From the datasheet:
I checked my stock - I have only two pieces of 3.3 uF polystyrenes. And they're huge, probably half the size of the 3118 board. I'll use the Elna Silmic II as I have sufficient.
From the datasheet:
Sorry, please read 3255 instead of 3251.JLS please skip 3118 and goto 3251. There is a great diff in sound quality.
I'm building PeeCeeBee v4H.
Have you finished your PeeCeeBee v4H?
As I also have a MyRef amp, I wonder how the v4H compares to it.
Yes, I have completed building the PeeCeeBee v4.
I have done small changes in the internal wiring to suit my listening tastes.
I find the sound signature of PeeCeeBee v4 much more to my liking than the MyRef Rev C. It is much more neutral compared to the warmth of MyRef Rev C. It is also more resolving. Its bass is really good - both weight and texture. And the v4 has very consistent biasing facilities (I struggled quite a bit with MyRef). I would suggest you to build the v4 or better yet the v4H.
Can you specify what changes are those?
What are the differences between V4 and V4H? Which did you build?
What did you struggle with on the MyRef bias? Can you tune it?
Have you seen any LTSpice simulations for the V4 or V4H?
My MyRef Rev C kept blowing the R11 (1R) even after swapping out to higher wattage. I used the Rev C for several months after it was completed but it started giving me the same problem and I gave up on it.
I don't remember what R11 linked on the MyRef schematic: can you refresh me? It seems like you some kind of oscillation.
But if you had that problem, how could you compare the MyRef to the class D and V4 amps?