Large DIY cabinet design for full-range speakers


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2007

I am planning to build a cabinet for a pair of Audio Nirvana Classic 10inch full-range speakers with regular Ferrite magnets. This would be a long drawn project with years of tweaking and fine tuning. So it would be good to know what people on this forum have learned from their past experiences on similar projects. I believe a couple of FM's here own(ed) the Audio Nirvana 15inch full-range speakers.

The manufacturer recommends simple bass-reflex cabinets, and is strongly against putting these on any horn loaded boxes. So I am considering a 5.6 Cubic Feet box (44T x 18.75W x 14.75D inches) suggested by them. I will start with a simple bass-reflex with a large port, and then try a double bass-reflex if required.

Looking for your inputs.


I am planning to build a cabinet for a pair of Audio Nirvana Classic 10inch full-range speakers with regular Ferrite magnets. This would be a long drawn project with years of tweaking and fine tuning. So it would be good to know what people on this forum have learned from their past experiences on similar projects. I believe a couple of FM's here own(ed) the Audio Nirvana 15inch full-range speakers.

The manufacturer recommends simple bass-reflex cabinets, and is strongly against putting these on any horn loaded boxes. So I am considering a 5.6 Cubic Feet box (44T x 18.75W x 14.75D inches) suggested by them. I will start with a simple bass-reflex with a large port, and then try a double bass-reflex if required.

Looking for your inputs.

Did you purchase those Audio nirvana drivers directly from their site?
Going by experiences of others, I would not blindly model using the manufacturer published T/S parameters but would advise measuring yourself and then using those values to model an enclosure.
If you are referring to the internet posts, I did read most of them before making my purchase. I have the speakers running in temporary baffles along side my other equipment (some of which is listed below). The initial experience has been quite positive for vocal and acoustic music. Based on my past cabinet experience (starting in the 1980's), I do believe that a large bass reflex box with a large port may not be a bad idea after all. The box being almost exactly twice the 'acoustic ratio' does not sound wrong. Even in the open baffles I have them running right now, placed near the corners, they are not sounding as anemic as had expected them to be. They actually sound pretty good this way. The JJ 12AX7 tubes in my phono preamp and the NAD power amp may be playing a role too. I specifically wanted to know what other FMs who have these drivers, or had them in the past, experienced with their implementations.

Did you purchase those Audio nirvana drivers directly from their site?

I bought them through an importer in Delhi who shipped them as a part of a bigger consignment. This may have saved me a little bit of shipping cost. In fact even Commonsense Audio offers better shipping rates if we order many pieces together.
I bought them through an importer in Delhi who shipped them as a part of a bigger consignment. This may have saved me a little bit of shipping cost. In fact even Commonsense Audio offers better shipping rates if we order many pieces together.

That's great to know. If I need those drivers in future, I wish you could help me out.
The big box (with the carpenter working on it). The white dots are the neodymium magnets going under the veneer.....

Sorry, might be silly question, but I am just learning the basics of speaker cabinets.

Where, how, and why we need to place these magnets in the cabinet? will it makes much difference?
Sorry, might be silly question, but I am just learning the basics of speaker cabinets.

Where, how, and why we need to place these magnets in the cabinet? will it makes much difference?

My guess it that they're there to hold the front grille in place without putting one of those ugly grille holders
Nice use of microlam. I would add additional bracing from the top to middle window brace, then to the bottom of the enclosure. Wood dowels would be fine.
Some work this weekend...

Please note that this was just a trial. The cabinets are not ready yet. They need to be polished before I start working on the interiors.




The pair hiding behind are the Monitor Audio RS6 towers. They look a bit dwarfed next to the 15inchers :)
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The Audyssey reverse equalization curve was surprisingly flat! Everything within 3dB range, except at 16K which was expected.


Audyssey equalizer check by Sharad Medhavi, on Flickr

Need to remove the drivers from the box in an other hour or so :(

Feel like listening to a couple more LPs before I do.

Jacintha sounded heavenly on 45rpm!
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nice build. whats the cabinet absorbing material used and how much quantity used?which size of the neodymium magnets used. careful to align both magnets exactly or else you will face difficulty while mounting the grill.
Thanks Krell.

The absorbing material is Bitumen sheet at selected locations and 450 GSM Polyfill sheet all over. The magnets are 10mm x 10mm cylinders. I have ensured similar polarity for all the pieces that went behind the veneer. Now alignment has to be taken care of while making the grill frame. Haven't started with that yet.

Thanks for info.i replaced my diy cabinet polyfill(initially filled with polyfill)with glasswool and the difference is remarkable..if u have time u can try.1lb for 1cu feet.
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