Deactivation of my profile


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2020
on the couch !

Please deactivate my profile as I no longer wish to participate in this forum

I find the moderation to be biased and intolerant

More like an old boys club.

Relevant posts are randomly classified as OT and culled.

It Is better for me to quit the forum

Thank you
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Please deactivate my profile as I no longer wish to participate in this forum

I find the moderation to be biased and intolerant

More like an old boys club.

Relevant posts are randomly classified as OT and culled.

It Is better for me to quit the forum

Thank you

That’s sad. Do consider changing your mind. Moderators on this forum are among the most rational and empathetic ones around. Sometimes their actions might seem harsh to the person receiving, but in perspective of the overall good they have a reason, which members should ask and am sure they’d explain.
I saw Oldmonks post in Sidvee thread where he mentioned high level connection is better. That’s a point of view. I see nothing wrong in that statement. If posts are being removed because of that comment, I think it’s unfair.
Usually that's no issue...
The only way to completely get out of here seems to be to provoke a ban. Or you can request the admin to have the account to be deactivated.
In my experience accounts are never deleted. Most are just left abandoned or banned.
This will be my last post on this forum and i want to go away after setting a few things clear.

a. FM @sidvee commented i used the words - " i pity you "

Fact - no such words were used
Actual words used - such a pity ( the sub woofer doesnt have a high level connection )

b. FM sidvee then went on to say as to how in his experience he finds all subs having high level connections a load of BS

I replied - that comment is BS too and i found it surprising an audiophile would say this.

c. There was nothing in my posts that was in violation of any forum rules but mis-reading by the OP ( IMO ) and an even worse handling by the moderator/s.

d. My posts along with sidvee and Keithcorrea were culled - for no reason.

IMO @keith_correa post was good one as he reminded me regarding the lengths of stereo RCA i/c for the sub Vs speaker cable length for high level connections

e. After these posts were culled - i posted again ( TWICE ) asking for a reason why my posts were removed ( without intimation or reason i may add now ) after which i get a message on my PM that my the posts were found OT.

I dont know who the moderator is @arj but these weren't OT at all.

f. @arj claims - in another thread started by @Hiten that FM's are warned - but no warning was received by me ( i presume because my posts were not OT ) but my posts were culled without any reason ( once the posts were culled and 2 more posts asking for the reason were culled without explanation )

FM @sidvee - i see your long post about your audio journey for 11 years - in my books that makes you an experienced audiophile.

I am surprised you read " i pity you" when NO SUCH words were used.

If possible i urge the moderators to dig out the deleted posts and paste them here for evaluation.

If there are any learning for me - i will gladly take them and walk away.

In this case and IMO - the moderator responsible for culling my posts made a mistake - of not reading my posts with a cool mind and reacting accordingly.

The audio hobby is a passionate one and in the end it is to each his own and if i have hurt any FM - i apologize.

But i still feel - mine was an opinion - that is valid.

Thank you members and i wish you a good day and ask you to all stay safe and please get vaccinated against this fast spreading virus.

and @sidvee - please do not let this post mar the joy of music ( that is super important ) nor your enthusiasm to share your gear on this forum.

Here moderators were not paid and full time and they are just doing the things on time pass and for passion.. So cannot expect a fair treatment plus full concentration for all posts. They are trying to cope up with their day to day work and do moderation whenever they have time.. So all have to bear with the same.. Just pass, this is not only your life and we also post whenever there is no job is there for us... Take it easy, let the moderators judge and be happy on deleting / merging the post resulting on fair treatment as they think..

However i like the comment by you.. ""More like an old boys club."""

Forgot to mention, this thread also will be deleted soon....
:) :) :) :) :) :)
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I got an alert that I was mentioned in this thread. So replying.

Just to be clear I was never alerted on my April Fool Post in Giveaway thread. However the most recent one yesterday I was alerted. In the past few times also I was not alerted. But I understand the posts were not important. years back someone started a Comedy movies thread where I posted my choice of movies. That post including whole thread was removed.

This is not a new thing. THIS was 10 years back. But I am cool :cool: with it. Forum is free and mods have the right. However I do not find anything in things you have mentioned as offtopic. And believe it should not have been removed. I have not read that thread though.

Hope better sense prevails and things are sorted out. Followed by hugs and kisses :p

Best regards.
This will be my last post on this forum and i want to go away after setting a few things clear.

a. FM @sidvee commented i used the words - " i pity you "

Fact - no such words were used
Actual words used - such a pity ( the sub woofer doesnt have a high level connection )

b. FM sidvee then went on to say as to how in his experience he finds all subs having high level connections a load of BS

I replied - that comment is BS too and i found it surprising an audiophile would say this.

c. There was nothing in my posts that was in violation of any forum rules but mis-reading by the OP ( IMO ) and an even worse handling by the moderator/s.

d. My posts along with sidvee and Keithcorrea were culled - for no reason.

IMO @keith_correa post was good one as he reminded me regarding the lengths of stereo RCA i/c for the sub Vs speaker cable length for high level connections

e. After these posts were culled - i posted again ( TWICE ) asking for a reason why my posts were removed ( without intimation or reason i may add now ) after which i get a message on my PM that my the posts were found OT.

I dont know who the moderator is @arj but these weren't OT at all.

f. @arj claims - in another thread started by @Hiten that FM's are warned - but no warning was received by me ( i presume because my posts were not OT ) but my posts were culled without any reason ( once the posts were culled and 2 more posts asking for the reason were culled without explanation )

FM @sidvee - i see your long post about your audio journey for 11 years - in my books that makes you an experienced audiophile.

I am surprised you read " i pity you" when NO SUCH words were used.

If possible i urge the moderators to dig out the deleted posts and paste them here for evaluation.

If there are any learning for me - i will gladly take them and walk away.

In this case and IMO - the moderator responsible for culling my posts made a mistake - of not reading my posts with a cool mind and reacting accordingly.

The audio hobby is a passionate one and in the end it is to each his own and if i have hurt any FM - i apologize.

But i still feel - mine was an opinion - that is valid.

Thank you members and i wish you a good day and ask you to all stay safe and please get vaccinated against this fast spreading virus.

and @sidvee - please do not let this post mar the joy of music ( that is super important ) nor your enthusiasm to share your gear on this forum.

Other than attention seeking, what do you get out of demanding (and maybe getting) deletion rather than just walking away?
Can you just hurry up and scoot off without the extended 'HFV should be run the way I want' session?
I think we all need to be more mindful of the language we use to post. This situation seems to be common in most forums.

we can all learn from such experiences and become better communicators united by our interest in all things audio and music, even as we exist in distinctly individual professions, faiths and sub cultures.
a. FM @sidvee commented i used the words - " i pity you "

Fact - no such words were used
Actual words used - such a pity ( the sub woofer doesnt have a high level connection )
I'm pretty sure I properly read all that was posted by sidvee and you both, and am very sure that sidvee did not say that you said "I pity you". He said "No pity needed" or some such which is far from what you think he said.

b. FM sidvee then went on to say as to how in his experience he finds all subs having high level connections a load of BS
He never said this too. He said that he thinks that the notion of high level connections being better than low level because... is BS. An opinion expressed just like we all are entitled to.
c. There was nothing in my posts that was in violation of any forum rules but mis-reading by the OP ( IMO ) and an even worse handling by the moderator/s.
I agree that you were not in violation of any forum rules but I think the way you put your PoV across in that thread seemed condescending (I'm guilty of doing this tons of times as well) and THAT was not appreciated. That's my take and I might be completely incorrect in assuming that.

Having said this, I think you are overreacting (and it's OK for humans to do so) but you're dragging this on too far.

<Gyaan Mode>
Let's put this all behind us like mature individuals (I think :)) and get on with our wonderful hobby. Now let's not have this nonsense about you deleting your profile and stuff so please continue as before. Any profile deleted is only a loss to this community.
</Gyaan Mode>

Other than attention seeking, what do you get out of demanding (and maybe getting) deletion rather than just walking away?
Can you just hurry up and scoot off without the extended 'HFV should be run the way I want' session?
If I were 10 years younger, something on these lines would have been my post too but these days, I take deep breaths instead. :)
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Hmm... good point Keith!! Lol trust me to procrastinate though.

However, to be blunt - even 10 years down the lane, my post would be something on the same lines.
There is no need to announce your temporary vacation from the forums by creating a thread for it. The community will live on :)

BTW, has the OP left yet?
If I were 10 years younger, something on these lines would have been my post too but these days, I take deep breaths instead. :)
I've noticed that a lot of interactions have become acerbic, not just online ones, but face to face as well, people tend to have shorter fuses these days. Even my kids, who are normally sunny tempered, are fairly cranky. It's probably the lockdown(s) and uncertainty weighing on everyone's mind.

for me, it led to introspection and a determination (like you, Keith) to take deep breaths before replying. :)

@flat_listener, without drawing an analogy to the antagonist in the current thread, HFV in the past has lost a lot of very knowledgeable people because of ego clashes. There are many whose wit, erudition, and perspective I miss on a daily basis. And while a Social group community will live on regardless of who joins or leaves, specialist communities like HFV would almost inevitably be diminished by the absence or non participation of knowledgeable members.
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without drawing an analogy to the antagonist in the current thread, HFV in the past has lost a lot of very knowledgeable people because of ego clashes. There are many whose wit, erudition, and perspective I miss on a daily basis. And while a Social group community will live on regardless of who joins or leaves, specialist communities like HFV would almost inevitably be diminished by the absence or non participation of knowledgeable members.
That is so true.
There is no need to announce your temporary vacation from the forums by creating a thread for it. The community will live on
“Whose need?” How can we decide on behalf of someone else their need? The member feels aggrieved and feels the need to share his feelings and thoughts. Let him.
We as moderators are obliged to look into a discussion when someone "Reports" a post by pressing the Report link below a post. The posts in question were reported and subsequently were deleted to keep the discussion on course.

The thread in question is about a forum members audio journey and he has been maintaining the thread on here for quite some time.

The posts in question referred to the OPs choice in gear and the manner in which it was put was not taken well by the OP.
The subsequent posts were taking things into a tangent.
The choice we make at this point is either to hive off the posts into a separate thread or delete them.

Normally this is all we need to do to send the message across to the respective forum members.

Hope this clarifies the situation. There is no hidden agenda in this.


We as moderators are obliged to look into a discussion when someone "Reports" a post by pressing the Report link below a post. The posts in question were reported and subsequently were deleted to keep the discussion on course.

The thread in question is about a forum members audio journey and he has been maintaining the thread on here for quite some time.

The posts in question referred to the OPs choice in gear which was not taken well by the OP.
The subsequent posts were taking things into a tangent.
The choice we make at this point is either to hive off the posts into a separate thread or delete them.

Normally this is all we need to do to send the message across to the respective forum members.

Hope this clarifies the situation. There is no hidden agenda in this.


Thanks for the clarification.
Hiving off into a new thread could have been a better solution; a new thread on subwoofers would have kept that perspective alive on subwoofers for greater consumption and more focussed discussions.
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