Replacement Cartridges


New Member
Feb 5, 2010
Hi All

Any help with getting replacement cartridges for an old turntable would be much appreciated (Where to look, how much to budget etc.).

The cartridge being replaced is an Ortofon F15 C. I find that at higher volumes, using the current cartridge, there i significant sibilance and lack of depth, even while playing new records.



PS: where can I get some basic anti-static equipment?
Hi Entsurgeon,

Thanks for the interest.

Yes any suitable cart will do.

The TT is a Visonik CEC 5200 from the early 1980's. Apparently, this is one of those TT models that got rebadged and sold under different brands a lot. So let's say generic TT.

Cart attachment is not proprietary, but by way of standard 2 screws on top.
Looking for a good replacement cart, definitely a cheap one and preferably a more modern cart for which I shouldn't struggle too hard to find new styli.

3 years back when i was not on forum, i had trouble locating mm carts classic 700 or 1400 etc. for my philips 242. i however managed to get the stylus for its ceramic cart then. i sourced it from 'champion rubber' lamington road. that guy had more than 10 types of stylus with him but had only a single piece of the kind i d use. he sold it to me for inr 25 and if he had had more pieces, i d definitely have picked em up from him.
i was referred to this shop by a gentleman who repairs tts and has a big @150 sq ft shop bang on lamington road, not far from dn nagar police station. none of the phone numbers are with me but i know a forum member whose office is within 5 minutes of that place.
take one whole day s time in hand and hit the (lamington) road. u might find something i failed to.
that said, i now use expensive (5-7k)stuffs from ortofon and shure. audio technica at91 was quoted at @1.5k by the chennai guy. i think days of cheap styli are over. sigh.
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