my first 3way Peerless loudspeaker....

Thanks Kapvin/all will try and come back...I am currently following this link "h t t p s://" for this project, however I may need help on designing cross over...

Thanks tcpip for your valuable observations on speaker diy-ers. As I'm also interested in becoming one, this is indeed a great post, as far as I'm concerned.
I don't have measuring jigs & s/w; but on the lookout for someone who can help me in this regard (in and around Chennai).

I will elaborate on the details of speaker designing as I see it, having two and a half projects under my belt now.

  • Driver choice is 10% of the job. You need to have reasons why you chose the three drivers you did. How do they fit into the overall goal of your speakers? For an example of such goal setting, see this page which discusses another 3-way design
  • Enclosure design, and construction details, contribute 40% to the speaker's performance. By "enclosure design", I do not refer to box modelling -- that part is 5%, whereas construction details are 35%. By construction details, I mean only one thing: how will you build an enclosure which does not radiate any sound from the panels and front baffle, and which does not add distortion due to reflections of the driver's rear wave? I kid thee not, I really believe that a full one-third of the performance of a finished speaker depends on just construction details of the enclosure. A speaker enclosure is not a simple rectangular box.
  • Crossover design accounts for 50% of the performance of the speaker. To do crossover design, you need to take SPL and impedance measurements of the drivers in the enclosure, you need the hardware and software setup to do MLS measurements, and then you need to design the crossover using xo modelling software (which is available free for passive crossovers -- Speaker Workshop). You need to know what is nearfield measurements (needed for 3-way and above) and you need to know what is gated farfield or MLS measurements.

Unless you are prepared for this, build a kit. It will give you excellent performance, because someone else has done the designing for you. And pour your heart into meticulous construction and finishing of the exterior -- you will be proud of it. Today, a full kit of 2-way speakers and 2-way MTM speakers is available from -- these kits use imported Dayton Audio drivers and will probably be a hundred times more accurate than anything built using stock crossovers.

Try as I might, I cannot understand how DIY builders in India, living in this Internet era, browsing all these info-filled forums, knowing all about these requirements (which I have listed above) still pour their money into building speakers with unknown drivers and stock crossovers.

I really wish I knew how to make my message softer, more polite, but I don't. As you can guess, I have very few friends. :(
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