Speaker Cable Length???


New Member
May 21, 2008
I own a Onkyo HT-SR 800. I am in the process of finalising the layout for the speakers. I find that the length of the cables for the side surround speakers and the rear surround speakers is not sufficient for the propsoed layout. Please let me know if there is any limitation in the length of the cable so that there is no drop in the sound quality and other parameters.
Also let me know if the required extra length of the cable can be attached to the existing cable. I request an early reply as I am planning to purchase the cables today.
Ram Mohan P
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Ram, it is true that the cable length should be as short as possible for reasons as said by you. It is quite a bad idea to attach the extra length of the cable to the existing one.

I think that this is not the way to go about, that you need reply today, you must have decent patience, for the first few days hear out what the members are suggesting, and than take a call. Among the cables i am using is, QED, Qunex, SR 75, reference co - axil interconnect.

I have seen people are getting into av entertainment, with limited patience, planning, etc, please be careful.

Ram what Vinay says is right ! don't rush into this.

Now coming to the real question,whats the room size and whats the proposed budget for the cables ?? please do let Us know the details for Us to comment on the same !


Even if you have to use lengthy cables, that will not make much difference in sound as what it will be effected by interconnecting 2 different cables...

As soon as the end of the cable is cut, it requires proper moulding to be done...else the data will loose its charm...

And Yes try to make the cable length as small as possible...


Dear Friends,
Its indeed heartening to know that you are all very much concerned in giving good suggestions and advice based on your experience. Yes, of course, patience wins-I thought that I would get an almost immediate recommendation based on the rich experience the members of this fora have! Your responses and advice are taken in the best of the spirits and hats off to you all. I can send across the floor plan of my hall shortly. Meanwhile let me know the brands and cost of the cables available in Bangalore.
Ram Mohan P

For an average budget, the best that suits your pocket is Monster Cable...
a 16 gauze cable, Model No. S-16, will cost you Rs.78 per mtr, and if you are buying more than 50mtrs, will cost you Rs.72-75 per mtr...

Another option is QED, for which a 16 gauze cable costs you Rs.150 per mtr, and for 50 mtrs plus it will be Rs.145 per mtr...

You can even check out DAC, though have never used/experienced it, but have heard a lot about it...


Mridul Goel
Rules for HT cabling

(1) Cable performance drops as the length increases
(2) Longer cables have higher resistance, capacitance
(3) For runs shorter than 10 feet no extra attention is required to be paid
(4) To achieve higher degree of transparency, cables running longer than 10 feet must be of higher quality (lower gauge/lower capacitance/lower resistance etc)

The above rules are not general and are more applicable to HT. The above is meant to be a guide for budget to mid priced systems. In high end stereo systems some people spend a lot of money on cables as they feel its worth the cost.
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