Suggestion for good bluetooth dac/amp


Sep 27, 2011
Hi, Need suggestion for a good bluetooth dac/amp
I have currently fiio q5s planning to upgrade, please suggest me some good options
Frankly a Q5s is tough to replace. You may end up spending a lot more without any appreciable increase in sq

But check out the new Burson Dac Amps with BT which may be exactly what you need.
Hi, Need suggestion for a good bluetooth dac/amp
I have currently fiio q5s planning to upgrade, please suggest me some good options
Ifi Zen blue is a very good Bluetooth streamer/ DAC. It's got lots of good reviews.
Frankly a Q5s is tough to replace. You may end up spending a lot more without any appreciable increase in sq

But check out the new Burson Dac Amps with BT which may be exactly what you need.
+1 to that , if you are looking for BT specifically will be not easy to replace the Q5S. If you decide on going for dacamps then there would be a decent amount of options. What is the reason you intend to upgrade ?

Some alternatives you can check out are at 25-30k budget.
i) IFI HIPDAC (is priced lower than Q5S , not sure on the performance end)
ii) DAPs like Ibasso DX160/Hiby R5 Pro/Shanling M2X
iii) Bluetooth DAC like IFI ZEN and a portable amp like Pico Slim etc.
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