Youtube Streaming

Quite possible. Tidal’s strategy is based on sound quality while YT’s on abundant, almost infinite content. Does Tidal source bootleg recordings? I doubt. They’d be limited to the HQ content they get from the labels. YT on the other hand is an ocean… not for the audiophile, but for die-hard music fans, cognoscenti and connoisseurs. Especially if you wanted to deep dive into a genre, YT is the best platform. I keep discovering Hindustani classical concerts, festivals, performances, even artists all the time with the vast user-uploaded content on YT. Much much beyond what I could find on any of the other platforms including Tidal, Spotify and AM (who most have identical content).

When it comes to live performance recordings, I am able to accept the recording defects as artefacts as they are mostly done by laypersons or semi-professionals. It’s like the make-do cutlery doesn’t impact my dining on lip-smacking food at a dhaba or rare delicacies at a household. 😊

There’s also the feel-good factor that YouTube has done a lot lot more for lesser-known and budding artists by providing them platform for indie stuff than all the other streaming platforms put together. The other I can think of are SoundCloud and Bandcamp.

There are some other incidental benefits of YT such as very rich information on artist background, the performance and music itself especially when we go deeper into any genre. Some of those guys commenting are ace-listeners, amateur performers, archivists, critics that can make your appreciation richer, as well as point you to more content you’d like (unlike what the best of AI engines can)
Akin to this forum one might say 🙂

More often than not, i find myself listening through YT for the very reason that you elucidated - No other platform has as much music content as YT - and the often potato quality uploads take little away in the form of enjoyment. 😊
This crazily good album is not available anywhere. Thanks to you tube , we get a chance to hear what Guthrie is capable of unleashing in a jazzier setting.
I had never heard Jimmy Herring before. It was an eye opener.A Classic interpretation of a classic.
Came across the video of this old well known song from 1967 film Naunihal.
One of a kind backdrop. That of Jawharlal Nehru's funeral through the song

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