Adherence to forum rules

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Staff member
Oct 18, 2009
Mumbai/ Hyderabad
I've recently accepted the responsibility to moderate our esteemed forum. I've noticed that quite a few times, members flout forum rules. I've made a list of Do's and Dont's based on our forum rules. Those rules that have been flouted often are marked in red.


  • Be Polite.
  • Contribute and/or add value to the topics.
  • Use only English language for posts, titles, signatures and attachments etc.
  • Search before posting on topics.
    [*]Create threads with accurate titles and in relevant sub forum.


  • Don't be unpleasant or disruptive.
    [*]Don't post irrelevant content not related to the topic.
    [*]Don't make sarcastic comments and/or snide remarks.
    [*]Don't cause derailment or disruption of discussion.
  • Don't base decisions solely on comments, information or claims made by any member(s)
  • Don't make accusations in posts or PMs about any retailer/manufacturer/distributor/dealer or individual member without submitting proof.
  • Don't make personal attacks on any member.
  • Don't post trolls.
  • Don't request for deletion of account/thread/post.
  • Don't SPAM/ solicit/ suggest your products and/or services to any other member directly or indirectly in any way whatsoever.
  • Don't share your account login with anyone.
  • Don't post text in ALL UPPER CASE.
  • Don't use txt speak.
  • Don't bump threads.
  • Don't use Signature Spam.
  • Don't use your username/signature/post/thread to promote your business, website, products/ services or link to a competing site or an alternative to
  • Don't post commission, referral or affiliate links.
  • Don't cross-Post.
  • Don't post words or URLs that are censored by adding spaces, dots, or substituting characters to defeat any censors put in place.
  • Don't link to sites or images containing pornography and violence.
  • Don't recommend, praise, or belittle other products or services, or any company; without first hand experience of those products or services.
  • Don't discuss/ solicit exchange or sharing/ renting/ using firmware/hacks/torrents/seeding, etc of illegal and/or copyright material.
  • Don't discuss modifying firmware of a usable product for subverting the original use of that product.
  • Don't start "Interest Check" threads.
  • Don't make posts that encourage illegal intent.

I hope that this would help members who would do well to adhere to the forum rules. Kindly refer to the 'Forum Rules' link for elaboration on the rules.
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+1 to this.
Also do let users report such violations to the moderators in which case the offending post should be deleted by a moderator with a warning given to the owner of the post.
i hope this implies to all and not just the general crowd....

also please explain : " Don't discuss modifying firmware of a usable product for subverting the original use of that product."
if something can be modded to be something better .. why not ??
The rules have been framed after due diligence and are not subject to scrutiny, deliberation or discussion. To continue as a member, one is expected to follow the forum rules scrupulously.

i hope this implies to all and not just the general crowd....

Please don't make oblique references. Could you elaborate?
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Congratulations! Captain. Wish you all the best for the new role.

Just a question -
Don't discuss modifying firmware of a usable product for subverting the original use of that product.

Does this mean we can't discuss about hacking BDP to make it region free?
Congratulations! Captain. Wish you all the best for the new role.

Just a question -

Does this mean we can't discuss about hacking BDP to make it region free?

going by the rules.. that's what it means.. no modding of Ipod or sansa or rockbox or no BDP mod....

Please don't make oblique references. Could you elaborate?

taking this point "Don't request for deletion of account/thread/post."
a forum is what it is because of the people and due to just a bunch of people. so we cannot request for deletion of thread or post then why is that mods go ahead and delete the post/threads. things vanish overnight. i see a thread and it no longer exists withing 10 minutes. yes mods do have a duty to fulfill but does that mean that we people have no rights to know of what and how and when ?

as per the mods opinion if something was not right then the posts were deleted or warning was given by mods. since when this trend of threads disappearing started ??

i have been here for good 5 years... that's not how HFV was...

Please elaborate....i am curious to know.
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going by the rules.. that's what it means.. no modding of Ipod or sansa or rockbox or no BDP mod....
Even if the modification makes no impact on warranty or is forbidden by the OEM?
Why should the forum object to such mods when the company's themselves do not?

<>The rules have been framed after due diligence and are not subject to scrutiny, deliberation or discussion. </>
And while I completely understand the efforts that go into framing rules and the headache of managing a forum, blind acquiesce is not justified. While this isn't a democracy but its no dictatorship either moderator, is it? I guess the aim of this forum is to have healthy discussion around music etc. Asking for a clarification hardly impedes in the managing of HFV.
I haven't been a part of this forum for as long as theironhorse but I think the moderators can give an ear to most of us, if not all.
After all with great power comes great responsibility.
If some posts are deleted, the members in question are generally warned. There are several happenings of which, members are not privy to. It is not possible to inform all that is happening in the open forum.

If you have anything specific to discuss, use the PM route to contact any of the mods. Please do not detail this thread further.
Even if the modification makes no impact on warranty or is forbidden by the OEM?
Why should the forum object to such mods when the company's themselves do not?

<>The rules have been framed after due diligence and are not subject to scrutiny, deliberation or discussion. </>
And while I completely understand the efforts that go into framing rules and the headache of managing a forum, blind acquiesce is not justified. While this isn't a democracy but its no dictatorship either moderator, is it? I guess the aim of this forum is to have healthy discussion around music etc. Asking for a clarification hardly impedes in the managing of HFV.
I haven't been a part of this forum for as long as theironhorse but I think the moderators can give an ear to most of us, if not all.
After all with great power comes great responsibility.

thats the whole issue..

If some posts are deleted, the members in question are generally warned. There are several happenings of which, members are not privy to. It is not possible to inform all that is happening in the open forum.

If you have anything specific to discuss, use the PM route to contact any of the mods. Please do not detail this thread further.

i sure will...

If some posts are deleted, the members in question are generally warned. There are several happenings of which, members are not privy to. It is not possible to inform all that is happening in the open forum.

If you have anything specific to discuss, use the PM route to contact any of the mods. Please do not detail this thread further.

i have sent a PM. awaiting response.
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Welcome to the new role captain sir. :)
Logging in after a long time and seems like lot of changes have happened.
Good luck on your new role.

Please make this thread sticky so it stays at top.
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One doubt, if discussing mods is prohibited I think DIY forum might be hampered along with the turntable forums which are full of mods in existing OEM products and contributes to some of the rich DIY knowledge experiences this forum has. Even I remember someone discussing adding bose cube speakers to existing amplifier, will that also come under prohibition?

Is that a correct understanding? Definitely I will abide by them, but just thought of confirming.
Just to clarify Forum Rule # 24 states:

We do not encourage any discussion related to in any way whatsoever of hacking and/or modifying firmware of a usable product with the intention of subverting the original use of that product in a particular region/country.

It does not prohibit any discussion to further enhance the performance/quality of a product by hacking or modifying its firmware within the intended purpose of the functioning of that product.

I hope this is made clear. Thread is now closed!
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