Tube Preamplifier suggestions

Hi Can anybody suggest good tube preamplifiers to match with Rega Elicit R srereo amolifier?

The rega in my opinion is a integrated amp. But you can add a external tube preamp if it has HT bypass inputs.

By the way, what are your speakers, and what are you trying to achieve by adding tubes here. Sweetening the mids and treble are you :)
According to the specs there seems to be direct input to the power section. Check that the input impedance matches with that of the pre out. If that match is ok a tube preamp ought not to be problem. The chinese Doge preamp is well reviewed, although I have not heard it. At a cheaper level the Xindak 3200 preamp is quite transparent and I have heard it briefly.
Anyone using the FX Audio Tube 01? Have been eyeing it for a while due to mixed reviews.

Thanks for the response.I am trying to make the sound sweet in the mids and treble.I have floorstanding speakers.

Hi Imtiyaz :)

What a coincidence. Iam trying to do something similar, but with tube power amps for mids and treble..And class A SS for bass. Still haven't started on the project yet. Will need to attempt it this vacation.

I had briefly tried a highly modified musical fidelity tube buffer between my SS preamp and SS power amp. And found that it did open up and bring the mid range a bit forward. And I could also perceive a sweeter presentation on female vocals. So this might be a cheaper entry point to try, before spending big bucks on a tube preamp..
Hello ,
Am using a Yaqin Buffer in a complete Emotiva system comprising of DAC+Pre+power amps connected between the DAC and pre . Rolled the tubes to Tong Sols with a marginally different but clearer sound. However did not hear the magic of tubes, and the so called warmth or sound segregation etc which I wanted to introduce with the buffer . Its nothing like the All tube amps which I have listened .

XiangSheng 728A:- pre amp : EBAY Web link Below for details of the amp .
Review below from one of the open HIFI forums.-
To experiment on a strict budget ( Like most of the people who buy it) , recently purchased a XiangSheng 728A Tube pre amp new for $200 shipped . Now the sound is completely different : unbearable when connected initially but improving . With 6 hours of burn in till now , the sound is quite different in its own way and enjoyable musically in some situations .The earlier set up still would get my vote but am convinced with 25 more hours the sound will be quite good. . Reviewers are saying the 728A is much improved now. New tubes say Mullard , GE will help improve the performance.

Tube Pre Amp suggestions:
If in India would stick to Lyrita Preamp with local warranty . Mr Viren is approachable and also would agree to some customization.
Other options:
1)The Chinese Tube Hifi offers some interesting choices at various price points. Yaqin is a good mid priced brand in $700 range . And there are many others too like cheap XiangSheng etc .
2)USA :The Best is Schitt Audio with its VFM pricing .
3)There are so many other tube preamp makes , some local to the US area to try like the Primaluna models . See below web link.

4)ofcourse there are the renowned ones like McIntosh etc .
5)PS audio has also some interesting tube Amp.

But in general pre amp stage is the best level/stage to insert the " tuby " sound as per experts.

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Anyone using the FX Audio Tube 01? Have been eyeing it for a while due to mixed reviews.


I have been using Fx audio Tube preamp (buffer) with Voshkod Tubes for almost 6 months with tpa 31186-D2 chip amp on my TL towers and its sound very good and i suggest if u are new to tubes stuff then u can start with it as its best bang for price. Get a new one and don't forget to change the tubes (as stock one is Chinese and sounds shrill).

I have been using Fx audio Tube preamp (buffer) with Voshkod Tubes for almost 6 months with tpa 31186-D2 chip amp on my TL towers and its sound very good and i suggest if u are new to tubes stuff then u can start with it as its best bang for price. Get a new one and don't forget to change the tubes (as stock one is Chinese and sounds shrill).
Hi Shubham,
Do you feel the buffers work . Am opening a Pandora's box with different opinions but am not sure one can get the same tuby signature sound from a Tube Buffer unless its a preamp or something . I have checked back to back listening to : Full tube integrated , Hybrid Tube amp and with a pure tube buffer. The former two have the tube magic but the pure tube buffer (without gain) alters sound in a good way but does not seem to exhibit the signature characteristics of Tube sound.
Hi Shubham,
Do you feel the buffers work . Am opening a Pandora's box with different opinions but am not sure one can get the same tuby signature sound from a Tube Buffer unless its a preamp or something . I have checked back to back listening to : Full tube integrated , Hybrid Tube amp and with a pure tube buffer. The former two have the tube magic but the pure tube buffer (without gain) alters sound in a good way but does not seem to exhibit the signature characteristics of Tube sound.
I agree.
Tube buffers will show you very little of tube magic.
I would personally like both pre and power to be tubes but due to most speakers being made inefficient, tube pre is the best these days.
If you want some true single ended triode magic then do try out Decware.
It's not great exorbitantly priced and is true SET
Yes tube buffer works and u can hear the difference. It changes the SQ of every setup you put it in.

Also agreed with above two views, the tube buffer is like pinch of add bit of sweetness of tube amp..i have listened to hybrid as well as integrated tube amp and like the latter one with open baffle speakers, but its always difficult to match speaker with it.
I agree.
Tube buffers will show you very little of tube magic.
I would personally like both pre and power to be tubes but due to most speakers being made inefficient, tube pre is the best these days.

I agree whole heartedly. Try some British preamps like those from Croft. One British brand that was not mainstream was the Armstrong. These can be had for a song these days. Transcendent Sound from America is a modern preamp that sound good. Someone in this forum had one; if my memory servres me right. CLUE: Look at tube preamps with minimal feedback