Mixing active and passive speakers?


New Member
Jun 19, 2011

I've got 2 Cerwin vega active CVA-28's and 1 CVA-118. They are currently running through a Stanton M.212 mixer. That's how I'm getting my music from the PC/iPod to the speakers. It's crude but it works.

I also have a set of cerwin vega XLS-215's running off a DENON DN-A7100 with a dedicated 2800W amp.

On there own they are both excellent but it has ocurred to me that combining them would be an interesting idea. From what I've read as long as they are on separate outputs there shouldn't be any feedback otherwise depending on where things are placed in the chain I'll end up with noise?

Looking for help to trouble shoot this. Any ideas.
Well, its been a while since your post & I guess you must have tried using them together by now.

I am assuming that you want to use your XLS-215's with the same input signal as the CVA-28's. generally speaking, it is almost always a bad idea to stack together any two different models of speakers (especially yours since they are so different - active & passive). This is because they will have quite different phase responses, so while their output may add up at most frequencies, there are bound to be some cancellations due to phase. Also, there may be some comb filtering at high frequencies.
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