Power plant PS AUDIO

And may i have the pleasure to remind my moot point - this thread is not about the individuals experience/taste/likes/dislikes . One is not challenging the ownership or choice of this device at the individual end.

its about the accountability of manufacturers and health of this hobby/industry. And it's a perspective as a consumer.

ita neither a didactive. Nor an accusation to anyone else other than PS Audio. So let the company answer this and show the evidence.

no one else needs to feel butthurt.....because...again reiterating, the thread is not targeted to any individual/his taste/experience.
While I do agree a lot of companies exaggerate their claims eg. I am using the Marantz 7011 which has a sticker on it mentioning 200 watts. While I know that is surely not the case, yet I am fine with the way it sounds. A good example is how the car manufacturers fudge the mileage, yet people buy their cars & are happy with them. Some phones may boast of mega pixels, speed & the image clarity. But I doubt if they can ever beat a full frame SLR camera. Yet people buy them.
Sellers will do their best to market their product which may have none, minimal or great product performance. I can understand your determination to prove PS Audio wrong. But there are consumers out there who like their products no matter whether it is right or wrong . Paul may have a good night's sleep but you would be losing your sleep over it.
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Guys let's enjoy music.

I see marketing is such a big thing.
Volkswagen recall, Mercedes recall, Nokia,.........

Since I don't own/won't own such products.....I actually don't lose any sleep over this. My responses here has been out of respect and engagement to this forum.

I see the pointlessness in this discussion. So let's call it a night and close this thread. Much thanks for the responses. I am beginning to now understand why many users have left this forum. :D
I see the pointlessness in this discussion.
Audiophilia Nervosa is a religion and much like discussions about religion where each claims/thinks his/her religion is the right one, in the end, such discussions will ALWAYS descend into name calling, exaggerated defensiveness, playing the victim etc. It is advisable to walk away when one can.
How is variation in room response eliminated in products that are measured well ?
Room response? Come on... are you being naïve or as they say in hindi, 'dal mere thoda namak aur daal kar dekho kya hotha hai'.

Measurements are done by connecting the device directly to the measuring device. Oscilloscope and devices like that have direct physical connection with the device being measured. Room 'response' have no effect nor any value here. In most cases devices are measured in labs that have lots of foot traffic as well as other types of noise. None of that matters.

Room responses have meaning only in the case of speakers. For that you use an anechoic chamber. Anyone who 'measures' speakers in an ordinary room and announces his results is a certifiable idiot.

its a very subjective expectation :D. Why would PS audio care when people are anyway buying it.

Now if their sales were hurting due to lack of specs, it would be objective !
Did you try one arj :D

Or any CVT or isolation transformer or the usual single or double conversion ups'es
Audiophilia Nervosa is a religion and much like discussions about religion where each claims/thinks his/her religion is the right one, in the end, such discussions will ALWAYS descend into name calling, exaggerated defensiveness, playing the victim etc. It is advisable to walk away when one can.
Some people do exhibit an insatiable appetite for this condition running around in circles with no end in sight. What a life to live indeed !
I am beginning to now understand why many users have left this forum. :D

Which begs the question, why are ASR users landing up here?

I’ve checked out the ASR forum a couple of times, and was immediately put off by the general tone and manner of it’s discourse: opinionated, blinkered and abrasive.

Also, I caught a strong whiff of sour grapes in the air :)
Which begs the question, why are ASR users landing up here?

I’ve checked out the ASR forum a couple of times, and was immediately put off by the general tone and manner of it’s discourse: opinionated, blinkered and abrasive.

Also, I caught a strong whiff of sour grapes in the air :)
What I've realized is that the "objectivists" now can hold their own and for that, I'm glad. In times gone by, the few who "dared" to speak out were bulldozed into submission by the so called other camp. No longer! We need strong opinionated people on both sides who can articulate logically, make senseful arguments and be polite all at the same time. I see that slowly happening and I'm thrilled. In the end, we all learn provided we keep an open mind and don't shut things out just because it doesn't fall within the boundaries of our belief system. Keep at it guys!

BTW, did you know,
"In philosophy, objectivity is the concept of truth independent from individual subjectivity (bias caused by one's perception, emotions, or imagination)."???

BTW, did you know,
"In philosophy, objectivity is the concept of truth independent from individual subjectivity (bias caused by one's perception, emotions, or imagination)."???
Love this. its like Faith and Science. ie what was unexplainable by science was put into Gods account but over time our knowledge of science always progresses and will continue to either prove or disprove it.

The reasons why some of these debates happen is when we assume that the current science can explain everything. It cannot as science ( or rather our knowledge of it) will only continue to improve

Majority of the folks , me included, do not know enough to read and understand all of the measurements. hence looking at those dont matter. but evaluate with the confidence that the manufacturer has taken care of all the engineering measurement aspect and if proven to not have, most will not buy it. Eg i really dont know how the timbre of sound is measured hence are forced to rely on hearing it myself. maybe there is something measure but I have no clue and thats critical to how I listen.

While many of those looking at measurements will not buy an equipment just because it measures good but dont like the sound signature, at the other extreme, most of folks who could be accused of being a subjective will not buy an equipment just because it sounds good but the manufacturer is not known.

In the end fact is that Music is an Art and it affects the emotion and is so subjective to the individual so it comes down to if you prefer to see a photograph ( unprocessed) or a painting of the same object and different folks like it differently.
In the ASR review, the reviewer also point out to improvements to the regenerated wave in terms of reducing harmonics, but in a very clouded way.
The review more highlights the pitfalls (which are in my opinion well within threshold limits).
That is Amir's style across the board as he has his own biases, but as end user we have to look at the points that benefit us.

If this regenerator is 'Value for Money' gadget is absolutely an individual's outlook.
I defenitely would not consider it, as in my opinion, there are far cheaper options available to protect againt electrical disturbances and voltage.
In the ASR review, the reviewer also point out to improvements to the regenerated wave in terms of reducing harmonics, but in a very clouded way.
I noticed that before and yes, that was swept under the carpet.
The review more highlights the pitfalls (which are in my opinion well within threshold limits).
Which is probably why according to the measurements, it does nothing good and is benign.
That is Amir's style across the board as he has his own biases, but as end user we have to look at the points that benefit us.
Humans usually do. All reviewers do. Some keep harping on the positives and ignore/downplay the negatives and Amir does the opposite. :p

In my opinion there should have been another test - one where the output of the contraption was hooked to a load and the output of that analyzed. That is missing or perhaps I missed it.
Also it is possible that the contraption "cleans" hash when the input hash is over a threshold and what if Amir's electrical input is "clean". It could explain a lot. Maybe that's why some claim that it works and why for others it does nothing. 1/. Garbage in, garbage cleaned, clean out. 2/. Clean in, nothing to clean, clean out. ;)
Everything is subjective in the true sense.

Reality is subjective perceptually and we all live in this reality.

But the debate is not on that philosophical or metaphysical aspect of Human Consciousness/thoughts.

Science is what is to bring more objective understanding of our subjective universe/reality. It's because if we break down matter/energy (which becomes the units of our brain where subjectivism lie) these study or objectivism has made us understand. That rationalism or the cognitive process has come as a byproduct of evolution......and humans can now boast of AI/computers/technology which has been a long way from being caveman.

We have come from worshipping Sun to sending a probe to the sun.

The ART of music is what binds us to this hobby.....and no is denying this.

But the science of audio reproduction has evolved so much that we can can with confidence say we have achieve the State of Art reproduction vis a vis the audible spectrum. Unfortunately we mix the ART with the SCIENCE and try to explain the already proven technology/reasearch with heresays. Medicine also used to have these huge biases......but currently RCTs are being done which are slowly slowly peeling away what we thought right/wrong with power of statistics and level of evidence.
The reasons why some of these debates happen is when we assume that the current science can explain everything. It cannot as science ( or rather our knowledge of it) will only continue to improve
Assuming or believing current science can explain everything is one of the great fallacies and conceitedness of science.

Designing and evaluating audio gear necessarily involves objective and subjective methodologies.
Everything is subjective in the true sense.

Reality is subjective perceptually and we all live in this reality.

But the debate is not on that philosophical or metaphysical aspect of Human Consciousness/thoughts.

Science is what is to bring more objective understanding of our subjective universe/reality. It's because if we break down matter/energy (which becomes the units of our brain where subjectivism lie) these study or objectivism has made us understand. That rationalism or the cognitive process has come as a byproduct of evolution......and humans can now boast of AI/computers/technology which has been a long way from being caveman.

We have come from worshipping Sun to sending a probe to the sun.

The ART of music is what binds us to this hobby.....and no is denying this.

But the science of audio reproduction has evolved so much that we can can with confidence say we have achieve the State of Art reproduction vis a vis the audible spectrum. Unfortunately we mix the ART with the SCIENCE and try to explain the already proven technology/reasearch with heresays. Medicine also used to have these huge biases......but currently RCTs are being done which are slowly slowly peeling away what we thought right/wrong with power of statistics and level of evidence.
Yes, yes, yes, I think almost all of us realize this. It's only that we find it not easy to accept. A certain element of mysticism and our supposed ability to interpret that mysticism in our hobby is what makes us supposedly unique. And we find that thought difficult to let go when someone tells you it's black and white with no greys. At that point, our grey cells (or lack of it) resist. :p
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