USB vs Coaxial for Streamer to Cambridge Dac Magic 200


New Member
Nov 2, 2020
Folks, I am streaming Spotify, Tidal from ifi zen streamer to dac magic 200 to audiolab 6000a. Currently using coaxial from zen streamer to the dac magic. Considering switching to USB. Does anyone have opinions on whether this might improve the sound quality? Is there any noticable difference? Please opine.
Folks, I am streaming Spotify, Tidal from ifi zen streamer to dac magic 200 to audiolab 6000a. Currently using coaxial from zen streamer to the dac magic. Considering switching to USB. Does anyone have opinions on whether this might improve the sound quality? Is there any noticable difference? Please opine.
Hi Roro :)

You just have to try and see which one you prefer, unless someone has actually tried the same combination of dacs and streamers, in which case those experiences will be helpful.

We could publish a white paper on the plethora of variables that come into play when comparing spdif to usb :p
Thanks! In general, I was wondering if people have used a USB vs Coax with Dacs/Dac magic and noticed any differences. Even just tech agnostic anecdotal information is helpful here :)
I would also test Zen Stream with Audiolab 6000a, have USB route through DACmagic and coax directly to Audiolab 6000a.
Having used 6000a with a WiiM mini, found the dac to be very good.
Thanks! In general, I was wondering if people have used a USB vs Coax with Dacs/Dac magic and noticed any differences. Even just tech agnostic anecdotal information is helpful here :)
My experience so far is :

Optical - The go-to option in long run. Least fatigue, sounds cohesive, musical

Coax - Sounds more resolving than optical.
But after few days i observe my listening time and frequency has reduced.
Realuzation comes late that it is less musical.

USB - Sounds even more resolving and attractive.
In less than an hour, i realize it's not for me.
Though it has all ingredients of audiophile music, it is the least musical.
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