Suggestion for neckband headsets


New Member
Sep 15, 2009
As I want to enjoy music during office hours, I am looking for a good quality neckband headsets for music which I can hook to my Sony Stereo Bluetooth Headset HBH-DS200. It has a 3.5 mm jack and is currently paired to my Nokia 5800 mobile.
Eventhough, my DS200 comes with a default Earphones, I started feeling uncomfortable using it even beyond shorter duration when others can hear for a longer duration without any pain. Since I am unable to enjoy music at less / moderate volumes, I tend to increase the volume unconsciously which increases the risk of hearing loss.​
So I prefer something like a regular headphone that will rest on the exterior of the ear rather sitting inside and damage my hearing. At the same time a regular headphone will be too bulk and attract others attention in my work place. So I prefer a neckband headsets which will be atleast partially hidden when in use.​
My requirements for neckband headsets are as follows,
  • Budget around 1K to 2K
  • noice cancellation
  • prefer a foldable mic to make my phone, handsfree when I drive
  • Would like closed ear (less bulky)
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