Mini-review (Martin Logan Electrostatic Spkrs + Unico 100 Integrated amp + Yamaha S20


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2009
Background: Refer link here >>
For previous demo see here (Usher V-601 + Electrocompaniet Pre-Pro + Yamaha S2000 SACD player >>

Alternative technology always delivers something that original didn't. Take tube based amps versus transistorised, for example. This demo was first of it's kind for the newly formed Pune HFV group, considering that not only they got to hear the flavour of tubes, but also got to hear Electrostatic speakers. This demo retained Yamaha SACD player from previous demo, and added new gear i.e Unico 100 Integrated "Hybrid" amp @ 3.5 lac ~(having Tube-pre inside, whereas power section is Solid-stage) and Martin Logan Electromotion ESL Electrostatic speakers @ 1.85 lac ~. This is also a "Hybrid" design, wherein the mids to treble are reproduced by electrostatic panel, whereas the bass by conventional woofer-in-a-ported box. (Again, I thank Amit, and all guys from AV Xellence, who lugged around all this drool-gear, on a Sunday, for the benefit of HFVians)
In the end this combo underlined one fact, more than any other combo in the meet, that we all hear differently. Read on...

(Note- We also exchanged the Yamaha CDP with Arcam R-Dac DAC that had digital data streamed over wireless thru a gadget attached to Iphone however this mini-review focuses on Yamaha CDP based performance. See post-script at bottom)

Songs played:
See the song-list in the Observation-report.
The two "common songs" were >> Hotel California by Eagles... This soft-rock classic needs no introduction and "Carmina Burana" by Carl Orff... is another classic, er. western classical. This was chosen as it is a really dense and highly dynamic combination of choir, string sections, steel drums... you name it. (A combo that can play it with all details but without strain on your ears, gets entry to HiFi club).

The two "uncommon songs" were >> "Yellow" by Coldplay, a Soft Rock tack having dominant rhythm guitar + drums, with soft vocals. Second song was "Hey you" by Pink Floyd, Another soft-rock track, having diversity of dynamics and complexity from a soft introductory notes of guitar-plucks to a dense, raging end with distortion guitars and pounding drums.

Demo# 05 in progress

Demo# 05 amp & CDP closeup

Unico 100 Integrated amp (at bottom) and Yamaha S2000 SACD player (above Unico)

Demo# 05 Speaker

Martin Logan Electromotion ESL
(Electrostatic Speaker with conventional woofer)

Demo# 05 Option with R-Dac DAC

Arcam R-Wand (@6k~) attached to bottom of Iphone, relaying digital-out over wireless (wi-fi) to R-Dac's (@42k~) built-in wifi reciever.
Amit is ecstatic after establishing wireless connection between Iphone and R-Dac (R-Dac: See small white box on top of white/grey CDP)

Observation report

For those new to above Observation-report...
- Explanation of criteria used in audition, is given in Observation feedback form here >>
- Since all the observation feedback forms were submitted as anonymous, the actual HFV IDs were substituted with Sample ID from "A" "B" "C" onward.
- The "1" numeral you see in the form indicates the tickmark that was made under that criteria. So all tick marks get added at the bottom to compare which criteria got max tick marks

It is rare to see the kind of polarized opinion, that was received for this combo. Considering written notes on observation-forms, I find two distinct camps... one who like it a lot, and others who don't. Not much of middle ground here. What is surprising that though on individual sonic-criteria like Clarity, Dynamics, Distortion, etc... the majority liked it, however regarding overall performance, the majority gets split down neatly in middle. Refer Observation-report for audience's remarks and conclusion-statistics at the bottom of each table

My two cents...
The first thing that struck me about the sound of this combo was the lack of "sound-in-a-box" character in mids to treble end. Secondly the "attack" transients of instruments /vocals had lesser "hard edge" than the earlier combo, yet it sounded more authentic. To explain my point I'll give an exaggerated example... Imagine a singer's vocals coming thru a cheap P.A system blaring at marriage function and the same singer heard thru a hifi system. One of the differences you note in the Hifi system is that the voice sounds less "edgy", yet doesn't sound muffled, and it has "air" of ambiance around it. It is this difference that this combo delivered compared to previous one (refer "Background" at top). Now that is "improving upon perfection" in my book". I am hazarding a guess that tubes in pre-amp of Unico and Electrostatic speaker jointly created this magic. You won't get this if either of component was changed to something else.

Now lets hear about the bass-end... I found bass to be good (tight, tune full, and with heft)... however it didn't match the authentic tone of previous demo. Some may find this mismatch in brilliance between bass, and above-bass spectrum, a letdown. I have been so mesmerized by the brilliant part that somehow the "authentic tone" issue of bass didn't take anything away from the overall enjoyment. I would rate this combo as good and enjoyable as previous one, if not better.

Post-script: The demo done with R-Dac with wifi as digital-in, was underwhelming (considering 42k being the cost of R-Dac) hence we were not inclined to record observations separately.
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Re: Mini-review (Martin Logan Electrostatic Spkrs + Unico 100 Integrated amp + Yamaha

Thanks for the write up and fantastic organization of data. Very impressive.
Could you also add the cost of the Martin Logans? Those are beautiful speakers.
Re: Mini-review (Martin Logan Electrostatic Spkrs + Unico 100 Integrated amp + Yamaha

Hi Sonosphere

The Logans are difficult to drive. I have owned the Logans in the past. They normally come to song only on upwards of 300 watts. I used to run them with JC1 monoblocs which were 400 watts RMS. The Unicos are much less. Apart from power they also need amps which can handle impedance dips. When you get all of this right, they sound sweet. The older ones had a little bit of bass integration problems. The newer ones i believe do not have them.
Re: Mini-review (Martin Logan Electrostatic Spkrs + Unico 100 Integrated amp + Yamaha

Thanks for the write up and fantastic organization of data. Very impressive.
Could you also add the cost of the Martin Logans? Those are beautiful speakers.

Updated the review with cost...
Unico 100 Integrated "Hybrid" amp @ 3.5 lac ~
Martin Logan Electromotion ESL Electrostatic speakers @ 1.85 lac ~.
Re: Mini-review (Martin Logan Electrostatic Spkrs + Unico 100 Integrated amp + Yamaha

It would be interesting to know how much better MLs are compared to equally priced Maggies. Maggies are better know and I get the impression that they represent a very good value. Can the same be said about Logans? Has anyone had an opportunity to do such a comparison?
Re: Mini-review (Martin Logan Electrostatic Spkrs + Unico 100 Integrated amp + Yamaha

Hi Sonosphere

The Logans are difficult to drive. I have owned the Logans in the past. They normally come to song only on upwards of 300 watts. I used to run them with JC1 monoblocs which were 400 watts RMS. The Unicos are much less. Apart from power they also need amps which can handle impedance dips. When you get all of this right, they sound sweet. The older ones had a little bit of bass integration problems. The newer ones i believe do not have them.

Hi Prem,
Thanks for this important bit of info. So this speakers joins the group of speakers that show brilliance only after being mated with muscle-amps.

My understanding is that "difficult to drive" speakers are dependent on high-current amps... not necessarily high wattage amp (e.g 400w pc)... OTOH even a 100w amp can be designed as a High-current amp that can handle dips as low as 2 ohm. Do you think such 100 watter can drive these Logans?

Re: Mini-review (Martin Logan Electrostatic Spkrs + Unico 100 Integrated amp + Yamaha

Hi Sonosphere

Very valid question. I am not qualified to answer this question. Maybe someone more knowledgable may be able to chip in.
Re: Mini-review (Martin Logan Electrostatic Spkrs + Unico 100 Integrated amp + Yamaha


I think that answer may be found in the KVA rating of the transformer used inside the amplifier. Higher KVA rating will certainly mean more current.

Thats an interesting question and maybe the instruction book of the amp will shed light.

maybe more enlightened folks may chip in.

Re: Mini-review (Martin Logan Electrostatic Spkrs + Unico 100 Integrated amp + Yamaha

just looked up my NAD C356 instruction book..

it says peak output current = 50 amps ( across a resistance of 1 ohm in 1 milisecond )

also looked up my HK AVR 255 it says..

Instantaneous current capability = +/- 35 amps

The NAD C275 Power amp manual says..

Peak Current GREATER than 50 Amps

I think that may explain why stereo amps are better than AVR and why AVR with a heavy transformer can come close to 2 channel stereo amps if played in Pure Direct Mode.

I suspect one must also investigate the Damping factor to arrive at a conclusion on current and driveability of speakers..

One thing is for sure.. as resistance dips ( for example speaker at 2 ohms ).. it will DEMAND greater current.. if the amp is unable to provide that then clipping will happen..

This does not mean that speakers rated 8 ohm are better..

Just means that system matching is most important and speakers with 4 ohms or lower can have greater resolving power and play louder as they will be fed by matching amps
( with more current )

Invite folks to contribute to this thread please..

Re: Mini-review (Martin Logan Electrostatic Spkrs + Unico 100 Integrated amp + Yamaha

i am not sure if KVA is right as KVA is also a measure of Power (Voltage x amps) without the power factor.

One way to check is to study the power rating at different load. typically for Non Class A amps, the power should double when the impedance halves ie 100W at 8 ohms, 200 at 4, 400 at 2 and 800 at 1 (eg Accuphase, pass labs,Older Mark levinsons, plinius etc go down to 1 Ohm ). hence while th voltage is kept constant it is able to give more current linearly to the load.

even a 50W amp able to go linearly to 200 at 2 ohms would feel more powerful compares to a 200W at 8m ohms which may even fall exponentially after 4 ohms !
this is of course not the complete technical view , something i am not qualified to give but another perspective on power :)

Edit, MPW -> posted before reading your 2nd post...
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