Now, what does this mean?

He is referring to the audiophile who is constantly in " R&D / Experiment mode ". Many sensible audiophiles go into that mode only while evaluating or setting up a new system.
Trying to make sense of this quote by a renowned sound/recording engineer and musician
View attachment 83002
Maybe that's from a professional angle where a sound engineer fine tunes his/her client's music through their equipment and listens through the speakers to see if it sounds right.
Or maybe he must have meant that audiophiles may have overlooked the joy of enjoying music in the process of fine tuning and admiring their gear.
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The meaning is literal. He is saying (rightly) that an audiophile isn't interested in music but uses it to listen to their equipment, where the purpose is to listen to the sound of the equipment (and perhaps perfect it) rather than enjoy music. The focus is their gear, music is a means to an end, in this case to listen to their equipment. Most audio forum members are like this, including here.
That is true . Melomaniac Vs Audiophile , there is a difference but I think most of the time one vacillates between the two and do not know in which state he is at any given point of time. Think of Guy Pearce in Memento or Amir khan character in Ghajini .:).
There are times one would thoroughly enjoy that particular song on a roadside radio but on reaching home the same song does not sound right. ... ahh! that cable ... sounding so blue!

"I do think in the domestic environment, the people that have sufficient equipment don't pay enough attention to room acoustics. The pro audio guy will prioritize room acoustics and do the necessary treatments to make the room sound right. The hi-fi world attaches less importance to room acoustics, and prioritizes equipment; they are looking more at brand names and reputation."

+1 That is what I found through my decade long audio journey. One should consider meticulously setting up their acoustics right and the investment in time and effort really pays off.
The quote sounds profound at first glance. But I am thinking without more context it could be banal.
You are right because otherwise, songs could have been recorded with a single mic in a room with no sound engineering/editing whatsoever.
Irrespective of AP said it or not, Of course it is true..for some people and for some time. if it is true all the time and one is not enjoying music then one has too much money, too much time and too little imagination to spend both 😇

One becomes an audiophile because one loves music and understands that better equipment working well together does better the sound. In course of which there are times in a day when one listens to the system to improve it and there are other times when on listens to music to enjoy it
I think it describes many of us. I often listen to music that I think brings out the best in my system - which may not be my favourite music!
The Message brings into focus, the point that:
Audiophiles & Music Lovers are 2 different animals....
Just as a Car designer & a Car mechanic are different, with separate skills.

A quick search on the internet, seems to generally point to these 2 definitions:


a person who enjoys listening to music.
"he remained popular with a wide cross-section of music lovers"

a person who is enthusiastic about high-fidelity sound reproduction

Unlike an audiophile - A music lover will enjoy music replayed on an old radio or gramophone.

An audiophile wears a different hat when listening to music as a music lover, and has a very different approach & judgement when listening as an audiophile.

IMO the basic problem is that people are reluctant to stand up and say they are audiophiles.... They feel its almost non-respectable! :)

I for one, am an Audiophile First & most of the time that I listen to music. Badly recorded or replayed music does not turn me 'On"
The Message brings into focus, the point that:
Audiophiles & Music Lovers are 2 different animals....
Just as a Car designer & a Car mechanic are different, with separate skills.

A quick search on the internet, seems to generally point to these 2 definitions:

a person who enjoys listening to music.
"he remained popular with a wide cross-section of music lovers"

a person who is enthusiastic about high-fidelity sound reproduction

Unlike an audiophile - A music lover will enjoy music replayed on an old radio or gramophone.

An audiophile wears a different hat when listening to music as a music lover, and has a very different approach & judgement when listening as an audiophile.

IMO the basic problem is that people are reluctant to stand up and say they are audiophiles.... They feel its almost non-respectable! :)

I for one, am an Audiophile First & most of the time that I listen to music. Badly recorded or replayed music does not turn me 'On"
So it’s not possible to be both at the same time?
No, Not possible to do 100% justice to both aspects at the same moment.... though there is an obvious overlap.
One is more akin to an art, the other a science

As I said, they are 2 different hats......... You can take off one hat and wear the other at any time... even momentarily when listing to a track.

Slightly Off the track, but to help illustrate differences....

There is a difference between a Music Lover & a Music Collector.

The Music Lover listens to an appreciate his music ... He may have a very limited library... say 50 LPs.

A Music Collector is focused to amassing as large a music library as possible... Often not having even heard every track in his library....
No, Not possible to do 100% justice to both aspects at the same moment.... though there is an obvious overlap.
One is more akin to an art, the other a science

As I said, they are 2 different hats......... You can take off one hat and wear the other at any time... even momentarily when listing to a track.

Slightly Off the track, but to help illustrate differences....

There is a difference between a Music Lover & a Music Collector.

The Music Lover listens to an appreciate his music ... He may have a very limited library... say 50 LPs.

A Music Collector is focused to amassing as large a music library as possible... Often not having even heard every track in his library....
These are definitely aspects to keep in mind while considering the complex and difficult to define phenomenon that is the audiophile
So it’s not possible to be both at the same time?

The goals are contradictory.

These are definitely aspects to keep in mind while considering the complex and difficult to define phenomenon that is the audiophile

It's not difficult. In simple terms a music lover wants to feed their emotion, an audiophile wants to feed their ego. Most audiophiles started with at least some interest in music but the hobby is usually a replacement or alternative/additional to other avenues people use to feed their ego rather than an attempt to increase their enjoyment of music. It is notable that for many the social aspect ( like other hobbies) is important.
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