When will we see this kind of price and warranty/returns in India?

Saw this costco pricing in social media for LG oled 55c3. Fretting/fuming and ranting - what else can we do!View attachment 84137
If we probably start buying cheaper Chinese TV's enmasse. Then maybe LG & Samsung will be forced to manufacture in India and give us cheaper pricing. Competition is always the greater leveller.
Saw this costco pricing in social media for LG oled 55c3. Fretting/fuming and ranting - what else can we do!View attachment 84137

Any company which does this in india will go broke in a matter of months !

Amazon which started of with such an easy return policy is also so much more guarded now and does not make it so easy.
Any company which does this in india will go broke in a matter of months !

Amazon which started of with such an easy return policy is also so much more guarded now and does not make it so easy.
Very true indeed...we miss the above point, that these policies are a reflection of our average desi's attitudes
In india the sheer volume of people will make it infeasable.
Volume of people who can afford to buy the TV or volume of people who will abuse the x day return policy? :)

Leave alone the price or the return policy. Most would be happy with a TV just carrying a fair warranty like "ye good ole days" and the warranty to be honored.
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Very true indeed...we miss the above point, that these policies are a reflection of our average desi's attitudes
I remember in 2006, when in UK I heard a colleague narrate a story of his colleague who came on short term project; he bought a portable DVD player (a pplayer with a screen) from a major supermarket; used it for 3 months and 2 weeks before his return, returned it to the store to get the money back. WIth society having this kind of attitude, it is difficult for a vendor to have easy return policy
I remember in 2006, when in UK I heard a colleague narrate a story of his colleague who came on short term project; he bought a portable DVD player (a pplayer with a screen) from a major supermarket; used it for 3 months and 2 weeks before his return, returned it to the store to get the money back. WIth society having this kind of attitude, it is difficult for a vendor to have easy return policy
When the dealer trusts the customer with the usage of his/her products with respect to warranty/returns, the customer too should reciprocate by respecting that trust. It's really sickening to use it during the trial period and just return it back without any valid reason.
The logistical expense too has to be borne by the dealer for this deplorable act and not to mention that a new product becomes an open box due to this mentality.
Off course there is another side to where dealers don't honour warranty for genuine cases in India.
It's really sickening to use it during the trial period and just return it back without any valid reason.
While this was what I felt initially when I first came across cases like these in my stays overseas, I am no longer shocked or sickened. I have accepted the fact that the vast majority of us are of low moral turpitude and no matter how much we like to chest thump about our great past and potentially glorious future - it all amounts to naught!
Some distributors sell things here for double the price compared to the USA. This thing should stop. If headphonezone can price things decently, all distributors can price their imports decently. :(
Some distributors sell things here for double the price compared to the USA. This thing should stop. If headphonezone can price things decently, all distributors can price their imports decently. :(
If you think about it, we are helping the dealers finance the return policy in countries like us by overpaying 2x and getting treated like 2nd class citizens.

It's okay though. Our time will come soon. Just by quantity we will be able to force companies soon, assuming we get the netas on our side to force the companies.

And for those thinking no it will not happen... Just look at the numbers... Our population is 5-6x of the USA.. Most of their population is aging or has already aged... Ours on the other hand is young and income is continuously rising for the top 10% at least... Soon even a 5% Indian market might be worth the same as a 50% market share in the USA.

Soon is not soon in current generation terms measured in hours but rather years. Soon IMHO will be next 5-7 years
Our population is 5-6x of the USA.. Most of their population is aging or has already aged... Ours on the other hand is young and income is continuously rising for the top 10% at least... Soon even a 5% Indian market might be worth the same as a 50% market share in the USA.

Soon is not soon in current generation terms measured in hours but rather years. Soon IMHO will be next 5-7 years
I have been hearing these prophecies from the time of the term/s of Manmohan Singh. At that time the narrative was slightly different but the rationale and premise was the same. Today, Narendra Modi is 2 terms down, the people whom we called "young" in Manmohan Singh's term/s have now gotten much older and the then aged are dying or dead, but the same strawman narrative is being rehashed even now.
I'd like to see this happen in my lifetime but time is running out. For me. :p
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I have been hearing these prophecies from the time of the term/s of Manmohan Singh. At that time the narrative was slightly different but the rationale and premise was the same. Today, Narendra Modi is 2 terms down, the people whom we called "young" in Manmohan Singh's term have now gotten much older and the then aged are dying or dead, but the same strawman narrative is being rehashed even now.
I'd like to see this happen in my lifetime but time is running out. For me. :p
In my opinion it is an inevitable event that has already been set in motion which will come to pass, just a matter of time... Like the destruction of earth (rebirth) or more accurately eradication of human society or population as we know it... It is an unavoidable future now because of humankind karma and the exploitation we have done not because of some farfetched prophecy etc... It's just a matter of time... Margin of error might be +-100/200 years in that but it will happen

Similarly by sheer numbers return of eastern superpower in the world is an unavoidable future now.... How they use/misuse it is what they decide... How long will that last once it occurs will also be dependent on actions

Sorry, I think I'm digressing from topic and taking it into a philosophical direction... Will refrain from it now
We see competitive pricing as a product category becomes mainstream in India. But, for reasons already mentioned by some others above, I don’t expect companies to offer liberal return policies. Not today, not after 20 years.
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