Changes in For Sale by Owner Classifieds forum

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Super Moderator
Jul 23, 2006
Re: Changes in For Sale by Owner Classifieds forum permissions

In order to make the For Sale by Owner forum clutter free and more seller friendly we have decided to disable all posts/comments from buyers on the sellers thread.

Buyers can now only use the PM feature to communicate directly with the seller.

This is done to basically encourage more sellers to post their for sale items on the forum without being overwhelmed by a large number of forum posts unrelated to the topic under discussion (read sale).

I hope this move encourages more sellers to sell their AV gear here and at the same time allow genuine buyers conclude their purchase in privacy.

Members can start product related discussions in the AV Lounge for pros/cons of an item or to compare one item to another alternative item being offered for sale. Price related discussions will not be permitted.

Sellers can update their For Sale Threads. The For Sale threads will be visible for 45 days from their last update. After that members can scroll down to the "Display Options" of the forum and select the number of days from the drop down menu to view the older For Sale threads.

This is best move done in the interest of HFV members who intend to sell the gears and appreciate this change.

However just to add separate threads about discussing about the pricing of the items in sales section or technical aspects should be allowed in "General lounge" and no moderating to be done. This is to avoid over pricing of products by Members and create awareness for interested buyers. There seller can participate and throw their views.
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Supermod, appreciate your efforts to avoid clutter in sale threads.
But I have got a doubt, how will the visibility of such sale threads be affected?
You have addressed a serious problem with this. Good call!

Though I wish the discussions could be allowed, however, strictly no price-discussion on the thread, in case of a doubt, erring on the seller's side.
I want to understand more clearly - in my opinion, without price, the products quality/caliber/suitability will lack context.

As an example, if there are two sale threads, say a 3 year B&W for 1 lac and a 1 year Wharfdale at Rs75,000, which the better choice is, will not be immediately clear without some discussion. Both speakers may be good on a standalone basis, but at their respective offer prices, one of them may stand out.

If the seller has posted an ad with incorrect information about current new retail / old retail etc, how will other forum members move in to correct?
Gerry_the_merry, I guess it is buyer beware! Or start a thread a General Lounge to discuss both the options and get feedback from members.
Read the notification properly, never mentioned without price and other information adv should be posted. It is an first rule in sales section with an price and proper description only the adv should be posted otherwise it will be considered as an auction.:cool: Also numerous time it was told that anybody interested in buying can create seperate thread in general lounge and ask for opinion from members about the product in sale section.

I want to understand more clearly - in my opinion, without price, the products quality/caliber/suitability will lack context.

As an example, if there are two sale threads, say a 3 year B&W for 1 lac and a 1 year Wharfdale at Rs75,000, which the better choice is, will not be immediately clear without some discussion. Both speakers may be good on a standalone basis, but at their respective offer prices, one of them may stand out.

If the seller has posted an ad with incorrect information about current new retail / old retail etc, how will other forum members move in to correct?
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Read the notification properly, never mentioned without price and other information adv should be posted. It is an first rule in sales section with an price and proper description only the adv should be posted otherwise it will be considered as an auction.:cool: Also numerous time it was told that anybody interested in buying can create seperate thread in general lounge and ask for opinion from members about the product in sale section.

Srini, I meant reader comments on pricing. Obviously the seller must mention the price upfront.
I hope that seller can add his new comment & not the buyer by doing seller wants to reduce the expected price,then he can post with this option(total no.of post 2 will be seen).
add separate threads about discussing the pricing of items in sales section or technical aspects should be allowed in "General lounge" and no moderating to be done. This is to avoid over pricing of products by Members and create awareness for interested buyers.

To correlate, a hyperlink must be provided in the 'For sale' thread.

how will the visibility of such sale threads be affected

May be one bump in a week can be allowed..

I wanted to suggest this but you beat me to it Srini. This facility is available in many other forums.
You have addressed a serious problem with this. Good call!

Though I wish the discussions could be allowed, however, strictly no price-discussion on the thread, in case of a doubt, erring on the seller's side.

Members can start discussions in the AV Lounge for pros/cons of an item or to compare one item to another alternative item being offered for sale.

Sellers can update their For Sale Threads. Their For Sale threads will be visible for 45 days from their last update. After that time period in order to see older For Sale threads, members can scroll down to the "Display Options" of the forum and select the number of days from the drop down menu to view the older For Sale threads.

Srini, I meant reader comments on pricing. Obviously the seller must mention the price upfront.

I hope that seller can add his new comment & not the buyer by doing seller wants to reduce the expected price,then he can post with this option(total no.of post 2 will be seen).

Ok Gerry, for reader comment as suggested if anybody interested can open an discussion thread in General lounge he is potential buyer or if he is an detective member who found an lower priced stuff. Obviously buyer should be benefited out of sale thread and to an certain extent it will help the seller if he want to rid on the stuff.

Sprio, You are right may be seller ALONE can be allowed to post in his sale thread. That will help to post him if he intend to reduce the price or to Update the sale closure or withdraw from sale..
Members can start discussions in the AV Lounge for pros/cons of an item or to compare one item to another alternative item being offered for sale.

Sellers can update their For Sale Threads. Their For Sale threads will be visible for 45 days from their last update. After that time period in order to see older For Sale threads, members can scroll down to the "Display Options" of the forum and select the number of days from the drop down menu to view the older For Sale threads.

Good one almost it clears all the doubts....

I have a slightly different perspective on this change. By saying that discussions on the products for sale can start in another thread, are'nt we just moving the problem somewhere else? True, the "For Sale" thread will be free from any controversy, but then there will be another thread somewhere else dealing with all the "controversy".

Maybe a different approach could be to have strictly sale item "product related" discussions on the sale thread, and any discussions on price/negotiations can be done through PM. The moderators can issue warnings to those buyers violating this norm.
I have a slightly different perspective on this change. By saying that discussions on the products for sale can start in another thread, are'nt we just moving the problem somewhere else? True, the "For Sale" thread will be free from any controversy, but then there will be another thread somewhere else dealing with all the "controversy".

Maybe a different approach could be to have strictly sale item "product related" discussions on the sale thread, and any discussions on price/negotiations can be done through PM. The moderators can issue warnings to those buyers violating this norm.

As I have mentioned
Members can start discussions in the AV Lounge for pros/cons of an item or to compare one item to another alternative item being offered for sale.

Let me restate again that these discussion should not be price related but more of a product related discussion.

Moreover as the price negotiations will be strictly though PM between the buyer and seller, price related discussions will be meaningless.
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Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.