Bowers and Wilkins A7 Issue


New Member
Jun 23, 2023

I have been using Bowers and Wilkins A7 for some time now. Recently I have had this issue with the sound. Every now and then it produces some noise like static noises. I was told by the BW service that its main board should be replaced and they told me I should pay 350 EUR for that. I was wondering whether I could find that spare part somewhere. I checked the internet already including eBay without any success. I wanted to consult with you whether there is some place I could buy that main board.

ZZ26670 PCB Mainboard A7

Thanks in advance,
Search for repair videos on youtube with the model number. You should be able to find the problem and fix it locally. It can be a buldging capacitor or a lose resistance. A physical inspection of the board might reveal that. What I feel is it can be soldering paste somewhere causing this issue. Mearly cleaning the board with rubbing alcohol might solve the issue. Try all this before getting a replacement as it will be expensive.
Search for repair videos on youtube with the model number. You should be able to find the problem and fix it locally. It can be a buldging capacitor or a lose resistance. A physical inspection of the board might reveal that. What I feel is it can be soldering paste somewhere causing this issue. Mearly cleaning the board with rubbing alcohol might solve the issue. Try all this before getting a replacement as it will be expensive.
Thanks so much. Let me try those at first.
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