Apple music vs Spotify??


Did the chain allow Apple Music lossless (ALAC). Or were you listening to it in AAC (compressed)?
Sorry for missing out this micro detail.

Amazon Music was played through Wiim Pro Amazon Music Native app
Spotify and Apple music were played though cast/airplay. I will let @MaSh to confirm.

Some Songs we compared were back to back with interval of 4-5 sec.
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Spotify and Apple music were played though cast/airplay.
In that case AM will sound only better if you can AirPlay ALAC. You’d need either a MacBook (universal setting) or AirPort Express (if AirPlaying from handheld device). I find a significant difference between the sound when I AirPlay from the iPhone directly to my CXN streamer (in which case it is AAC ie lossy) and through the AirPort Express (ALAC, i.e. lossless).

Thanks I didn't even know this existed. Downloaded the android app now to try it out. Concerned by the poor ratings of 3.4 for the app though
The rating is 3.9 on the App Store… which also is far below the 4.7 for the main Apple Music app. May be the additional complexity in the Classical app feels cumbersome to most except the diehard classical fans who would find the same valuable.
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I generally listen to spotify through airplay. Have taken subscription of Apple Music but thinking to discontinue & stick with spotify. Have compared atleast 10-12 songs on spotify vis a vis AM. Spotify has better clarity & layers and layers of music with details whereas AM sounded too boomy & bassy.

Also can someone please explain the rationale behind using Wiim devices? What difference does it make in SQ in comparison to Airplay? I haven’t figured it out yet although I am not using any Wiim devices.
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