How to add microphone to AVR


Active Member
Aug 13, 2009
My friend has a Yamaha HTR 5630 AVR and it does not have any microphone point to connect.
Now he wants to add a microphone to AVR ...can any budy let me know where can i add a microphone to above AVR??
I have M-Audio Fast Track Pro thru which i connect Mic to my PC and i use to record songs... You can try that if u've a budget..


How much did u pay for this? is this available in india/NCR?
and will it be working fine if i connect AVR as it(avr) has RCA inputs?
How much did u pay for this? is this available in india/NCR?
and will it be working fine if i connect AVR as it(avr) has RCA inputs?

I got it from US thru one of my friend. It was for 4K.... You can get it at Nehru Place but price is i guess around 8-9K.

Whats your purpose ? I use it coz i needed to connect Mic to record songs..
It's a USB Audio Interface and it has external power supply too but i never tried to connect it directly to AVR. Will try that...

My friend has Yamaha HTR 5630 AVR ...and he wants to add mic to AVR for amplification of sound.

Whatsound ?

what's the exact purpose.. be specific so that we can help you out.. Amplication of sound doesn't make any sense untill n unless it's clear what sound..
He is basically a singer..........will now make sense?

Yeps.. For recording instruments or voice he needs an external or PCI Audio Interface. M-Audio has some nice devices for this purpose. Ask him to get one and he can use Cubase (editing and recording software) for recording songs.. Pro Tools is another software which is widely used in Music Industry but that's expensive plus you can't get it thru torrent whereas Cubase is easily available.. For voice recording Condenser Mics are used though active mics can also do the job but you wont get the quality.. I have Behringer Mic with me..

For connection he can directly connect his interface to computer thru USB (in case it's an external interface) and output can be connected to AVR. I have done the connections same way..

Forgot to mention one thing.. USB M-Audio also has Phantom Power option which is needed to power Condenser Mics.. :) So thats also a point to remember while purchasing Audio Interface and Mic..

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