Samsung rear projection tv problem


New Member
Oct 26, 2007
We got the samsung rear projection 43 inches ( second edition ) last new year. The offer price was so nice 67k with HDMI input and we were so happy to own such big tv with best price.

The people from samsung gave so much helping hand as we were the premium customers for them, they came forward to explain the remote control options which is not an ordinary remote i must say.

The person informed us that it is not advisable to watch the tv for more than 3 hours as it may reduce the life of the tv. They didnt tell us any such things while buying it, but after delivery the person gave this info. We were shocked becas he is the samsung registered service man who has many years experience with samsung. But still he said we can watch the tv for many hours also. He just confused us. He just warned us , i must say he is a good man.

We indians sit mostly infront of tv for movies, then watching daily TV serials so this 3 hrs wont be sufficient. And we cant follow this 3 hours rule. We just neglected his warning.

The warranty is gone after the first year.

Now the problem started. There are so many bends in the screen and any straight pillar or object in the video wont look straight anymore. They will bend in the top left and right sides ( not too much corners also ) If you know the video before then you will identify the bend in the first attempt.

We complained and he came , tried many things but he was not able to rectify . He told us that we must spend around 1500 rs approximately to solve this problem.

We are ready to spend becas their plan worked well. This problem came exactly after the warranty got over. But wat is the guarantee that any more problems wont come??????

did any of you got any such problems in the rear projection tv ?

Pls share .
well i already described b4. There is something wrong inside the display chip as said by the samsung tv technician . I see all straight lines as bent lines on 2 sides of my screen . Hbo logo will be curvez logo. Hope u got wat i said.
Do you notice only the curving of picture?
If so, have you tried the "Self-Focus" feature?
Do you notice Red, Blue, Green color mis-alignment?
Do you notice only the curving of picture?
If so, have you tried the "Self-Focus" feature?
Do you notice Red, Blue, Green color mis-alignment?

The tv techician and me tried all possibilities to remove the curving of the picture..... But nothing worked. He said there is some fault in the chip inside and needs to be replaced.

But there is no gurantee that it wont be back.

We tried all self focus and everything dude.... No use.
Prepare a Transparent Template of the Screen Jig.
Paste it over the TV Screen.
Enter into service menu.
Do the manual convergence.
Prepare a Transparent Template of the Screen Jig.
Paste it over the TV Screen.
Enter into service menu.
Do the manual convergence.

I dont understnd wat you mean by transperant template of the screen Jig. I guess you are talking bout the one wat the tv techinician tried.

He pressed some combinations on the tv remote and started the tv.
The tv came with white and black lines.

There he can clearly see the bends.

He tried to adjust the voltage and tried to adjust the bends . But the problem here is : He can only adjust the nodes of the lines. But the gap between the 2 nodes cant be adjusted. So the bend still remains.
Well, anybody reasonably familiar with TV calibration, convergence must be able to do this.

Do you think the guy who has so many yrs experience in the samsung tv trouble shooting is not capable of caliberation and convergence?????

Well i dont think so.
you are correct. Many of the Tv engineers dont know about the menu driven screen calibration. They are used to the old CRT and magnetic ferrule adjustments only.
Browse the net. Look for samsung service manuals.
Do the calibration yourself.
you are correct. Many of the Tv engineers dont know about the menu driven screen calibration. They are used to the old CRT and magnetic ferrule adjustments only.
Browse the net. Look for samsung service manuals.
Do the calibration yourself.

do u knw bout this caliberation?
I have Samsung SP43T9 RPTV. The TV developed convergence problem. The convergence IC (STK 392-010) was changed. Samsung authorised service engineer did the rectification work. Cost of IC=Rs.800/- and Labour charge = Rs.1500/-. He could do the Hardware part of the work perfectly. But, he did the menu driven convergence adjustments 50% only.

I myself did the perfect convergence adjustments. It is a time consuming job. Requires lot of perseverance.
Hey. Forgot to tell u 1 thing. When i start the tv then it would be good without curvy lines. it happens after 10 min or something.

SO from ur replies i see tat ur tv also got the same prob. yoU spent 2300 total? DiD the prob got solved?
I asked you to describe the problem in detail. But, you forgot to tell the very important thing.

Now, your TV problem is entirely different. Hold your heart. Your TV has a serious defect. The coolant inside the 3 CRTs have exhausted. To refill the CRT it will cost you a new TV. Bad luck.
RPTV has three CRTs at its back, one each for Red, Blue and Green. CRTs throw the RGB pictures to a prism. The prism then reflects(projects) the pictures to the screen.
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