…
Please share your impressions and opinions if you own one or have heard one for a few days
Never seen the inside. I was referring from sound perspective. For that money, you could go very wrong musically. The Decware gets that part pretty much right.
I have no personal experience nor am I a tube fan. But a schoolmate in US who has been using tube amps for more than 3 decades says Decware amps are voiced to the designer's philosophy and sound exceptional with the right speakers. He owns four of their products including a preamp and a headphone amp, and In his opinion there are few branded amps to match its price to performance ratio.
Trying SE84CS for last few days. I did not even pair it with high sensitivity speakers but easy load harbeths shl5 and ls3/5a. Wow. These 2.5w has more grunt than solid state amp that I have. Speed and dynamic were so good. The track "killing in the name" from "rage against the Machine" was presented with so much flair. Could be el84 thing as well. makes sense.
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