audiophile jokes

Turn It Up Party GIF
Once an audiophile goes to a shop where a frustrated salesman who has had a bad day had to endure his drilling. After testing a few sound bars he goes to a Sony htib collection and makes the salesman go from piller to post playing test tracks and sample audio. Then he plays through a collection of CDs in the stereo setup, listens to many ATMOS movie clips and goes on and on. Finally the salesman is so frustrated that he invites the audiophille to a 13.4 soundstage. After going through about 100 tracks, the salesman says give me a break, goes to the restroom gulps 2 bottles of beers, records his loud fart! When he comes back and plays that the .4 subs do a groundshattering effect upon which the audiophile says - now we are talking and buys the 13.4. The salesman learns his lesson and places a sticker - "sub woofers are the key to the best audio experience. Ask me why over a couple of beers!!"
I once had the misfortune of explaining this to a female colleague "Why is this called a male plug or a female plug" and I had to reply "anything with a hole is called a female plug and anythng that goes into a hole is called a male plug". In reality this kind of definitions should be done away with. Another example is the 'master' and 'slave' terminology used in software.
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