Bras sound system


New Member
Nov 29, 2013
aparelhagem Edu 010.jpg

aparelhagem Edu 015.jpg

My system ASR Emitter II,Ascendo C7 speakers, North star Extremo Dac and transport, Thorens 2010,cartridge Clearaudio Maestro wood,Phono Densen dp-04, Nakamichi rx 202E, Marantz 2100 tuner.Corda Aria head amp Cardas Golden cross speaker cable, FIM rca from DAC to ASR, Power cords Furutech,Van den hul,Adagio
Wow amazing setup! Had heard the North Star DAC a while ago and it has a sound that I quite like.

May I ask why did you not choose a clearaudio turntable when you have a maestro wood cartridge?
ASR Emitter :licklips:

Heard the Emitter I Exclusive recently. It is a strange but gorgeous amp :p
Hello Bras and welcome!

Your room and your system look great. it would be nice to see some bigger pics!

Curiosity: Do those vases influence the sound?
Thanks for your comments. First I would like to say that I bought my thorens first and just after I get the Clearaudio, its a nice turntable but vinil here in Portugal are very expensive and my digital source has a good sound and my favourit records I have them in cd format. I have a RJ45 from revelation audiolab made of cryosilver between DAC and transport and that cable makes lots of diference. About the vases, they are lamps from IKEA a big store from sweden, they look nice and at night with a blue light they are good for relaxing and may be help to catch some resonances.I think my room have good sound conditions and the Ascendo they have frontal bass rflex that helps in my case. Its nice to see that our passion for Hi-fi have no distances and fronteers and I hope to learn more and hope my experiences can help.
Thanks again and sorry for my english Im a litle rusty
aparelhagem Edu 013.jpg
Here you can see better(I dont know to insert bigger pictures:eek:). I forgot to say that I have a special fuse protection on the electric board with a dedicated line with 4millimeter cable to one Wall socket were I have a power distributor for the system.This is a good upgrade, and the fuses inside Digital source were changed for better ones.
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This rack was for tv and the inicial furniture has some shelfs down side for cds and dvd but I ask if it was possible to take them out to create more space for componentes.With this modification cost to me 450 ( near $600 USD).Its very heavy and diferent in is shape with a nice design. Lots a friends like it too, and some ask were I bought it.
Nice setup there. Bras!

... About the vases, they are lamps from IKEA a big store from sweden, they look nice and at night with a blue light they are good for relaxing and may be help to catch some resonances...

This is very off-topic: It may not be a good idea to use blue light at night. Exposure to blue light during the 3-4 hours before your normal sleep-time will badly mess with your quality of sleep. You might want to consider changing the color to something more warmer.
I didnt knew that blue light could have that efect:rolleyes: I sleep very well and never suffer of blue light effect;). They are soft tone lights and I dont light them every night and 2 hours is maximum time they are turned on. But by the way what light do you recomend?? This ones when they are on they are soft light and they are not powerfull, they only give another atmospher and darkness is attenuated. Is that bad??:confused:
You could look at the stuff that Philips make: infinitely variable colour lighting! Would be a great addition to any room --- but I think it doesn't come cheap. And you are happy with what you have :)

This warm/cool thing even applies to "white" light. When we buy flourescent lamps, we specifically buy "warm" white. It is much more restful, especially for evenings.

There are even applications that will change the colour temperature of your computer monitor according to the time of day... their developers suggest that the screens/tablets we stare at could well be keeping us awake.
Oh heck, I'll soon be suggesting that the colour temperature affects the sound! :lol:

Well, why not!

Not the sound that comes out of the speakers, but the sound as we hear it is certainly affected by psychology (possibly more than by equipment) so yes, it might well affect our musical perception :)
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