Quest for a new tape deck

Hi dinyaar. cld u give me directions to the shop. anthing starting from Jw Mariott would be helpful

Oh God. I'll try giving u directions but better to call them (nos are in this very thread) and take perfect directions.
I am from south bbay and i have been to 'THE SHOP' once years ago.
Passed Juhu (the beach), then Mariott, then took a right at the signal and then the second left. Drove along the road and kept a watch for "THE CLUB' (on the right). "THE SHOP' is just outside 'THE CLUB'!!!!
Anything particular u are looking for Ranadatta? As Boomerang is a two minute walk from Mariott and they are always well stocked with gear. If its a tape deck then i doubt THE shop has any left anymore.
Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.