DIY, Tubes, R2R and a Vintage Ortho


Active Member
Apr 12, 2010
Hello Everyone,

Lone time since i wrote my last review, which was the V Moda V80. Over the last three years i came across lots of gear that helped me relate most of the audio vocabulary to real world listening.
Following is the review/impressions of my setup that i put together just recently. Kindly note that this review is of the system as a whole and not that of an individual component. Each component may change sonic characteristics depending on the pairing.


Amplifier - Its a 6AS7 OTL with 6sn7 input tube using a simple unregulated Choke filtered, tube rectified power supply. The tube complement is similar to Apex Teton. The amp was made by forum member 'Gurubhai'.

DAC - Adcom GDA600 (modded). PC Motherboard SPDIF header connected to AES/EBU input on the DAC using a DIY XLR cable.

Tubes - For rectifier U52, For Output GEC 6080, for input 6SN7

Headphones - A vintage Yamaha HP1 Anisotropic Version, extensively modded.




So, how does it sound?

Well, depending on the tube the sound varies from Dry to Neutral to Lush. But in any case the high fidelity can be easily heard. The standout features are the immense details, huge dynamics, pitch black background and great imaging. The imaging thing is mainly due to those Yamahas.
Bass is a bit on the lighter side, and this is because of the DAC not at its full potential yet. I have heard the same DAC with slightly different mods and it hits like a canon. Even then, the fidelity levels are so high that the bass light nature doesnt bother much. The sound that this setup makes is highly addicting.

Past gear (Owned/heard) -

Assemblade DAC2 (modded) - A capable DAC. I was very happy with it until i heard the Adcom :) The bass in particular is a bit elevated and refinement levels could be higher. Still, its easily better than most sabre crap you get these days.

Cavalli EHHA Rev A Hybrid tube amp - A great amp for the price. Really good tone and slam. Somewhat confined in soundstage and refinement yet highly enjoyable.

JDS Labs O2 - Tiny powerful amp. Flat dynamics, coarse treble. But pretty good for entry level. At least better than the Fiio stuff.

Hifiman HE400 - Super crap.

Audeze LCD2 - I was a fan initially, but over time realized the limited resolution, too much of shelved mids, clean but overly done bass levels.

LCD X - Heard over couple of occasions and liked what i heard. Shouty mids but other wise a better LCD2. Would like to hear it again.

LCD3 - Meh! Big fat sound with huge roll off at either ends.

EL8 Closed - Worse than the M50X. Should be banned.

Hifiman HE6 - Great bass and speed. Mediocre mids resolution, thin/splashy highs. Compressed sounding.

HD800 - The best experience after HP1. Super clean upper treble, minimal sub bass, elevated mid bass, cleanest bass for a dynamic, female vocals shelved, some bite in the treble area that starts to hurt after few minutes of listening. Overly done soundstage and fuzzy imaging. Not the blackest of backgrounds. Fidelity levels were much better than all but HP1.
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Nice set up
ADCOM takes only SPDIF otherwise its great, multibit vintage
I use AKG 712, Centrance DAC mini , Travagan Red with a old Hafler DH915 Preamp
between Centrance DAC mini and Travagan HP for boosting bass and slightly boost of treble
sounds very clear and detailed, but reveals any harshness in the recorded music
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