Beware of this member Vinod_david

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My experience with this person was similar to the one niftianmadhur had.i bought subwoofer cable analysis plus from him . He gave me wrong tracking id for about 5 times.after I got pissed off it got redirected from Hyderabad after 1 week.he was blaming on the DTDC courier service .he gave new number even at around 11 pm midnight.he said he contacted DTDC at that time.
But luckily after so much effort I got the cable.
Now lying unused as it is shorter for me by 2 feet.
It came in original analysis plus box.
He offered me to sell expensive amp I blindly rejected offer .consider myself to be lucky now.
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By paying the subscription, you can become a well-known member if not in the forum for a long time and cheat the people and run away—tricksters easy way to cheat the members.

Wow, I didn't know that; if one can buy a reputation, it's really scary and can become an open season for tricksters.
Wow, I didn't know that; if one can buy a reputation, it's really scary and can become an open season for tricksters.
It is not i mentioned to buy the reputation, can become a active member/ HFV supporter , it is a badge right to make you a valid person.
By paying the subscription, can become well known member if not in the forum for long time too and can cheat the people and run away.. Tricksters easy way to cheat the members.

Mod comment
I would request you to read the forum rules in the Classified section before you make such irresponsible allegations.
One does not become "well known" just by paying any subscription.
Just adding my experience when I was on lookout for Home theater in 2019. I had posted in wanted section and got contacted by him (Pitch_perfect was the id). Since his place seemed near I went there. He was running a AV dearlership of sorts(Pitch Perfect was the name if I remember correctly), he had a listening room and a HT demo room. He said he is closing shop and hence doing a clearance. I also remember him saying he was once associated with AV Lounge but no more.
He demoed a Bonbonus speakers, since I felt it was out of budget I backed out. He also offered a QAcoustics 3020, which I wasnt interested as he was selling them at market price.
I saw the speakers posted with different id vinod_david , I made the matching as he gave name Vinod during our calls.
Forgive me as I'm not sure if it adds anything or helps the cause.
He also mentioned he has some Xavian callipso high end which he is selling. Since it was very expensive, I did not even show interest. And since he has done these kind of things with other members also, it clearly shows his intention. Better to stay away from these kind of members.
Hence my pet peeve in the forum - where dealers pose as ordinary forum members via proxy presence or via influencers to sell their products. This is a big issue because the very fact they are posing as something they are not/or advertising via proxy is a red flag and hence inherently dishonest and possibility of getting cheated/not satisfied is higher - and by cheating I am not referring to just not getting a product - it could be different product than what is advertised, or getting a defective product etc. I suggest that all buyers thoroughly check out the seller before buying anything - especially higher end items - particularly in this case - as seller has access to multi lakh components through his previous dealership contacts.
Mod comment
I would request you to read the forum rules in the Classified section before you make such irresponsible allegations.
One does not become "well known" just by paying any subscription.
It is not the allegations, in the next post itself i clarified it. Please go thru please..
One more thing, guys.
There are plenty of Vinod (s) in this forum, one being me. Vinod Ranganathan or my handle Vinod.R.
So please don't mix me up with him, same goes for other Vinod (s) in this forum also!
I have always been honest and help many people as far as I can.
Vinod Ranganathan
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can we have pinned thread for all suspicious handles on the forum
One more thing, guys.
There are plenty of Vinod (s) in this forum, one being me. Vinod Ranganathan or my handle Vinod.R.
So please don't mix me up with him, same goes for other Vinod (s) in this forum also!
I have always been honest and help many people as far as I can.
Vinod Ranganathan
I have mentioned in the post that it is Vinod_david. Don’t know how to tag him.
Might as well have a badge: "Suspicious Member" like the existing: "Well-Known Member". :p
We Can Correct it as "Well, Unknown Member" Instead...

I did interact with him regarding a DAC (German make), didn't feel the pricing and the explanation for it Being NOS, quite convincing. So I dropped the idea, it looks like a good decision in retrospect.
I wonder why he is putting his reputation at stake just for a meter of cable, assuming an extra meter won't cost any more than a few K? :rolleyes:
But you may suffer short length in you setup if 3mrts are not enough,that's real concern.
Yeah that I am already facing and that’s why I was calling him to solve it. I needed at least 4 meters of length which I told him specifically. I hope my issue gets solved
Yeah that I am already facing and that’s why I was calling him to solve it. I needed at least 4 meters of length which I told him specifically. I hope my issue gets solved
This will not be solved, he will never be taking your calls unless you get a new sim and call him through that.
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