gears of war 2


Active Member
Jul 14, 2008
Hey all,
My recent completion was gears of war 2 on the xbox 360.I should say that the game is simply awesome.They have actually double the experience that u got in the first part.Any one who completed the game,can actually their experiences.
I also noticed that this particular part of the forum is completely dead.
I am sure that we have lot of hardcore gamers in this forum.

Yup. Ten years into it.;)
Started creating art for gaming with the gaming title Mission impossible in 1999. Still manage/train art creation for games for x-box, ps3 and PC.
Serious gaming is moving to consoles now. You will get used to the controllers in a month's time. Only issue is shooter games......Shooting with the thump controller is a pain:mad:
The controller manufacturers are working hard to make some headway into this.:D
Yup. Ten years into it.;)
Started creating art for gaming with the gaming title Mission impossible in 1999. Still manage/train art creation for games for x-box, ps3 and PC.
Serious gaming is moving to consoles now. You will get used to the controllers in a month's time. Only issue is shooter games......Shooting with the thump controller is a pain:mad:
The controller manufacturers are working hard to make some headway into this.:D

Exactly... the stuff that I like - Shooters, Fast Strategy games and RPGs are all best played with a mouse and keyboard. Comes so much more naturally. The more I try a controller, the more I hate it for these genres. What studio are you associated with?
Are u with Dhuruva square wave?
by the way I'm also working in a game development company in Hyderabad.

I kinda disagree with u reign, in this aspect.
Its not that FPS sucks in consoles,i would accept that they are best played in the pcs.does not really mean that,they are bad in consoles.
Have u played Halo 3 in the xbox 360,in xbox live?then you would come to know,how good halo feels and how some gamers have mastered this.It just feels so nice in the controller.
I'm also a hardcore CS and TF2 fan.I can take out multiple enemies in few secs.But i also enjoy games like halo 3,resistance,gears of war,cod 4 on the consoles.Its a matter of practice,habit and getting used to things.
I know people complaining consoles,just by playing PC games,which does not makes really need to get a hang of the consoles,then you can comment on em.
with out getting a hang of it,its tough to justify a platform.i have done this mistake in the past.but once i came into the game industry and started playing different games on different platforms,things were really good.
One common mistake a noob gamer makes is "comparing consoles and games"
Where as a professional gamer does not care about platforms,2d/3d etc.All he need is pure fun in the game.
I enjoy loco roco in the psp as much i do CS or COD or anything.

I kinda disagree with u reign, in this aspect.
Its not that FPS sucks in consoles,i would accept that they are best played in the pcs.does not really mean that,they are bad in consoles.
Have u played Halo 3 in the xbox 360,in xbox live?then you would come to know,how good halo feels and how some gamers have mastered this.It just feels so nice in the controller.
I'm also a hardcore CS and TF2 fan.I can take out multiple enemies in few secs.But i also enjoy games like halo 3,resistance,gears of war,cod 4 on the consoles.Its a matter of practice,habit and getting used to things.
I know people complaining consoles,just by playing PC games,which does not makes really need to get a hang of the consoles,then you can comment on em.
with out getting a hang of it,its tough to justify a platform.i have done this mistake in the past.but once i came into the game industry and started playing different games on different platforms,things were really good.
One common mistake a noob gamer makes is "comparing consoles and games"
Where as a professional gamer does not care about platforms,2d/3d etc.All he need is pure fun in the game.
I enjoy loco roco in the psp as much i do CS or COD or anything.


Well if the input system itself is a pain to use, I'd rather not use it than waste my time struggling with it. I've played Halo/Halo 2, GeOW, COD4 but on PC. I tried it on my office xbox 360 but it was a rather big PITA. Aiming/Moving everything is painful with a game controller if one is used to a mouse+kb and there's no way one will get to the skill level that one can get to in a game such as Quake/UT using mouse/kb on any console game because of this. Just watch a few recorded games of any version of Quake and you'd know the kind of skill I'm talking about.

There's a reason why Halo, CS and other stuff do not allow cross platform matchmaking in multiplayer games. If someone plays with a controller against someone with a mouse and keyboard, the guy using a controller will have his posterior handed to him by the guy with a mouse/kb unless the guy with the mouse/kb is a complete newb.

Also there's a reason why games are dumbed down on consoles - eg - if you have an RPG where your character is a caster with ten different spells, its next to impossible to use them in combat with a controller whereas on a PC its just a question of pressing the right hot key. Its the reason why a game as good as The Witcher doesn't have a console port - The devs decided that there's no way it can be faithfully translated to a console. Also don't get me started on RTS games which essentially are non-existent on consoles.

I do like racing games with a controller though. It comes quite naturally and most of them behave much better with an analog controller than with a keyboard. Even arcade games or fighting games like DoA are a lot of fun with controllers especially when playing against another human opponent.

I play a lot of CS/Quake/Battlefield/UT and host of other FPS games and I love each one of them. But unfortunately I'll never play an FPS on a console. I'd rather wait for the PC version to appear than struggle with a controller in an FPS.

If a game is built to suit a particular input system from scratch, it is a lot of fun. Eg Loco Roco as you pointed out or even the original Lumines on a PSP. However if its been forced upon the user, it can never be as involving and fun as it could have been in a better input system.

PS: I've been in video games since the Super Nintendo/Wolf 3D days.
Appreciate u for the detailed opinion.I also mentioned that fps in consoles are not that comfortable when compared to pc,I guess i never talked about porting games across platforms.Yes CS will suck when it is played on a console.
But we just have to see,how good is that franchise on that particular platform.
If you have played gears on the 360,iam sure that u will like it more than the PC port,coz gears all started for the 360.So eventually when ported to a new platform,it looked strange for me and this was accepted by a lot of core gamers world wide.Where as a game like cod 4 was planned for all three platforms and the control schemes where sweet on each of the respective platforms.I enjoyed cod 4 on both 360 and PC.But again yes,PC had more accuracy and control(as all the gamers know that nothing equals a keyboard and mouse).
That is why,a lot of third party developers are planning for special peripherals for the ps3 like this one
SplitFish FragFX: Mouse Controller for PS3

Again,after all, opinion differs.
Keep these discussions going,as we all can share our gaming experiences and keep this part of the forum alive.

Have played on PS2, PS3, XBOX, Nintendo Wii and the good old PC. Absolutely nothing compares to the PC especially in an FPS/TPS. Give me a mouse any day and the gun will talk. Coming to Halo part of the discussion, guess I am biased towards the PC, but Halo (1st part) was more enjoyable on the PC than on the XBOX for me personally.
Have played on PS2, PS3, XBOX, Nintendo Wii and the good old PC. Absolutely nothing compares to the PC especially in an FPS/TPS. Give me a mouse any day and the gun will talk. Coming to Halo part of the discussion, guess I am biased towards the PC, but Halo (1st part) was more enjoyable on the PC than on the XBOX for me personally.

Probably because we were born on PCs and the xboxes and ps2s came later on in our lives...

Atleast that's the case with me, although now that I've stopped using mouse extensively for a while (3-4 years since I switched to laptops), I prefer xbox controllers for gaming!
Probably because we were born on PCs and the xboxes and ps2s came later on in our lives...

Atleast that's the case with me, although now that I've stopped using mouse extensively for a while (3-4 years since I switched to laptops), I prefer xbox controllers for gaming!

I believe it also has to do with the genre and kind of games. I love FPS/TPS and for shooting the mouse is the best tool. Especially in a fast paced game like Quake a mouse is way better to shoot on the run and target and aim, also its so easy to switch between weapons with the mouse wheel and best of all its the easiest to aim accurately with a mouse.

For other genres like racing games, boxing, martial arts, etc., I enjoy them as much on the PS3 and probably more so than on the PC.
I believe it also has to do with the genre and kind of games. I love FPS/TPS and for shooting the mouse is the best tool. Especially in a fast paced game like Quake a mouse is way better to shoot on the run and target and aim, also its so easy to switch between weapons with the mouse wheel and best of all its the easiest to aim accurately with a mouse.

For other genres like racing games, boxing, martial arts, etc., I enjoy them as much on the PS3 and probably more so than on the PC.

I actually play fps and tps on the box, halo1,2,3, cod2,4,5 gears and the like...
I would say PC is better but way too much hassle, you need to upgrade hardware, upgrade software + you need a dedicated PC + drivers, virus problems, heating problems, this that and all that bill gates has bestowed upon us is a big deterrent. It used to be good in the high school days when dad was funding and you had the time to tweak your rig but xbox is a much easier solution now!
I actually play fps and tps on the box, halo1,2,3, cod2,4,5 gears and the like...
I would say PC is better but way too much hassle, you need to upgrade hardware, upgrade software + you need a dedicated PC + drivers, virus problems, heating problems, this that and all that bill gates has bestowed upon us is a big deterrent. It used to be good in the high school days when dad was funding and you had the time to tweak your rig but xbox is a much easier solution now!

That's what you think. In a PC just a graphics card is enough for an upgrade. In consoles you need to buy a new rig altogether. None of the new games play on the old PS2, so I had to go for a new PS3. In a PC just a graphics card upgrade is needed and that too for those averse to OC. Otherwise OC will work just fine for a couple of years more...
That's what you think. In a PC just a graphics card is enough for an upgrade. In consoles you need to buy a new rig altogether. None of the new games play on the old PS2, so I had to go for a new PS3. In a PC just a graphics card upgrade is needed and that too for those averse to OC. Otherwise OC will work just fine for a couple of years more...

i dont think so...hardware wise consoles ll be cheaper in their lifetime...during which one ll change cpu (~5k-10k each time), gpu(~+7k) and maybe ram(~2k)...and ofcourse your cabinet and psu should be selected such that (future proof) it ll accomadate the changes in hardware in future..
and ofcourse we arent talking about high end here....then it may last longer without change, but the initial investment ll be too high to compare

You will get used to the controllers in a month's time.

one month is a lot of time patience wise....i dont remember taking time getting used to games on keyboard and was fine from first day.....infact, i was fine even with the weird resident evil 4 controls...but my controller is lying idle as i dont find it convinent...maybe am trying the wrong games :/
That's what you think. In a PC just a graphics card is enough for an upgrade. In consoles you need to buy a new rig altogether. None of the new games play on the old PS2, so I had to go for a new PS3. In a PC just a graphics card upgrade is needed and that too for those averse to OC. Otherwise OC will work just fine for a couple of years more...

Umm, lets take my case. If I was still in junior high, I would've bought the latest rig...

I just bought a XBOX360 for 15K, brought it in, plugged two cables and I'm set (atleast till it RRODS lol). Add in 5 games a year, 10K running cost.

Or, I would've bought an average to good rig for lets say, 35-40K, played 5 games for 5K. Also, I would've browsed the net on it and virus would inadvertently creep in. Need to format every 2 months. Then, I just bought a new hardware, now I'll have to spend a night online to look for the best driver! The mouse and keyboards need to be game ready, and upgraded! The PC needs maintenance.

For the XBOX, the update downloads themselves, I do not need to worry about drivers and compatibility and benchmark tests and bill gate's dogs to be fed. Just buy a CD and it WILL RUN on my XBOX as well as it will run on my neighbors XBOX. I'm not saying consoles are better, they are a lot more easier to deal with if you just want to come home and game for an hour or so.

There are so many things just like these that weaned me away from PC gaming...

Maybe in another 5-6 years when life is a little easier on me...
Lots of misconceptions about PCs here...

Cannot even believe virus is a problem. I've been using freeware AV and FW for the past so many, many years and never ever had a problem ever. The XBOX (I know I've used one) with its Red Ring of Death is a bigger nightmare than any PC. PC games are cheaper and easier to come by than console games. A PC's upgrade path is a lot lesser than a console's. A new version of the console is out every 3-4 years and none of the old games play on the new one.

Imagine a PC at a fraction of the cost will play games as good as any console, play music as good as any CDP, play movies as good as any DVDP and Blu-Ray player and well I could go on and on.

No offense meant here but if just getting online causes a virus then I guess you should be reformatting your system right now I guess since you got online for HiFiVision or will the system last for a couple of months???

If ignorance is your bliss then I'll better leave it at that right!
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