Rega in India

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Hi ,
Eveybody waits. I have made at least 20 calls to them, With lot of efforts I could extract their price list. They asured some stock up to model P5 till mid Nov. :yahoo: Dare believe that ?:mad:
Hi Pune Members, Has anyone been able to reach Lifestyle Audio Video in Pune, all attempts over phone and email have failed. I am looking for a Rega Brio R amp. Can anyone give me their contact no (that one that works :))
Those guys no longer represent Rega (which is a good thing, considering their level of interest in selling Rega kit).

I'm given to understand that there will be represenation for Rega in India within 3 weeks to a month: Folks who are interested in music and in having people buy Rega kit. I'm pretty sure that the Brio R will be available soon.
Those guys no longer represent Rega (which is a good thing, considering their level of interest in selling Rega kit).

I'm given to understand that there will be represenation for Rega in India within 3 weeks to a month: Folks who are interested in music and in having people buy Rega kit. I'm pretty sure that the Brio R will be available soon.

wondering what will be estimated pricebracket, in anycase do keeeposted

btw I see that you have Rega Dac. How does it compare with Xonar STX dac? I read from specs that USB of Rega DAC does not support 24 bit audio sources. Is that the only reason you have both?
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I'm given to understand that the prices will be very reasonable. This is second-hand info, but I trust my source :)

I'm not completely sure, but I think an official announcement is due any day. I will know as soon as it happens, and I will post about it here.

The Rega DAC is head and shoulders above the Xonar's Analog outs in terms of tonality and presentation of music. In my system, the Rega is not at all bright (The Xonar is is bit more detailed than I'd like it to be). The highs from the Rega are very smooth. The Rega throws a noticeably deeper and more defined soundstage. Overall, the sound feels very relaxed and mellow, yet has very nice pace. Vocals also feel full bodied and not thin (the STX sounds a bit thin in the vocals department to me).

I still have the STX, and I use its digital coaxial out to feed the Rega. This is a matter of debate, but I prefer to use the STX's coaxial-out to my Motherboard's optical-out.

Yup, the Rega does not support anything above 16/44.1 and 16/48 over USB. But via Coaxial or Optical, it supports upto 24/192.

I love my Rega DAC :)
thanks hydra, how much did it cost you and from where did you purchase it? One other thing out of topic, can you comment on whether the rega brio r will be underpowered for ms aviano 6 floorstands?
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