Help needed on 3D source for 3D compatible projector


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2010
Vijayangar, Bangalore
Hi All,

Further to my post yesterday on having bought the Acer 5360 on Amazon, I need your advice on how to get 3D on this projector. I currently have the Panny XT50 Plasma and 3D is good. However I feel to experience full 3D the picture needs to cover your entire vision range. So a 120 inch display at 10-15 feet will ensure that!!!

From what I have read so far I have two options:

(1) Buy the Optoma 3D-XL Converter Box which is around 10K which comes with one glass. Not sure if I can buy cheaper glasses which are compatible. But lets say total cost for this adaptor+ glasses - we are looking at 15K additional cost. I have a laptop that has the ripped movies - so hopefully no additional cost playing the 3D content

(2) Build a PC with the compatible Nvidia kit. As I anyway plan to have a HTPC/NAS built (more for data back up than anything else) - how much will this Nvidia kit add incrementally to the normal cost of building the HTPC/NAS?

(3) Third option would be ignore the HTPC/NAS, buy a second 1TB hard drive and manually back up all my data between my laptop and my existing 2TB hard drive. In this case compared to option (2), my cost would be (option (1) - around 15K) + cost of a new hard drive (say 6K).

Any help will be greatly appreciated because I still have few folks in US and I can beg them to get the Optoma converter. :eek:
Hi All,

Further to my post yesterday on having bought the Acer 5360 on Amazon, I need your advice on how to get 3D on this projector. I currently have the Panny XT50 Plasma and 3D is good. However I feel to experience full 3D the picture needs to cover your entire vision range. So a 120 inch display at 10-15 feet will ensure that!!!

From what I have read so far I have two options:

(1) Buy the Optoma 3D-XL Converter Box which is around 10K which comes with one glass. Not sure if I can buy cheaper glasses which are compatible. But lets say total cost for this adaptor+ glasses - we are looking at 15K additional cost. I have a laptop that has the ripped movies - so hopefully no additional cost playing the 3D content

(2) Build a PC with the compatible Nvidia kit. As I anyway plan to have a HTPC/NAS built (more for data back up than anything else) - how much will this Nvidia kit add incrementally to the normal cost of building the HTPC/NAS?

(3) Third option would be ignore the HTPC/NAS, buy a second 1TB hard drive and manually back up all my data between my laptop and my existing 2TB hard drive. In this case compared to option (2), my cost would be (option (1) - around 15K) + cost of a new hard drive (say 6K).

Any help will be greatly appreciated because I still have few folks in US and I can beg them to get the Optoma converter. :eek:

Where are you buying the H5360 from? On Amazon, its around $440 (+ taxes) and another $200 for the Convertor, and that brings you in $650 category to get 3D. There are other projectors with 3D built in (no need for the convertor box). I own an Optoma GT750E and its fantastic. Its $678 on B&H (no taxes charged).

Also, Benq MW519 has built in 3D

EDIT: Nevermind.....i just read you already bought the projector.

3D vision kit 2 - around $140

Also, take a look at these:

With your preferences, Option would work out the best as you're planning to build an HTPC anyway.
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What Laptop are you using now? Hope its not too old..
Check if the PJ can be connected to the Laptop as a second monitor using the VGA/DVI/HDMI/DisplayPort option which ever present in the laptop.
If required get a DVI to HDMI or DP to HDMI adapter/cable but VGA should do just fine too.

If the PJ can be connected to the laptop as a secondary monitor AND you can drive it at 120HZ at min 720p or higher resolution then this is the best way for you to go 3d as you only need 3d DLP Link glasses costing $30 or so a piece..

Even otherwise, if you intend on making the HTPC, then it also can drive the PJ at 120Hz using a basic graphics card costing around 5k. For a better understanding of the concepts, have a look at
3D Education - How do get a 3D?

Thus as the PJ is 3d DLP ready you only need to drive it at 120 Hz + DLP link glasses to get 3d..

The other options of XL-3D or NVidia kit are more expensive in my opinion..
Hi tma,

My laptop has a core i5 processor (3rd gen) and 8gb of ram. It also has hdmi out. So what you are suggesting is that this laptop can provide 3d to my epson 6100 3d pj even if the laptop has only hdmi 1.3 ?

I too have a three year old first Gen i5 with HDMI out but no dedicated graphics card. From what I read this is not enough and we need either optima or a PC with nvidia
Also, take a look at these:
Superman999's 3D-XL Review with Acer H5360 | - UK Online

With your preferences, Option would work out the best as you're planning to build an HTPC anyway.

Thanks - I have been through the threads you mentioned earlier as well. The Nvida ones are only for glasses ..not for the hardware.

The only thread I read for the first time was the discussion on using monoprice 3d converter and frankly I am a bit confused. Let me know if this is what they are saying:

(1) We need the Optoma 3DXL converter only if one is playing 3D blu rays - I have no intention of buying a 3d blu player and even if I did buy one like the Toshiba from UK - Dont think I will spend 1500 each for a blu ray 3d disk. So 99% of my source are ripped 3d files from torrents. So this means the 3d converter box will do the trick?
(2) Secondly there is a mention of my laptop outputting currently on way to office.but can check that in evening..all laptops do it by default? LIke I mentioned I got a gateway gen 1 i5 with HDMI out and no graphics card dedicated
(3) Lets say I am not interested in converting 2D to 3D ..just want to play ripped HSBS 3d files from the net - will this 3D converter box do the trick coz this needs no converting anything..just help my laptop correspond with the projector in its language
(4) Monoprice has only one self branded box for 90 dollars. But on Amazon there are a plethora of options - however none of them have a 4 rating - so these things dont work so seamlessly?
@Amarendra, @arnprasad :

IF the 3D ready projector supports 3D DLP or DLP-Link format, then the other thing needed to view 3D content are
- a suitable laptop / pc to drive the pj @120Hz via HDMI / VGA at 720p resolution or as per the pj specs - not all pjs support all resolutions at 120Hz.
- DLP link glasses.
- Software player like Stereoscopic player
- 3D Content

I have seen this myself on the Acer K130 + K330 pjs and am sure of this.
This is more than enough for viewing 3d..

Since both of you already have the PJ and the laptops, why not try connecting the PJ as a secondary monitor and drive it at 120 hz using the display settings options and confirm if the 3d menu options get enabled on the PJ?

If you are able to get 120 hz on the pj then try playback of some 3d content using the software player - there is no harm in trying it out and posting your experiences..

If the above test is successful, then order the 3d glasses and enjoy..
The DLP link glasses are not availble in any indian online shops / local shops in bangalore afaik..
Hi tma,

My laptop has a core i5 processor (3rd gen) and 8gb of ram. It also has hdmi out. So what you are suggesting is that this laptop can provide 3d to my epson 6100 3d pj even if the laptop has only hdmi 1.3 ?


The laptop/pc is required to drive the pj at 120Hz + decoding the 3d content using a s/w player. This with 3d DLP glass should be enough to experience 3d on 3d ready DLP projector.

If the laptop/pc is powerful enough you can even decode 3d blurays otherwise there are any number of SBS rips available which will do just fine with the basic hardware.

For playback of 3d content the s/w player outputs in framesequential mode which is basically 120 images per second with alternating left/right images. This is same as regular video but the framerate is doubled. hdmi 1.3 should be sufficient. Do note that 3d ready pjs are basically dumb and do not do any 3d processing.. the pjs simply show 120 images every sec with sync signals. TOnly the full 3d pjs/devices actually decode 3d content and process them.

The only issue I see with entry level 3d ready pj is that 1080p res is not supported at 120Hz only 720p or lower works. But the effect of this is not that apparent on a big screen 3d display.
Build a moderate spec desktop pc with a mid-range graphics card. That will serve all your purposes of 3d gaming, 3d movie watching etc. Including the nvidia 3d vision kit you can build a good one for around 30k. The processor can be even an i3, only the gpu and ram matters for these purposes.
Build a moderate spec desktop pc with a mid-range graphics card. That will serve all your purposes of 3d gaming, 3d movie watching etc. Including the nvidia 3d vision kit you can build a good one for around 30k. The processor can be even an i3, only the gpu and ram matters for these purposes.

After having spent 25K on the PJ, just wondering if spending another 5K on the 3d convertor box and another 5K on 3d glasses will do the trick. I need the 3d glasses even for the NVidia kit. So the basic incremental cost is either the 5K 3d Convertor box or build a PC for 25-30K.

I am inclined towards the 3d convertor box now. on Amazon there are few that are available at 50 dollars as well..just the ratings are not good.
This article kind of tries to demystify, but quotes an example of a PC with Nvidia kit also working. Does not say a normal laptop that can output 120HZ can also do the trick

What Does "3D Ready" Mean?

Did you read this link posted earlier? It clearly explains how to get 3d from pc+3d ready pjs.
How do I get 3D?

If one already has a suitable pc , then the glasses would cost around $30 each.
Thanks for your inputs. To be more specific, my pj is the epson tw6100 which is already a 3d projector. So m question is does my laptop or media player still need to be 1.4 compliant ?
Did you read this link posted earlier? It clearly explains how to get 3d from pc+3d ready pjs.
How do I get 3D?

If one already has a suitable pc , then the glasses would cost around $30 each.

Thanks. Still figuring out if my laptop is "suitable". Also pls clarify my doubt on the glasses:

I see 4 options for driving 3d content. The optoma 3dxl, Nvidia hardware, laptop directly to projector with the right graphics card, laptop to projector visa 3d convertor box. In all these 4 options is the 3D DLP link glasses the common thread? if so, then I will go ahead and buy some glasses since my folks are still in US. since Nvidia was selling its own glasses wondering if they are different from these glasses which seem to the cheapest option with some great reviews. Thx 3DTV Corp DLP-LINK 3D Glasses 2 Pairs for ALL 3D Ready DLP Projectors and ALL Samsung and Mitsubishi DLP TV's: Electronics SainSonic branded SSZ-200DLB 3D Active Rechargeable Shutter Glasses for DLP-Link Projector *Black*: Electronics

roughly around the 2K mark each.
... my pj is the epson tw6100 which is already a 3d projector. ... ?

Your pj as far as I can see from the specs does not mention DLP anywhere! it seems to be a LCD pj and this tech is totally different from what I was referring to. Also yours seems to be a full 3d pj so given a proper 3d source like bdp input, it will automatically show that in 3d without any extra hardware.

The only drawback with this is that your pj has proprietary 3d implementation which is in all probability not compatible with other models/dlp 3d glasses. so you should buy the epson 3d glasses only and cannot use any other form for viewing 3d other than what is done by the pj.

But there are other instances in 3D TVs where the glasses of some models seem to work with others but not all! Do google it for your pj if required..

And to answer your specific question : Yes your input should be in 1.4 for 3D unless your pj supports SBS formats, which can also work in 1.3, but maybe not at full 1080p 3d. Do check and lets us also know as you have all the equipment for test :)
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Thanks. Still figuring out if my laptop is "suitable". Also pls clarify my doubt on the glasses:

I see 4 options for driving 3d content. The optoma 3dxl, Nvidia hardware, laptop directly to projector with the right graphics card, laptop to projector visa 3d convertor box. In all these 4 options is the 3D DLP link glasses the common thread? if so, then I will go ahead and buy some glasses since my folks are still in US. since Nvidia was selling its own glasses wondering if they are different from these glasses which seem to the cheapest option with some great reviews. Thx 3DTV Corp DLP-LINK 3D Glasses 2 Pairs for ALL 3D Ready DLP Projectors and ALL Samsung and Mitsubishi DLP TV's: Electronics SainSonic branded SSZ-200DLB 3D Active Rechargeable Shutter Glasses for DLP-Link Projector *Black*: Electronics

roughly around the 2K mark each.

The main advantage of DLP-Link 3d is the compatibility of the glasses accross different pjs supporting this format. This is because the 3d 'majic' is all done in the DLP chip of the pj for which there is only one manufacturer! Also the glasses sync with the pj without any extra signalling but uses the info from the projected image itself.

Optoma and NVidia are not compatible as far as a quick googling shows and there is a good chance for this to be so as these two are competing for the same market. However I found one more input to add to your confusion:lol: see this
There seems to be some universal emitter available that may enable these two glasses to work but maybe not at the same time..

I have no idea on the 3d convertor but the chances are thats its not compatible either.. again maybe the convertor may help..

But the bottom line is that in any of the 3 options above, one needs extra hardware for 3d and on top of it they are not compatible and are expensive..

The DLP Link is the only option I see that is relatively cheaper and have vendor independent 3d glasses available. The catch here is that the PJ should be DLP.

Yes the PJ supports all current 3D formats including SBS. I ran a 3d rip of Avengers through the PS3 on the 6100 but I dont think the PS3 did any processing on its own. Coz the projector showed the 2 images SBS till I clicked on the SBS option in the PJ's menu. So my guess is that any SBS rip will work no matter whether I connect through laptop or my ASUS media player so long as any device can play the file. Will certainly check and confirm.
After having spent 25K on the PJ, just wondering if spending another 5K on the 3d convertor box and another 5K on 3d glasses will do the trick. I need the 3d glasses even for the NVidia kit. So the basic incremental cost is either the 5K 3d Convertor box or build a PC for 25-30K.

I am inclined towards the 3d convertor box now. on Amazon there are few that are available at 50 dollars as well..just the ratings are not good.

3D convertor box does not allow 3d gaming. If you are not interested in gaming in 3d or already have ps3 or xbox 360 then a converter box is good enough.
@tma and madhavk8 - I am really confused now. I have posted a thread on AVSforum. maybe I will start another thread there. I will also PM both of you and if possible visit and see your projectors if you have one.

My team member is in US till Dec 15th. So need to firm up something in next week so that I can order.
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