Croft integrated - 3 tubes vs 2 tubes?


Active Member
Jan 22, 2008
I live in USA and know the dealer who sells Croft here.

For many years though he offered me sweet deals I somehow did not buy a Croft.

I have been through like 9 amps in the last 7 years (rega, naim, simaudio, exposure, musical fidelity etc) !!!

Croft was on my list to try out - likewise Bryston b60, Cary Rockett 808, Audio Note IZero etc.

I used to communicate with Glenn Croft regarding some tech specs etc - he was very kind and patient with sharing the information.

Somewhere last year end when I finally decided to buy a Croft and wrote to Glenn Croft I did not get any response.

It was only after a few more weeks I heard from the dealer that Glenn Croft had passed away.

By that time there were no more new pieces of Croft integrated to be found.

But I finally found one in some shop in Canada - some rich guy who bought it earlier now wanted to dispose of it (I have been lucky in similar deals like this earlier).

But this one apparently has like 3 tubes in it.

I read somewhere that there were models with 2 tubes in them as well.

Am I mistaken about Croft integrated with 2 tubes - or if true how was it different from the 3 tubes one?

Appreciate the feedback.
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