PS Audio AN-1


Staff member
Dec 8, 2007
Paul McGowan of PS Audio posted an interesting note on his blog on their Arnie Nudell inspired loudspeakers.

"... for those interested in the continuing development of our upcoming line of Arnie Nudell inspired loudspeakers, I am including this cool mockup of the AN-1, our top of the line replacement for the Infinity IRSV in Music Room One. This bad boy has the same six 12″ servo-controlled woofers as the IRS only these will be built in (3 per side with slots in the wood trim panels). At 7 feet tall they are almost the same height as the IRSV but far slimmer and easier to fit into a home. The driver complement has five 10″ tall folded ribbon AMT midranges, sixteen 1″ ribbon tweeters, and two 8″ servo-controlled midbass couplers on the front. Two more AMT midranges, four tweeters, and another 8″ midbass coupler grace the rear. Internally there are over 4,000 watts of woofer and midbass amplifiers to get the lower end right. If all goes as expected the speaker will be quite efficient with (hopefully) 95dB sensitivity, meaning you can drive this beauty with just about anything from a 20-watt tube amp to a 300-watt BHK monoblock.

No pricing or availability yet, just a sneak peek. There will also be two smaller models in the line. The AN-3 will be the entry-level model and the AN-2 what most will aspire to own."


Link to a 3D animation concept here

Paul McGowan of PS Audio posted an interesting note on his blog on their Arnie Nudell inspired loudspeakers.

"... for those interested in the continuing development of our upcoming line of Arnie Nudell inspired loudspeakers, I am including this cool mockup of the AN-1, our top of the line replacement for the Infinity IRSV in Music Room One. This bad boy has the same six 12″ servo-controlled woofers as the IRS only these will be built in (3 per side with slots in the wood trim panels). At 7 feet tall they are almost the same height as the IRSV but far slimmer and easier to fit into a home. The driver complement has five 10″ tall folded ribbon AMT midranges, sixteen 1″ ribbon tweeters, and two 8″ servo-controlled midbass couplers on the front. Two more AMT midranges, four tweeters, and another 8″ midbass coupler grace the rear. Internally there are over 4,000 watts of woofer and midbass amplifiers to get the lower end right. If all goes as expected the speaker will be quite efficient with (hopefully) 95dB sensitivity, meaning you can drive this beauty with just about anything from a 20-watt tube amp to a 300-watt BHK monoblock.

No pricing or availability yet, just a sneak peek. There will also be two smaller models in the line. The AN-3 will be the entry-level model and the AN-2 what most will aspire to own."


Link to a 3D animation concept here


Let's play a guessing game on the pricing!
I think the original IRS - V retailed for over $50K. The ANs are supposed to be affordable alternatives that provide a comparable sound. So I'm guessing they would retail at around 30K, which may be well within the budgets of some elite Indian buyers! Hope to hear one some day.
I have had the pleasure of listening to the IRS, a truly ambitious speaker. I am sure this one will be of the same creed. When it comes to this level of engineering, price is usually not a consideration.
I once heard Paul talking about this on his youtube channel. This design will encompass all that Arnie Nudell has ever stood for. Interesting design with servo controlled subs.

I think they will showcase it in RMAF 2019
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.