ARC - Ref 10 Preamplifier + Ref 160M


Staff member
Dec 8, 2007
Some pretty good feedback on the new Reference 160M from Audio Research at AXPONA



Some ears whom I trust have been raving about the ARC Ref 10 preamp as among the best gear ever. The Ref 10 is so different from even the Ref 6 that people who have owned both are saying that the Ref 10 is in another league altogether. The Ref 10 is not a new product by any means and was released around 2013 as a follow up to the limited release Reference Anniversary (Ref 40). The fact that is still holds up against all new comers is amazing.

It is so expensive, I know this preamp is quite known in Audiogon world thanks to prolific thread started by a "crazy" dude whose mission in life seems to be to review every amp ever made in the world in his room.

But there are a ridiculous number of 30K$ + preamps that are well regarded.

How does this preamp compare to Shindo Giscours, Convergent Audio Black Path Ultimate, Nagra HD Preamp, Zanden, Robert Koda?
Any comparisons out there?
Partnering Gear??
What is the power amp in use?
Speakers for final playback??
If the complete chain could be known, would be in a better position to understand what would work well... Thanks...
Robert Koda I have heard of, but never auditioned.... Others I have heard... Many a times...
How does this preamp compare to Shindo Giscours, Convergent Audio Black Path Ultimate, Nagra HD Preamp, Zanden, Robert Koda?
Any comparisons out there?

These comparisons are hard to do.
As the saying goes - there are many ways to Rome.


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Have been seeing some great feedback on the 160M online.
Including some very positive comments from even non ARC fans.

News is that ARC has really marched into new territory here specially when in Triode mode.

I THINK AR's India Dealer is getting a pair in, of these monoblocks.

I heard them at the Munich HiEnd Show 2018, in a full AR set up (and Group company Sonus Faber speakers) and the initial impression was very favourable. (I am an AR user and fan, so you may want to discount my opinion a bit).

Sadly, at Munich, there was No Seating in front of the AR system... it was a standing crowd & a bit noisy,DSC_0622.JPG so critical listening was difficult. Still, I was impressed by the 'air' and 3D sound stage.
Sadly, at Munich, there was No Seating in front of the AR system... it was a standing crowd & a bit noisy,

That is really strange for Munich. A real pity though.
BTW who is the D&D for ARC here in India? Their website does not have a dealer listed for India.


Hi Nikhil,

Nice of you to have initiated this topic.

Hopefully it will widen horizons of those who want to look beyond what they can bring home, and appreciate advancements in technology, sound and product developments, in this wonderful hobby of ours.

The Audio Research Pre-Amp range, its best viewed it in 3 Tiers:

1. The LS 28 - Single Chassis / JFET input + Valve Output + Solid State Supply : US$ 7,500

2. The Ref 6 - Single Chassis / Valve input + Valve Output + Valve Power Supply : US$ 14,000

3. The Ref 10 - Dual Chassis / Valve input + Valve Output + Valve Power Supply : US$ 30,000

The Sonic Characters of the Ref 6 is a (significant) sonic upgrade over the LS 28... as one would expect with the substantially higher price, not to mention the Valves at the input and in the Power Supply.

The Ref 10 on the other hand is a somewhat departure from the 'house sound' of the other two.

The Ref 10 places emphasis on refinement.... compared to the Get-Up-N-Go sound signatures of the LS 28 & Ref 6.

I have currently Upgraded to the Ref 6 and I remain amazed how much value my 9 year old the LS 26 (which I have put up for sale on this forum also) provides.

It is so expensive, I know this preamp is quite known in Audiogon world thanks to prolific thread started by a "crazy" dude whose mission in life seems to be to review every amp ever made in the world in his room.

But there are a ridiculous number of 30K$ + preamps that are well regarded.

How does this preamp compare to Shindo Giscours, Convergent Audio Black Path Ultimate, Nagra HD Preamp, Zanden, Robert Koda?
Any comparisons out there?

I prefer to structure my thinking by categorising each Brand by a "House Sound." Products within the same brand will typically provide a 'better' house sound....

Hence I would be reluctant to compare and condemn between Apples and Peaches... Far Better to TASTE an Apple & A Peach, and then see which YOU prefer.

Audio Shows provide these opportunities to sample 'apples & peaches'... and Must be visited by enthusiasts
Reference 160M from Audio Research
I heard these in Singapore - 2 weeks back - August 2nd week.
Excellent Product.
Paired with Ref 6 Pre - this is a great amp.
Indian Retail is @ 28/- Lacs [I think] ! But, not certain.
Demo should be possible - again - an assumption - I have not asked.
All said - great Pre & Power combination - recommended.
Some great info shared @IndianEars ... thanks!

ARC gear has such a solid reputation in the industry. Their Ref gear is easily among the best.
First hand impressions like this is invaluable for those looking to make the jump.

Look forward to your sharing your listening impressions as your Ref 6 gets going in your setup.


I have heard the VSi75 several months ago, at a friend's place... He is mainly into Western Classical music, which I am not into.. :)

Hence I have not formed a specific opinion on this integrated...

Incidentally, my friend has put it up for sale...
No, the gent is not on this forum....

I just spoke to him ... He has decided not to sell his AR integrated.....
Anyone visiting the Florida West coast area should visit Sun Coast Audio.
Mike has some of the best gear anywhere.

Review by Alan Sircom of HiFi+ on the Ref 160M

The headline-grabbing part of the Audio Research REF 160M is those big, see-through VU meters, but you’ll note they barely got a look-in during the review. They are great to have and look wonderful when the music plays, but you quickly realise that the REF 160M is more than just a pair of meters; it’s a wonderful pair of power amplifiers in their own right. I’ve played with a number of Audio Research amps over the years, many of which have been some of the most memorable musical experiences I’ve had, but I can’t shake the notion that this is the best of them. It’s so musically faithful yet so musically entertaining and enjoyable, this takes the already high standards of Audio Research and raises them to new levels. It delivers grace, space, and no small dose of pace, too. This is a rare jewel; one of the best ever!

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A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.