Blu Ray Player Giveaway


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2010
Vijayangar, Bangalore
Hi All,

Was cleaning my attic when I found my old Philips Blu Ray player.. I believe the model is 1200. I got this as a corporate gift from IBM 11-12 years back when I was working there. Never really understood why corporates would give blu ray players to their employees..But anyway it was never useful to me as I rarely played blu rays..

I managed to power it on using electrical cable of another gadget. I does power on and when I keep pressing the load button.. On the display I can see..Open..Close..Load.. except the tray doesnt really open.

Since I dont need it, would rather have someone use it. I live in Vijaynagar area of Bangalore...around a KM from the metro station...anyone interested can drop in and take it.

Also I am interested to know what other uses can this player be used for apart from playing blu rays.. Will google for the same as well.
Put it in the giveaway thread. It will need servicing if its unused for so long. It can obviously be used as a transport to play any optical disk - CD/DVD and BD.
Perhaps it's rubber belt has gone kaput that is why the tray doesn't come out though you can see the functions displayed. However it can be used as a transport. You can connect it to your amp via coaxial or optical cable and play cds.
Hi All,

Was cleaning my attic when I found my old Philips Blu Ray player.. I believe the model is 1200. I got this as a corporate gift from IBM 11-12 years back when I was working there. Never really understood why corporates would give blu ray players to their employees..But anyway it was never useful to me as I rarely played blu rays..

I managed to power it on using electrical cable of another gadget. I does power on and when I keep pressing the load button.. On the display I can see..Open..Close..Load.. except the tray doesnt really open.

Since I dont need it, would rather have someone use it. I live in Vijaynagar area of Bangalore...around a KM from the metro station...anyone interested can drop in and take it.

Also I am interested to know what other uses can this player be used for apart from playing blu rays.. Will google for the same as well.
If you can ship (At my cost ofcourse), I will take it!
Pretty amazing how the whole Blue Ray technology went past without any significant adoption. I too have a blue-ray player occupying space and collecting dust in some corner of my home. Maybe time to hunt it down.
Hi All,

Was cleaning my attic when I found my old Philips Blu Ray player.. I believe the model is 1200. I got this as a corporate gift from IBM 11-12 years back when I was working there. Never really understood why corporates would give blu ray players to their employees..But anyway it was never useful to me as I rarely played blu rays..

I managed to power it on using electrical cable of another gadget. I does power on and when I keep pressing the load button.. On the display I can see..Open..Close..Load.. except the tray doesnt really open.

Since I dont need it, would rather have someone use it. I live in Vijaynagar area of Bangalore...around a KM from the metro station...anyone interested can drop in and take it.

Also I am interested to know what other uses can this player be used for apart from playing blu rays.. Will google for the same as well.
Still available??? Sir # iam staying Bangalore only
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