India / China - Analogue / Digital?


Sep 1, 2022
Hi Friends - just something that has been rolling in my head for sometime.
Both India and China have over the last few years developed home grown audio equipment brands of really good quality and specs. But if I go one level deeper, I see that the Indian side is more in the analogue space - amplifiers and speakers. But not too much in the digital space like DACs and Streamers.

On the China side the strength seems to be in the digital space - DACs, Streamers and some small class D amplification. But I have not come across much in the power amp, speaker kind of space.

But in both markets there is demand for the analogue and digital components.

I may be wrong in my observations - but just something that I thought of.

Hi Friends - just something that has been rolling in my head for sometime.
Both India and China have over the last few years developed home grown audio equipment brands of really good quality and specs. But if I go one level deeper, I see that the Indian side is more in the analogue space - amplifiers and speakers. But not too much in the digital space like DACs and Streamers.

On the China side the strength seems to be in the digital space - DACs, Streamers and some small class D amplification. But I have not come across much in the power amp, speaker kind of space.

But in both markets there is demand for the analogue and digital components.

I may be wrong in my observations - but just something that I thought of.

China unlike India, has a fully grown and established local hifi ecosystem. They have a lot of high end systems from speakers to electronics, including cabling all from local manufacture. The Guangzhou hifi show is the biggest in Asia, and apart from a few European companies, the exhibits are all local chinese companies. We just cant compete with them, as they have a complete ecosystem of component manufacture. Which makes local production easier and cheaper.

Chinese brands are well established in the Australian market, unlike their sparse success elsewhere. The western controlled media sees to it, that Chinese brands are sneered upon as rips offs of established designs. But there is no stopping the innovation emanating from that country, as the people are resilient and will be successful in the long run.
Hi Friends - just something that has been rolling in my head for sometime.
Both India and China have over the last few years developed home grown audio equipment brands of really good quality and specs. But if I go one level deeper, I see that the Indian side is more in the analogue space - amplifiers and speakers. But not too much in the digital space like DACs and Streamers.

On the China side the strength seems to be in the digital space - DACs, Streamers and some small class D amplification. But I have not come across much in the power amp, speaker kind of space.

But in both markets there is demand for the analogue and digital components.

I may be wrong in my observations - but just something that I thought of.

Just curious, what Indian Brands are you talking of?
Hi Friends - just something that has been rolling in my head for sometime.
Both India and China have over the last few years developed home grown audio equipment brands of really good quality and specs. But if I go one level deeper, I see that the Indian side is more in the analogue space - amplifiers and speakers. But not too much in the digital space like DACs and Streamers.

On the China side the strength seems to be in the digital space - DACs, Streamers and some small class D amplification. But I have not come across much in the power amp, speaker kind of space.

But in both markets there is demand for the analogue and digital components.

I may be wrong in my observations - but just something that I thought of.


My guess would be that China is far ahead in Digital and analogue...and speakers and cables and racks and headphones :)
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