What best spekars are suitable for DENON 1709


New Member
Sep 26, 2008
Which one is the best speakers that are suitable for DENON 1709
whether i have to go for POLK audio or Profx FUSHIO SERIES plaese give the suggestions:confused:
Check the following link:


Depending upon your budget, you can look at Monitor 50 or Monitor 60 for the front L&R. PolK also has dipole speakers. If you use a Monitor 50 combination and dipole speakers, your total cost will touch close to one lakh.


Hi Venkat,

Sorry to take the conversation a little out of the current thread.

Can you please tell me which of the two combinations below is better :

1) Polk Audio

RTiA5 -- Rs 32500
RTiA1 -- Rs 12500
CSiA4 -- Rs 11000

2) Wharfedale

Diamond 9.5 -- Rs 27000
9.1 Surround -- Rs 11500
9.CS -- Rs 10000

I will add the sub later.

I will be using the HT for music 70% to 30% movies.
I am looking at Marantz 5002 or Denon 1709...
Please advise.

At the outset, I am fascinated how you guys get your web names !!!! HauntedHunter, MeetCoolRocky... wow!

I liked the sound of both Polks and the Wharfedales. I have not heard them side by side, so it will be difficult to say which is better. You might hear people say the Wharfedales sound more powerful, have a a larger soundstage, have more clarity etc., while the Polks are subdued, a bit brighter, and a welcome immediacy. Frankly all these are convoluted audiophile terms that may not mean much to a average Joe.

What you should do is arm yourself with a set of Music CDs that you know well, and audition both speakers sets. Polks are easily available in ProFx, and the Wharfedales at a dealer of Designer Audio. Hear the same tracks on both speakers, if possible within the same day, or two at the most. Sit back and think which gave you more enjoyment, and that is the speaker set you have to buy.

You might hear people say the Wharfedales sound more powerful, have a a larger soundstage, have more clarity etc., while the Polks are subdued, a bit brighter, and a welcome immediacy. Frankly all these are convoluted audiophile terms that may not mean much to a average Joe.

Yet it had always made sense to an average Joe like me:rolleyes: for some strange reasons. LOL.

My vote goes to the Diamonds any day, had a change to compare them side by side with the RTi package (not locally) and I must say Polk made a lot of 'noise' compared to the solid subtlety of the Diamonds.

As Venkat suggested, only you can decide which ones are the best for your taste and proposed room.

All the best and happy auditioning.
Well, Rocky. You have the answer from a Audiophile who hides behind the garb of an average Joe. :)

In any case you must audition. I did read somewhere else that you have auditioned both set of speakers. If you remember the sound you may be able to take a decision. If not, it is better to audition them again.

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Well, Rocky. You have the answer from a Audiophile who hides behind the garb of an average Joe. :)

In any case you must audition. I did read somewhere else that you have auditioned both set of speakers. If you remember the sound you may be able to take a decision. If not, it is better to audition them again.


Hey Venkat,

Thanks once again...

Yes i did audition them but with a gap of 3 weeks :-(
I was inclined towards Wharfedale but a friend of mine told me of his experiences with Polk are amazing so i got confused there. I think i will go for another audition and see what i like more.

Thanks again..
Also as far a MeetCoolRocky goes i didnt find the ID i was looking for so i had to settle for this one.
Well, Rocky. You have the answer from a Audiophile who hides behind the garb of an average Joe. :)

In any case you must audition. I did read somewhere else that you have auditioned both set of speakers. If you remember the sound you may be able to take a decision. If not, it is better to audition them again.


Hey Guys,

There is a slight confusion again and now on AV Receiver.

My Usage would be 70% music and 30% movies approx.
I was considering Marantz 5002 but i heard its not good for movies.
So can you please advise which receiver to buy for above mentioned usage.
Shall i go for Denon 1908 or you think Marantz 5002 would do justice to my needs or any other recevier?

Please advise.
Thanks and advance.

Hey Guys,
There is a slight confusion again and now on AV Receiver. My Usage would be 70% music and 30% movies approx. I was considering Marantz 5002 but i heard its not good for movies. So can you please advise which receiver to buy for above mentioned usage. Shall i go for Denon 1908 or you think Marantz 5002 would do justice to my needs or any other recevier?


Pl check this thread:


Sumit is wanting to move away from Marantz as he does not find it good for movies. Though his requirement is movies 'only', you are looking at 70/30 combination for movies/music. Going by the sentiments in this forum, the Denon may be a good try. Go out and audition the 1909 or the 1709. Forget about the older models.

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