Which one should we believe?


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2007
Of -course nothing beats our own ears but would you believe a studio with the award winning mastering engineer's comments in his professional studio, or an objective test with results? (Also not really an apples to apples comparison as the models tested are different, but same company and same type - i.e; power conditioner).
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Of -course nothing beats our own ears but would you believe a studio with the award winning mastering engineer's comments in his professional studio, or an objective test with results? (Also not really an apples to apples comparison as the models tested are different, but same company and same type - i.e; power conditioner).
I use a PS audio power regenerator which also got a smacking at ASR :)
And same was discussed here too, and I also got a smacking for supporting the PS audio, even when I claimed its benefits as a user :D
So I decided to play safe....and I only talk and praise Topping these days :D

Okay...off to get my rain coat and helmet now :D
Reminds of this 1994 Stereophile Mag cover:
Of -course nothing beats our own ears but would you believe a studio with the award winning mastering engineer's comments in his professional studio, or an objective test with results? (Also not really an apples to apples comparison as the models tested are different, but same company and same type - i.e; power conditioner).
Just as a side note ...iam hearing very very nice things about Puritan power conditioners and their shielded power cables. Very reasonably priced. And they have almost become a main stay in all UK audio shows.
In his book regarding Room Acoustic & Loud Speakers writer Floyd E. Toole has mentioned various "double blind" tests involving speakers of different price range. The results were amazing.
I wonder why no one carries out this type of double blind tests when there's a contradictory opinion about some product.
The aural test results are so very subjective and varies so much person to person that it's difficult to generate a fixed opinion regarding some fixed subject matter.
Also Brand prejudice cannot be ignored 100%

Also Brand prejudice cannot be ignored 100%
Very valid point. I agree. However speaking for myself, I very rarely buy anything of higher value without listening to it myself regardless of brand (or if not audio - testing it myself) - there is a lot of underhand dealing in today's connected world - paid influencers etc. (you never know who is getting paid to say whatever). One has to be wary of everything - even so called objective tests with measurements and doubly so for subjective opinions. There is no one honest opinion that one can simply adhere to and go ahead. Sad state of affairs - but it is what it is - the new reality.
In my setup adding any kind of power conditioners or surge protector etc destroyed my sound stage. Imo, if you are getting inclined towards any of these kind of products then there are serious flaws in your setup.
Of -course nothing beats our own ears but would you believe a studio with the award winning mastering engineer's comments in his professional studio, or an objective test with results? (Also not really an apples to apples comparison as the models tested are different, but same company and same type - i.e; power conditioner).
I have recently gone through this trail when deciding a good power conditioner cum surge protector. After going through this dilemma, I am leaning towards the objective, measurement side.

Unlike an amplifier or DAC, a power conditioner has simple function. One of them being, filtering out EMI and RF. Some say that good electronics already have an filters in their power supply section. And most of these power conditioners don‘t help much.

I have come across a device called Greenwave Line EMI meter which measures the level of noise when plugged directly into a power socket. There are few test videos online. And few low-end power conditioners made little or no difference. One high-end product did reduce the noise to acceptable level.

This is a more objective approach.
In my setup adding any kind of power conditioners or surge protector etc destroyed my sound stage. Imo, if you are getting inclined towards any of these kind of products then there are serious flaws in your setup.
A power surge can cause catastrophic damage to expensive equipment. Power fluctuations and erratic power supply can harm the electronics in the long-term. There are unpleasant events that few members have the misfortune of experiencing. So, I would rather prioritise on protecting my equipment than concerning with the soundstage or other aspects. (although, I’m not sure if these devices actually deteriorate the sound signature).

On the other hand EMI and RF filters aren‘t my priority. I could live with some level of noise. Most of the electronics already have decent filters.
A power surge can cause catastrophic damage to expensive equipment. Power fluctuations and erratic power supply can harm the electronics in the long-term. There are unpleasant events that few members have the misfortune of experiencing. So, I would rather prioritise on protecting my equipment than concerning with the soundstage or other aspects. (although, I’m not sure if these devices actually deteriorate the sound signature).

On the other hand EMI and RF filters aren‘t my priority. I could live with some level of noise. Most of the electronics already have decent filters.
Where I live don't face any erratic power surges and not yet damaged any product due to this atleast past 40+ years. So I don't know what you are taking about .
I use a PS audio power regenerator which also got a smacking at ASR :)
And same was discussed here too, and I also got a smacking for supporting the PS audio, even when I claimed its benefits as a user :D
So I decided to play safe....and I only talk and praise Topping these days :D

Okay...off to get my rain coat and helmet now :D
Yeah i remember reading that topic was epic, i own a Power Conditioner & few high end power cables but i don't talk about them here as few members will think i work for that company:rolleyes:

In my system, i hear the difference but again i don't sit down & measure audio with devices as i only use my ears.
Each to their own.
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