Boulder 866 vs Nagra INT : my take


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2016
On a recent visit to Audio Lounge Mumbai, I was able to compare these two integrated amps.

I was able to do it in the same system with identical source, speakers and room, so about as accurate a comparison as possible in our hifi world.

tl;dr: I preferred the Nagra Int by a mile.

Nagra had denser, more musical, more realistic sound. The boulder was cleaner and crisper, but the Nagra had more soul.
Both had audiophile attributes of detail, soundstage etc. The boulder perhaps dug deeper in the lower octaves, but only by a hair.

Anyways, just thought I would put it out there. Such comparisons have helped me when I was shopping for amplifiers, so thought I would pay it forward.
On a recent visit to Audio Lounge Mumbai, I was able to compare these two integrated amps.

I was able to do it in the same system with identical source, speakers and room, so about as accurate a comparison as possible in our hifi world.

tl;dr: I preferred the Nagra Int by a mile.

Nagra had denser, more musical, more realistic sound. The boulder was cleaner and crisper, but the Nagra had more soul.
Both had audiophile attributes of detail, soundstage etc. The boulder perhaps dug deeper in the lower octaves, but only by a hair.

Anyways, just thought I would put it out there. Such comparisons have helped me when I was shopping for amplifiers, so thought I would pay it forward.
Yes @essrand the Nagra INT is a great SS amp. To me, it beats their own tube 300i
I was looking through my listening notes, and came across yet another compare of Boulder vs Nagra. This time it was Boulder 1160 vs Nagra Classic.
"Amazing amp, every thing people say about Boulder being thin is BS.
It’s amazing, beats Nagra classic in everything, but has a bit more ss harshness in Rokia Traore vocals, but just slight not unbearable thanks to Nagra classic pre and hd dac (which were the source and pre for the compare).
Fantastic in strings (Kayhan and al haj) but not as good as Nagra 300i.
Beats every amp in Charles Mingus sophisticated lady (a double bass instrumental song)."

tl;dr: Boulder 1160 beat the Nagra Classic (SS amp) in every way. But it seems the Nagra 300i held its own (a bit).
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