Why FM Yelamenchali Manohar aka newlash09 is a total badass

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Nov 13, 2014
There , now I’ve got your attention - let me share my nerve shattering experience today.

As many of you are aware , our very well known member newlash09’s HFV account got hacked. Before I was aware of this fact , early morning today (around 5AM IST ) I saw a tempting sale post of a shiny pair of Quad S2 by newlash09 at asking price of 26K, with all the usual picture cards and all.

Within seconds I DM-ed newlash09, asked him to block it , and within 10 minutes , without any kind of phone conversation (it was too early for that anyway ) or any furthur questions or clarifications - I had swiftly transferred 26k to the number newlash09 provided on PhonePe, overjoyed with myself for such a cracking bargain start of the day. This is the kind of implicit trust I have for well known reputed members on HFV.

Now here comes the nerve wracking part.
After the amount got debited, suddenly newlash09’s profile was unavailable, so was the sell post. I was stupefied. Tried DM after DM , no response. Tried the phone number , obviously nobody picked up. This was around 6AM.

Panicking , yet keeping a cool head , I messaged moderator arj, and who added all the other mods , and I was told that the real newlash09 has just informed them that his account was hacked !

Almost four hours of constant conversation ensued with moderators @Nikhil and @arj and supermoderator @HiFiVision. I filed a cybercrime complaint online as well as logged ticket with PhonePe - till now it’s not acknowledged.

End of the day - original newlash09 responded to my private message , and to my greatest relief and immense gratitude, refunded me the entire amount back. He need not have done it. He absolutely could have blamed me for this. But he didn’t because that’s the kind of guy he is. And that’s the kind of people that makes this forum so good.

My faith in HFV is reinstated , let me just reiterate that although faith and trust on HFV members is justified , yet security breaches by hackers is making buying and selling very unsafe not just on this forum but on other forums as well (as I was informed by mods).
Request everybody - specially regular FMs to change their passwords and follow the new guideline and policies stringently.

Lastly - I’m waiting for the day when I can really buy the Quad S2.

Thanks Manohar -aka newlash09 once again.
There , now I’ve got your attention - let me share my nerve shattering experience today.

As many of you are aware , our very well known member newlash09’s HFV account got hacked. Before I was aware of this fact , early morning today (around 5AM IST ) I saw a tempting sale post of a shiny pair of Quad S2 by newlash09 at asking price of 26K, with all the usual picture cards and all.

Within seconds I DM-ed newlash09, asked him to block it , and within 10 minutes , without any kind of phone conversation (it was too early for that anyway ) or any furthur questions or clarifications - I had swiftly transferred 26k to the number newlash09 provided on PhonePe, overjoyed with myself for such a cracking bargain start of the day. This is the kind of implicit trust I have for well known reputed members on HFV.

Now here comes the nerve wracking part.
After the amount got debited, suddenly newlash09’s profile was unavailable, so was the sell post. I was stupefied. Tried DM after DM , no response. Tried the phone number , obviously nobody picked up. This was around 6AM.

Panicking , yet keeping a cool head , I messaged moderator arj, and who added all the other mods , and I was told that the real newlash09 has just informed them that his account was hacked !

Almost four hours of constant conversation ensued with moderators @Nikhil and @arj and supermoderator @HiFiVision. I filed a cybercrime complaint online as well as logged ticket with PhonePe - till now it’s not acknowledged.

End of the day - original newlash09 responded to my private message , and to my greatest relief and immense gratitude, refunded me the entire amount back. He need not have done it. He absolutely could have blamed me for this. But he didn’t because that’s the kind of guy he is. And that’s the kind of people that makes this forum so good.

My faith in HFV is reinstated , let me just reiterate that although faith and trust on HFV members is justified , yet security breaches by hackers is making buying and selling very unsafe not just on this forum but on other forums as well (as I was informed by mods).
Request everybody - specially regular FMs to change their passwords and follow the new guideline and policies stringently.

Lastly - I’m waiting for the day when I can really buy the Quad S2.

Thanks Manohar -aka newlash09 once again.
If I may add my 2 cents to the above. As convenient or quick these payment apps might be. I still only indulge in old school netbanking. I don't know much about how these things work, but I feel it is safer and less prone to scams :)
Learning from this for all, if a deal looks too good to be true, it most probably is. - Rule no 2 of buy and sell forum.. Although this was not even Posted in the Buy or sell forum !!

@Yelamanchili manohar , You are an amazing person and the world needs more of you around and you need not have done this but you still did.

For Buyers

  1. Always meet the seller at a safe location and inspect the item before purchasing. Following this one rule will help you avoid most scams.
  2. Watch out for unrealistic offers. If it appears too good to be true, it probably is. Unrealistic offers are used to motivate purchasers to make hasty decisions.
  3. Always verify the seller's credentials. Ask the seller to provide a photo ID and proof of address.
  4. Ensure that the product you are buying is not stolen or fake. Always ask for a purchase invoice.
  5. The best way to transact is to collect the item and pay at the same time. Never transfer funds or use a debit/credit/atm card to pay someone you do not know before collecting an item.
  6. Ask for clear information on condition of the item, price, payment and delivery method.
  7. Use only those payment methods that you trust and are familiar with. Never give out your financial information.
  8. It is recommended to purchase items directly from the seller.
  9. Always test the functioning of the item before purchase.
  10. Do your research on comparative prices for the product.
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Hi Manu,

That act requires a big heart to do despite not being responsible for it ! May God bless you & return you much more than what you have given in the almighty's incomprehensible ways.
Any deal that looks too good to be true should be treaded with caution & alertness. I guess this should be a lesson for all of us as we may not find a big hearted person like Manu always :).

I pray, our Mano @Yelamanchili manohar should get his money back thru support of Phonepe / Cyber-crime.
Yes Let's hope this gets resolved soon.
@Yelamanchili manohar Its a Great Gesture! May your tribe grow... (Even the Hackers Pray that ;) ). Please be careful with your accounts in other forums where a financial transaction can take place. Do change to secure passwords / or setup 2FA in all your accounts.

@Bloom@83 do whatever feasible in your capacity to get the refund from your bank at the earliest.
I just Wish Severest Form of Covid19 to affect the Hackers, who tainted the safety reputation of this wonderful forum.
Is it necessary to refund the money by the forum member for not his fault ??? Even though everybody is appreciating his gesture, i feel pity of him of loosing 26K for other member fault. Oh Great, he will get it, if refunded by Phonepe... So many cautions moderators are posting in the sale section and time to time they are modifying we have to be little more careful.

Nothing doing harm on posting above. Just my views, please fell free to delete this, if not appropriate.
Is it necessary to refund the money by the forum member for not his fault ??? Even though everybody is appreciating his gesture, i feel pity of him of loosing 26K for other member fault. Oh Great, he will get it, if refunded by Phonepe... So many cautions moderators are posting in the sale section and time to time they are modifying we have to be little more careful.

Nothing doing harm on posting above. Just my views, please fell free to delete this, if not appropriate.
What man is a man who does not make the world better ? :)
Is it necessary to refund the money by the forum member for not his fault
Just my 2 cents, and please do not feel I am attacking you, cause I am not. The fact that he didn't have to - is what makes it beautiful. I do not know why he paid the money back, what was his thought process, and that thinking is what I absolutely appreciate - can't comment on behalf of others.
i feel pity of him of loosing 26K for other member fault
This is bigger than pity at this point, I am sure he thought about it, and yes though it is someone else's fault, it takes a huge heart to do something like this, where you are not even involved, clearly a fraud, but he felt 'something' which most of us are not able to perceive, and took it upon himself to right the wrong. Why? I frankly do not know. But it is great.

please fell free to delete this, if not appropriate.
I am no moderator and I speak for myself, but I do not feel your viewpoint is inappropriate. I felt the same - where I wondered would I give this money back? Frankly I do not know and that is why I personally have a lot of respect for this decision by @Yelamanchili manohar, it is really - something (for the lack of a better word).
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Just my 2 cents, and please do not feel I am attacking you, cause I am not. The fact that he didn't have to - is what makes it beautiful. I do not know why he paid the money back, what was his thought process, and that thinking is what I absolutely appreciate - can't comment on behalf of others.

This is bigger than pity at this point, I am sure he thought about it, and yes though it is someone else's fault, it takes a huge heart to do something like this, where you are not even involved, clearly a fraud, but he felt 'something' which most of us are not able to perceive, and took it upon himself to right the wrong. Why? I frankly do not know. But it is great.

I am no moderator and I speak for myself, but I do not feel your viewpoint is inappropriate. I felt the same - where I wondered would I give this money back? Frankly I do not know and that is why I personally have a lot of respect for this decision by @Yelamanchili manohar, it is really - something (for the lack of a better word).

There is also the fact that the OP was pretty naive in this transaction perhaps in the haste to get a great deal and not miss out several of the forum guidelines which are very clear above but were ignored.

Why dont you post your experience with the same seller and how well you handled it. It will be really informative in dealing with these situations for others as well.
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