low balling by forum members after confirmation

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This thread has been Chartbuster and on top of the listing in last 24 hours. I am still enjoying every posting. Many many thanks to FMs contributing and making the thread successful. I am sincerely requesting the Mod to keep it open till Monday. Pls let me enjoy the weekend.
Based on that implicit trust , I (it could have been anybody ) had in a blind requested to block the item only to find, after some net research , and that too within 12 hours , that price quoted was quite inappropriately high.

Let's suppose your research had led you to conclude that the price was reasonable. However, the seller had sold to someone else in the meantime. Would you consider it a breach of trust on his/her part?
I have experienced similar way while selling on olx. Price once confirmed on phone, I usually send a message of final deal to the buyer. Still after demo, they will ask further reduction. On 2 occasions , I refused to sell as price can't go much down. I just relisted it and got my price from genuine buyer. Yes sometimes marginal reduction also done which was justified price and in good will :).
aaree chhodo na yaaro. No hurry for audio stuff :p. Better things come if one waits. And what even if it does not come ?/!. I have been waiting for 401 since long to remember while I patiently listen to my music.

Just 5 minutes of deligence saves trouble. Next time be precise and careful.
best wishes
@krell if I remember correctly, this happened to you earlier too when I had offered to buy some equipment, you said you had reserved it to someone who's low balling after committing to buy and paying you advance but you still were committed to sell to him.

There are all kinds of people are in the World and no, they don't think alike. Each has a different perspective and neither can make the other agree to his/ her point. And, lot can happen between cup and the lip.

From my experience on the forum and outside; save yourself some heart burn and don't mark an item reserved or sold unless you receive the full amount or unless you know the member personally. Period.
@krell if I remember correctly, this happened to you earlier too when I had offered to buy some equipment, you said you had reserved it to someone who's low balling after committing to buy and paying you advance but you still were committed to sell to him.

There are all kinds of people are in the World and no, they don't think alike. Each has a different perspective and neither can make the other agree to his/ her point. And, lot can happen between cup and the lip.

From my experience on the forum and outside; save yourself some heart burn and don't mark an item reserved or sold unless you receive the full amount. Period.
Thanks ji,i will do the same in future.
Even ebay has option of retracting the offer and later can lowball the offer.
After the bid is closed? I don’t think so:

In forum sales though, as it isn’t an auction, the moment you agree to buy, the price should be deemed as accepted and final.

and now unnecessary suggestions and opinions from FM may change the purpose of thread..........
Nothing wrong in generalising to draw lessons that could be applied on the forum. That’s systemic learning.
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You can retract your offer on eBay after bid is closed. Sometimes you might have a genuine reason for taking back the offer. In such a case it goes to the 2nd highest bidder. You cannot bid on it again and make a lower offer.
You can retract your offer on eBay after bid is closed. Sometimes you might have a genuine reason for taking back the offer. In such a case it goes to the 2nd highest bidder. You cannot bid on it again and make a lower offer.

Quoting from the link:

As well as the above, timing is also important when retracting a bid:
  • If there are 12 hours or more left before the listing ends, all of your bids can be retracted
  • If the listing is ending in less than 12 hours, you can retract your most recent bid if it's been less than an hour since you placed it
Any other bids can't be retracted, but you can still contact the seller to see if they'll agree to cancel a bid for you. Remember, the seller isn’t obligated to cancel the bid so they may not agree.

So it’s upto the seller’s discretion once the listing has ended. If seller doesn’t agree, the deal has to go through or you’d face repercussions.
I have retracted bids based on above terms only. Once or twice I have requested the seller to cancel my bid. Normally these sellers are accommodative if your rating is good.

About 2 years back I had purchased Lamm mono blocs on eBay. Even paid a small advance and requested a week to pay the balance. Then I realised it would be impossible to get them to Mumbai since it was used electronics. I explained the problem to the seller. He understood and even refunded the advance.
I have experienced similar way while selling on olx. Price once confirmed on phone, I usually send a message of final deal to the buyer. Still after demo, they will ask further reduction. On 2 occasions , I refused to sell as price can't go much down. I just relisted it and got my price from genuine buyer. Yes sometimes marginal reduction also done which was justified price and in good will :).
Here an example ,,,, about an HFV reputed member in Chennai, who committed to buy an item from me and will pickup after a month since he was in tour ( note : advt posted in HFV,) later he visited my house to pickup and started bargaining... I just lost my patience but maintained cool, since already closed the thread, accepted a little bit reduction in price and sold. Still it is worth for the No Warranty Goods...

Don't loose patience, if it is agreeable go-ahead or leave it, you have so many work to do in day to day life..
Let's suppose your research had led you to conclude that the price was reasonable. However, the seller had sold to someone else in the meantime. Would you consider it a breach of trust on his/her part?
I had many instances where the sellers had agreed a price to me and then asked me more as the he got a higher offer from someone else but I had asked him first As long as my money isn't out of my bank, I won't bother. End of the day it's his stuff and what he says is the price. If it fits me, I get it. If I think its too high, I would choose to ignore it.
That's never been in question. The issue is when you've agreed on something and then renege on the price (either side). You find it okay. I don't. It affects my trust in that person. Different strokes for different folks.
Yeah agreeing on a price and then renegotiating is irritating for me too. All I wanted to say is, its normal to expect such things.
It's a part and parcel of life. But wouldn't life be better without it? Otherwise, laws would not have been made upon to avoid such occurrences, right? It was the collective will of society which culminated in the conduct for such transactions being codified.

Again, i reiterate that the responsibility rests equally on both buyer and seller - the seller must be forthcoming about the condition of their equipment (whether they are charging an exorbitant amount much higher than the market rate is entirely their discretion since how much one values an item is entirely subjective. The buyer should do his due diligence before making an offer) whereas the buyer, once he's been informed about the condition and agrees upon the price, should follow through.
Things happen, last june/July after lockdown had started to open up, I saw a for sale add for a budget stereo amplifier on Hifivision forums.
Went ahead and struck a deal with the seller. Seller was local (about 2 hours of drive) so a time and date was scheduled for pickup for a later date.

I duly informed the seller before leaving and approx half way into the journey got a msg,

"unit is non-functional, have to show to my tech guy, please don't come"

Well I obviously returned but I could have taken this statement in one of 2 ways.
1) he wasted my time, he should have checked earlier.
2) oh! Thank good he saved atleast some of my time.
And ofcourse there is that possibility too that he got a slightly better offer in the last moment and ditched me altogether.

Whatever it is, don't stress, whatever happens is in ur best interest, if u can't see it now you probably will later, that's my motto.
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only point that comes out from this thread and that makes me wonder is why people put something on sale without checking whether the product is even working. This is completely wrong imo. I would never buy anything from someone who still have to get the product checked after putting something on sale. these guys would be 99% dealers. If he has time to get the photographs of product, he should be able to check its working also. Or better modify the rule to include working condition also in the label with photograph.
unit is non-functional, have to show to my tech guy, please don't come"
I usually share video to buyer before Demo. So I am also assured that unit is working perfectly since it may not be in my regular use. Buyers from Delhi ,Nagpur came to Mumbai and picked stuffs from me. I always make sure that their visit do not go in vain. Still cant say with digital /Electronic products, they can fail sometimes with no reasons.
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