Inviting comments / exchanges of notes, pointers, etc. from users of vintage HAFLER power and pre amps - specifically, the HAFLER DH-110 / 200 combo


Sep 18, 2010
Hello All -

I wonder (are there ?) any present-day 'users" of the now 30+ year old HAFLER power and pre amplifiers
on THIS forum ?

I recently acquired a "pair" of circa 35 year old HAFLER DH-200 (power amp) and DH-110 (pre-amp) units
and am hoping to re-acquaint myself with them after an interlude of 20+ years.......I HAD owned and used
quite a few Haflers both here in India and in the USA (when I lived there formerly) - but, in recent times,
I have / had consciously drifted away from them.

If any of you are STILL using them (HAFLER amps) and specifically, the same ones (DH-200 and DH-110)
that I have now acquired and if you'd like to share / compare notes, findings, caveats, etc., please DO
chime in and PM me - it will be quite a pleasure to hear from some / any of you !

Meanwhile - in advance a bit - but, a most Joyous Christmas to all of you and a safe and Happy New Year
to follow !

Best Wishes,

Ronnie K. Marker
Hi.....I am NOT so sure if they could be termed as "beautiful"; but, they ARE fully Made in (the good old) USA
and, when set up and functioning correctly, they did (do) have a pleasant, acceptable sound !
I used to have the same combo driving a pair of Tannoy Gold in late 80s. Don’t remember it being anything exceptional. It blew twice. I then sold them off
I used to have the same combo driving a pair of Tannoy Gold in late 80s. Don’t remember it being anything exceptional. It blew twice. I then sold them off

They are usually quite stable......but, with electronics of any brand and any vintage, who can's really quite strange AND coincidental that I might decide to "use" them with MY Tannoy 15" Monitor Golds; or, then, perhaps my AR 3As.....for now, I will connect and use them with modest vintage Harman Kardons which are rated at a mere 25 W (I will have to exercise caution as the Hafler has 100 W below its belt). I'll begin re-familarizing myself with them and take it at step (forward) at a time........THANKS for your input/s though (NO pun intended..)
Hello All -

I wonder (are there ?) any present-day 'users" of the now 30+ year old HAFLER power and pre amplifiers
on THIS forum ?

I recently acquired a "pair" of circa 35 year old HAFLER DH-200 (power amp) and DH-110 (pre-amp) units
and am hoping to re-acquaint myself with them after an interlude of 20+ years.......I HAD owned and used
quite a few Haflers both here in India and in the USA (when I lived there formerly) - but, in recent times,
I have / had consciously drifted away from them.

If any of you are STILL using them (HAFLER amps) and specifically, the same ones (DH-200 and DH-110)
that I have now acquired and if you'd like to share / compare notes, findings, caveats, etc., please DO
chime in and PM me - it will be quite a pleasure to hear from some / any of you !

Meanwhile - in advance a bit - but, a most Joyous Christmas to all of you and a safe and Happy New Year
to follow !

Best Wishes,

Ronnie K. Marker

I had the Hafler DH 101/200 combination many years ago. I drove the Celestion SL6 and SL600 speakers with the Hafler amps. Lovely combination.

I don't recall trying the Hafler with the Tannoy 15 MG's but tried them with the Tannoy III LZ. Sounded good but the Celestion Hafler combination was better.

I paired the DH101 pre with my Quad II amps based on the recommendation of Ken Kessler in Hi FI News. He rated the combination very highly.

The Hafler DH 101/ Quad II combo drove the Tannoy 15 MG's &Goodmans Axiom 301's very well. Great sound.

Gave away the DH 200 the DH101 is still around but hasn't been used for many years now.

Hi Ronnie,
Even I had them. Good amps but I didn't feel there was anything 'special'.

Hi Shafic - good to hear from you (as always !) - you are probably right / correct about the "old" Haflers - they are definitely NOT
"high end" but a probably "acceptable" in sound quality by today's standards - many years ago, when I lived in the USA, I had the
opportunity (then) to purchase, use and enjoy their more "expensive" amps - which were definitely VERY good - but now, here in
India, one has to be content with whatever one obtains.......I'll let you know someday HOW I find them with MY set/s of speakers...
Thanks again and best wishes, Shafic !


I had the Hafler DH 101/200 combination many years ago. I drove the Celestion SL6 and SL600 speakers with the Hafler amps. Lovely combination.

I don't recall trying the Hafler with the Tannoy 15 MG's but tried them with the Tannoy III LZ. Sounded good but the Celestion Hafler combination was better.

I paired the DH101 pre with my Quad II amps based on the recommendation of Ken Kessler in Hi FI News. He rated the combination very highly.

The Hafler DH 101/ Quad II combo drove the Tannoy 15 MG's &Goodmans Axiom 301's very well. Great sound.

Gave away the DH 200 the DH101 is still around but hasn't been used for many years now.


Hi Rajiv -

thanks for chiming in......yes, I have read too that many actually preferred the "sound" of the humble DH-101 to the "newer"
DH-110.........however; I suppose they all somewhat share the same (David Hafler) DNA and thus are more likely to have
greater similarities than differences.............let's see and hope that I am NOT too disappointed with MY "set" ! Thanks, again
for your insights !

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