What are you reading (in Literary Fiction)?


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2016
Although the trend is to read more non-fiction when one grows older, I have always found good literary fiction to be more enlightening and teaching me more about the world than non-fiction.

But this is the age of fantastic non-fiction, we are spoilt for choices. As to fiction, I am finding it hard to get good recommendations.
Hope you can help....so here's a thread on "What are you reading (in Literary Fiction)?
A few I read over the last couple years and really liked -
1 - Lincoln In the bardo.
2 - A couple books by China Mieville - but I guess whatever you pick up from him it will be entertaining & weird atleast if not great :).
3 - The Seven deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle
4 - The Silent Patient - Alex Michaelides
5 - Thin Air - Michelle Paver - One of those rare psychological horror/horror books that was worth the read.

A few return reads -
Johannes Cabal & the Necromancer
From Hell - Alan Moore
Animal Farm

These are my top picks from last couple years. Right now I am reading a non-fiction

BONSAI - the art of growing & keeping miniature trees by CHAN.
I read these recently
1. The Master and Margarita - a classic of Russian literature by Mikhail Bulgakov. This has gotten me interested in other Russian authors. Recommendations welcome.
2. The Moon is Down - John Steinbeck - this was a reread and each time I read it, it continues to be immensely powerful in its quiet way.

My reading list is almost exclusively non-fiction but these gems creep in every now and then.
Good thread, thanks.
There were some threads on books a long time back.

Found these

Good thread, thanks.
There were some threads on books a long time back.

Found these

Thanks, I saw them, some good gems there; but wanted to start a new thread for purely (literary) fiction.

Am currently reading this astonishing collection of translated Urdu short stories: 1695008486174.png
Although the trend is to read more non-fiction when one grows older, I have always found good literary fiction to be more enlightening and teaching me more about the world than non-fiction.

But this is the age of fantastic non-fiction, we are spoilt for choices. As to fiction, I am finding it hard to get good recommendations.
Hope you can help....so here's a thread on "What are you reading (in Literary Fiction)?
I have started reading comics again 🤩.

Also reading the Tamil translation of the famous Henri charriere's Papillon. It had appeared as a weekly series in the Tamil weekly 'Kumudam'. I read it first ( kumudam binding) at the age of 11. Still it is one of my favourite books.


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