Hello Everyone....


New Member
Jan 28, 2009
Hi Everyone! I am Gautam, based in Mumbai an aviator by profession. I have been reading the forums on the site but never thought to register ... better late than never :). Ardent music fan as most of the folks in the forum. I do get to visit some countries... do let me know if you want me to check out something say in singapore/dubai... I will try and follow it up for all of us.

My music setup is as follows.
SACD Maranz SA11 S2
Yahama Power Amp MX1
Custom Made Speakers (4 way, forgot most of the details).
(Also I am not using Preamp for my existing set up.)
Vandul Hul Interconnects D102 III and Speaker Cables.

Hope to stay in touch with the forum :)
Hi Gautam,

Welcome. Aviator meaning are you working/based with any airlines and if so which one?

What kind of music do you listen to? Mainly pop, rock, ballads and pretty much the mainstream stuff myself.
1. The MX1 have Input Level Control, meant to be used with Preamp CM1/CM2. However, I found sound superior when i bypassed the middle man. The payoff was that I had to do away with the tone controls.

2. Most of my genre is in and around blues, southern-rock RnB. I do dwell upon pop, jazz and rock. Do you happen to be in and around mumbai ...?
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