apple music - how to start where you left


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2011
I'm having tremendous difficulty in understanding how to use apple music having a long playlist. Suppose there are 50 songs in a playlist. I start playing the song. After sometimes it gets difficult to find in the playlist which song is playing. So what I do is click on the ... and click on 'go to current song' and that seems to do nothing. Ultimately what I do is to scan the entire playlist searching for the icon which has wave animation. That too is not visible easily. But this is not impossible. With a bit of effort involving the eyes, one can locate the song.

The biggest problem is when you quit apple music. When you again click on apple music, you have to remember which song you were playing last, search for that song and click on it. But the ridiculous thing is that the song starts from the beginning. Is it possible to pause a song in the middle, shutdown the computer and when you restart and reopen apple music, apple music remembers which song you were playing, which playlist and starts from there? The other big problem is that the playlist doesn't have serial numbers. So the missing numbers make it even more difficult to locate the song.


On linux what I use mpd and any mpd client remembers exactly the song that was last played and at which position I left and presents me with a playlist with the song position exactly where I had stopped last time. It doesn't matter if I use my laptop, my android tablet or my old ipad2 or ipod touch. The moment you hit the play button it starts from where I had left last time. Is this possible with apple music. Also playlists always show the serial number in the order the songs will be played, making it very easy to jump around. Would appreciate to know how to do all this.
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