Understanding the inconsistencies regarding what's considered derogatory as per forum rules

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Sep 25, 2021
Hello! Was prompted to make a post here by some.

So I was told by staff that "SJW" is not a derogatory term as per forum rules for a report I made that was rejected even though the countless sources on Google/wiki say the opposite.

@captrajesh @Analogous @Love4sound @keith_correa @Nikhil :just random related people I trust that may help me understand & not just make this about me, an anon.

I've asked another staff, he asked me to reread the rules. It says you take rudeness very seriously & would ban in many cases.

So can a word like "bhakt", whose literal definition is also harmless like SJW, be allowed to call an FM in a belittling way even if the FM were trying not to provoke any inflammatory response? A simple yes/no would do. If yes, what's the point of the multiple rules talking about impolite behaviour? Unlike bhakt, SJW is only ever used in a belittling way.

The inconsistencies don't even end here:

Arj, a staff member, said SJW term was pejorative, not derogatory. But staff also told me that it was not derogatory which is why my report was rejected. But they both mean the same thing on multiple sites! Including my dictionary app that says it means "belittling" or "derogatory". It's listed as synonym on multiple sites. Which staff was right?

Tldr: So I make a report for a personal attack on me unprovoked which staff acknowledged was targetting me, but rejected stating it wasn't derogatory. But Arj states it was pejorative, but it means the same as derogatory which staff said was the reason for rejecting my report! So can I use similar words with harmless literal definitions like bhakt, etc against a polite FM trying to not provoke anybody?

If "bhakt" in a belittling context is allowed, but then since certain staff member made it clear that the numerous sources on Google isn't reliable, so how could anybody, as an educated adult, ever tell what's belittling and what's not?

Note: I would never insult anybody even if insults were allowed. Politics being a sensitive subject is the only reason why I made this thread after the contradictory responses bugged me. Let's also not involve whoever I reported, this is only about the contradictions.

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Hello! Was prompted to make a post here by some.

So I was told by staff that "SJW" is not a derogatory term as per forum rules for a report I made that was rejected even though the countless sources on Google/wiki say the opposite.

@captrajesh @Analogous @Love4sound @keith_correa @Nikhil :just random related people I trust that may help me understand & not just make this about me, an anon.

I've asked another staff, he asked me to reread the rules. It says you take rudeness very seriously & would ban in many cases.

So can a word like "bhakt", whose literal definition is also harmless like SJW, be allowed to call an FM in a belittling way even if the FM were trying not to provoke any inflammatory response? A simple yes/no would do. If yes, what's the point of the multiple rules talking about impolite behaviour? Unlike bhakt, SJW is only ever used in a belittling way.

The inconsistencies don't even end here:

Arj, staff member, said SJW term was pejorative. But staff told me that it was not derogatory which is why my report was rejected. But they both mean the same thing on multiple sites! Including my dictionary app that says it means "belittling" or "derogatory". It's listed as synonym on multiple sites. Which staff was right?

Tldr: So I make a report for a personal attack on me unprovoked which staff acknowledged was targetting me, but rejected stating it wasn't derogatory. But Arj states it was pejorative, but it means the same as derogatory which staff said was the reason for rejecting my report! So can I use similar words with harmless literal definitions like bhakt, etc against a polite FM trying to not provoke anybody?

If "bhakt" in a belittling context is allowed, but then since certain staff member made it clear that the numerous sources on Google isn't reliable, so how could anybody, as an educated adult, ever tell what's belittling and what's not?

Note: I would never insult anybody even if insults were allowed. Politics being a sensitive subject is the only reason why I made this thread after the contradictory responses bugged me. Let's also not involve whoever I reported, this is only about the contradictions.

This thread will be taken down for sure. Myself including many have felt the same about the other fm. I have shared many examples with screenshots as well. If mods don’t feel the same way can’t help it. Mods can be wrong at times as well but they are the admins of the forum and can’t debate against them. I also don’t agree to some of the warnings I have received but just acknowledged and moved on. Most of us already know and understood about the fm in question. Any one with common sense will understand.Don’t waste time fighting this.
This thread will be taken down for sure. Myself including many have felt the same about the other fm. I have shared many examples with screenshots as well. If mods don’t feel the same way can’t help it. Mods can be wrong at times as well but they are the admins of the forum and can’t debate against them. I also don’t agree to some of the warnings I have received but just acknowledged and moved on. Most of us already know and understood about the fm in question. Any one with common sense will understand.Don’t waste time fighting this.
That is a slightly different but related topic but yeah it's still problematic. It's why youtube channels like quantumTV exist.

But moving on, I understand it may be too much for mods to take action against old well-known FMs. I think we could still make it less strict and not ban them but still discourage some kinds of impolite behaviour or obvious trolling. Or even maybe less strict for just older members because of the contributions they have but still not just outright give them a free pass for rule violations. The fm in question seems to have contributed to this forum so I don't think he should be banned. The inconsistencies is what bugs me.
And the MODs don't know that's such 'inactions' will be the death knell of this forum?

I once reported a toxic comment. Thereafter I stopped responding.

Somehow one time this forum was THE forum for me.....but now I just glance for nostalgia and .....some subjectivist masala.

Lately lots of turn offs are happening here.
And the MODs don't know that's such 'inactions' will be the death knell of this forum?
Most people are nice, I like the people here, even the ones that don't agree with me. I don't know how the forum was before, but I think it's pretty good right now as it is.

Do you know who introduced and mentioned this word SJW in this forum at first place. If i am not mistaken it was you only

Come here to have fun, be ready to be teased and not take online life too seriously - asr forum
Well you're clearly mistaken then, it was someone else that got likes. So I used that word as an appeal to fellow FMs to keep it civil & not have unnecessary conflict with fellow FMs cause me & the rest didn't even support a blanket ban. Like they had no reason to make themselves feel miserable during festive period. I made a note in OP to not make this about me so we don't talk about it & instead focus on the objective statements in my post. That discussion was actually fun though but I doubt we'll have that again haha ^^'
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Most people are nice, I like the people here, even the ones that don't agree with me. I don't know how the forum was before, but I think it's pretty good right now as it is.

Well you're clearly mistaken then, it wasn't me. I used that word as an appeal to fellow FMs to keep it civil. I made a note in OP to not make this about me so we don't talk about it & instead focus on the objective statements in my post. That discussion was actually fun though but I doubt we'll have that again haha ^^'

We come here to learn and unlearn. Please don't take anything seriously. It isn't worth it. We all make mistakes and insinuate at one point. Please ignore the person or conversation that ruins your mood. That's what I do. It works.

I spend most of my online time here, and at AVS. I read more and respond less.

Hope you are fine now.

Enjoy your stay. And keep coming back and contribute to the forum. Ignore the mess :)

Somehow one time this forum was THE forum for me.....but now I just glance for nostalgia and .....some subjectivist masala.

Lately lots of turn offs are happening here.

I also feel the same.

Most people are nice, I like the people here, even the ones that don't agree with me. I don't know how the forum was before, but I think it's pretty good right now as it is.

Well you're clearly mistaken then, it was someone else that got likes. I used that word as an appeal to fellow FMs to keep it civil & not have unnecessary conflict with fellow FMs cause me & the rest didn't even support a blanket ban. I made a note in OP to not make this about me so we don't talk about it & instead focus on the objective statements in my post. That discussion was actually fun though but I doubt we'll have that again haha ^^'

Do look forward to people who are friendly and helpful rather than focusing on you know who. There is one in every family. Few good members have also quit the forum and it doesnt seem to have the liveliness it used to have. Thats kind of sad. But hope is always there up.

We come here to learn and unlearn.

Please don't say again. I have been doing this since last 7 years and still dont know which cable sounds better.

Below is a good light and fun thread to read and know about others on this forum.


We come here to learn and unlearn. Please don't take anything seriously. It isn't worth it. We all make mistakes and insinuate at one point. Please ignore the person or conversation that ruins your mood. That's what I do. It works.

I spend most of my online time here, and at AVS. I read more and respond less.

Hope you are fine now.

Enjoy your stay. And keep coming back and contribute to the forum. Ignore the mess :)

Hey, thank you for your kind words! I didn't take it seriously. That being a political discussion, it's likely one side may not feel about something the same way as the other which is understandable. So had to bring it up, so we're more aware of our biases when making judgements.

I also feel the same.

Do look forward to people who are friendly and helpful rather than focusing on you know who. There is one in every family. Few good members have also quit the forum and it doesnt seem to have the liveliness it used to have. Thats kind of sad. But hope is always there up.

Thank you for your concern! Well hopefully less politics should help ^^'. I'm not focussed on you know who, I only made this thread after I realised I can.
Do partake in political discussions with an open mind. The current political climate is so toxic in the country. In real life, I have lost countless friends because of my political stance and outspoken nature. Not here, though.

We are yet to mature as a crowd. One should be mature enough to be sensitive to other's views, and other should be mature enough to ignore the insensitive remarks. Look at Twitter. Every discussion there ends with belittling/ insulting the other. Criticism should be constructive. That's not happening. Not here, not anywhere.

I don't know how I would have reacted to name calling. So I don't blame/ correct you. You felt bad. That should not have happened. But hey, you learnt the lesson. Now you know better :)

We all have enough on our plates. Why add to it. Glad that you are fine.


I am still trying to figure the same, lol. Hopefully this year ends with a decision on that.
Good Thread :) ..its a good idea to start a thread to hear from all of you !

Moderating can be pretty subjective especially when we get too many reports of the same thread from several people. In cases of banning usually we do go for a consensus amongst the mods and more or less we only warn when there is personal targeting. We do understand that anyone getting a warning message gets upset but in many cases it is not always the only warning as several members get warnings.

At this point we dont want to give a public warning since these are minor infarctions and keep that for exceptional cases which is mostly if there is a permanent ban

But overall as an observation over the several years I have been on this forum, we seem to take offence far more easily and much more often in the last 2-3 years than ever in the past !! at one time it was one report maybe in a week or a month..these days its several in a day very often from 1 person or 1 thread.
Do partake in political discussions with an open mind. The current political climate is so toxic in the country. In real life, I have lost countless friends because of my political stance and outspoken nature. Not here, though.

We are yet to mature as a crowd. One should be mature enough to be sensitive to other's views, and other should be mature enough to ignore the insensitive remarks. Look at Twitter. Every discussion there ends with belittling/ insulting the other. Criticism should be constructive. That's not happening. Not here, not anywhere.

I don't know how I would have reacted to name calling. So I don't blame/ correct you. You felt bad. That should not have happened. But hey, you learnt the lesson. Now you know better :)

We all have enough on our plates. Why add to it. Glad that you are fine.


I am still trying to figure the same, lol. Hopefully this year ends with a decision on that.
Again thank you very much for your concern but you're misunderstanding, let me a bit of context. If I was concerned or even offended, I'd have reported 2 weeks ago instead of now. I've been called worse, being called SJW was actually funny to me. But then, I would feel the same about any word I was called then, like even re * *d. And it's not like mods would take action based on how an FM feels about an insult. So the obvious counter question if I could call a fellowFM a bhakt for example. A short yes/no answer, not a para asking me to reread the rules.

I mentioned that mods overlooked obvious personal attack, to which a FM said they don't. Me reporting a comment two weeks later is merely an experiment where I already knew the outcome. But this time, nobody can tell me I didn't try nor that I didn't understand the rules which strangely only mentions rudeness multiple times. I made this thread as objective so we don't focus on me. But still I appreciate your concern!

Also made this thread because I can & I believe both sides should have the same leeway.

Good Thread :) ..its a good idea to start a thread to hear from all of you !

Moderating can be pretty subjective especially when we get too many reports of the same thread from several people. In cases of banning usually we do go for a consensus amongst the mods and more or less we only warn when there is personal targeting. We do understand that anyone getting a warning message gets upset but in many cases it is not always the only warning as several members get warnings.

At this point we dont want to give a public warning since these are minor infarctions and keep that for exceptional cases which is mostly if there is a permanent ban

But overall as an observation over the several years I have been on this forum, we seem to take offence far more easily and much more often in the last 2-3 years than ever in the past !! at one time it was one report maybe in a week or a month..these days its several in a day very often from 1 person or 1 thread.
I forgot to say this in OP before but I appreciate the transparency & explaining me your reasoning, even if contradictory with the reason my report was rejected. It would have sucked if I got no reasoning whatsoever, which happens a lot on some online forums.
Good Thread :) ..its a good idea to start a thread to hear from all of you !

Moderating can be pretty subjective especially when we get too many reports of the same thread from several people. In cases of banning usually we do go for a consensus amongst the mods and more or less we only warn when there is personal targeting. We do understand that anyone getting a warning message gets upset but in many cases it is not always the only warning as several members get warnings.

At this point we dont want to give a public warning since these are minor infarctions and keep that for exceptional cases which is mostly if there is a permanent ban

But overall as an observation over the several years I have been on this forum, we seem to take offence far more easily and much more often in the last 2-3 years than ever in the past !! at one time it was one report maybe in a week or a month..these days its several in a day very often from 1 person or 1 thread.
Off late a lot of meaningful threads sadly culminate into arguments and the very purpose of the thread is lost.
We all have our differences and personal tastes. If we agree to disagree with maturity and not digress from the main topic then it would make this forum a lot more interesting and meaningful. Personal attacks should certainly not happen and is not right.
We come here to destress from our regular work. Why not enjoy here and take things in our stride.
Off late a lot of meaningful threads sadly culminate into arguments and the very purpose of the thread is lost.
We all have our differences and personal tastes. If we agree to disagree with maturity and not digress from the main topic then it would make this forum a lot more interesting and meaningful. Personal attacks should certainly not happen and is not right.
We come here to destress from our regular work. Why not enjoy here and take things in our stride.
+1, seen that. Me, joined in Aug the only forum even my half decade of life, wondering why?
I should add a note that people not make it about about me nor the person I reported though I appreciate their concern. Not letting go of this chance of a discussion, may not get it again.

@captrajesh Since you insist I didn't understand the rules: Can I use the words like bhakt randomly against a FM who's not trying to be provocative? If no, how do I ever make out what forum considers derogatory when staff made it clear the numerous sources on Google & common sense somehow wasn't reliable? If yes, change the rules & don't ask me to read them again.

Off late a lot of meaningful threads sadly culminate into arguments and the very purpose of the thread is lost.
We all have our differences and personal tastes. If we agree to disagree with maturity and not digress from the main topic then it would make this forum a lot more interesting and meaningful. Personal attacks should certainly not happen and is not right.
We come here to destress from our regular work. Why not enjoy here and take things in our stride.
True, it gets complicated when politics is involved, I didn't even disagree yet was insulted & multiple staff insist it wasn't even an insult yet fortunately arj did clarify that it was indeed pejorative. Think about it from my perspective, it's crazy!

I don't mind insults being allowed, but not if it's only allowed for one side & you have a list of rules where insults are listed multiple different times as banworthy. If I'm a snowflake, then so be it. But then change the rules & allow insults and from both sides. Also thank you for your opinion on personal attacks, I feel the same way.
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Its going to a near impossibility to develop a list of terms that should (or not) be used on public forums. This is not finite automata.
Having said this, I think participation on social media or dedicated forums needs one to develop one of these two:
1. Think skin
2. Zen-like ignoring capability

In terms of forum rules, I feel there can be more clarity on what should not be posted on:
1. Individual ownership/experience threads (don't berate a product here; open a new thread and post relevant/useful info)
2. Group ownership threads (don't berate a product here; open a new thread and post relevant/useful info)
3. Group buy threads (price discussion should be private amongst GB participants; others have no "real" reason to question pricing)

In the last few months, some threads in the above list have degenerated into pointless arguments.
Even mods are confused on how to bring threads back on track.
So let's wait and see if collective wisdom leads to framing of new and improved guidelines.
If it does, good for the forum. If it does not, well ... just ignore and move on.

If yes, change the rules & don't ask me to read them again.
Even if there are new rules you will see people not following it. Rules clearly states no promoting of brands but lately there where two or more members involved giving fake reviews to promote a brand and now creating drama after every one found out. That’s how social media works.
Its going to a near impossibility to develop a list of terms that should (or not) be used on public forums. This is not finite automata.
Having said this, I think participation on social media or dedicated forums needs one to develop one of these two:
1. Think skin
2. Zen-like ignoring capability

You seemed to have missed my comments. Mods aren't supposed to take action based on how an FM feels about a word. They should look at it objectively and if it's a rule violation, then take action. Doesn't matter what I think/feel but I appreciate your concern, so thank you.

I'm not asking them actually to give me a list of words that could be used, it is impossible. It was a response to them rejecting the numerous sources on Google/wiki & a certain mod that say SJW is indeed a belittling/pejorative term and if I could use similar terms like bhakt against FMs trying to have a civilised discussion.

Even if there are new rules you will see people not following it. Rules clearly states no promoting of brands but lately there where two or more members involved giving fake reviews to promote a brand and now creating drama after every one found out. That’s how social media works.
Even so, I only brought it up because a certain mod insisted I reread the rules implying that he somehow understands it & also takes them very seriously & that the person I reported was "countering my views in decent language" which arj agrees with. Ah yes, calling random FMs SJWs is somehow a civilized reply. This is laughable.
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