Where to report defected items received from fellow member.

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No Sir, I have mentioned my conditions. I wouldn't waver from that.
What is your condition?? Call me and explain ok

I don’t understand what are you saying and expecting from me.

You are not willing to talk it off everyone see this. After so many of my requests too

you took money and I got damaged items
simply take care of your damages or take back your items and send me my mone

I have been polite and respectful throughout with you.

You are putting fabricated facts about cost and doing manipulation

Be a human and sort this matters with me

I seriously now in pain and sorrow that I did this deal with you and now after you got money you are acting like a cheap dealer.
ok, in that case, please return all the items given for free and were not part of original sale thread as repair of speaker is the the only action item per you.
  1. Spare Lowther driver - 1 piece
  2. Murthy's speaker cables - 1 pair
  3. Mogami Interconnect - 1 pair
  4. Gotham interconnect - 1 pair
  5. Spare Lyrita tubes - 3 pieces
  6. 21 audio cds
  7. 4-5 LPs
  8. Since you mentioned you would have paid for insurance if suggested, lets also work insurance cost and make that half of whatever rethm would quote for repair.
  9. Lets also assume the fact that you would have paid for good wooden packaging which is to yours and some other members satisfaction here. and put a cost to that, and incllude that as well in repair cost.
payment so far-
Rethm -75k
Lyrita dht + 2a3 set amplifier - 35k
Pulz pre + Ha 400 - 20k
Total - 1.30 lakhs
extra 12k for shipping and tubes - ill pay back 5 k for the tubes.

once i receive aforesaid items, you may ship items to rethm and we will share the expenses quoted (insurance cost + packaging cost)
Wow so many freebies!
@Jatintan007 I understand your pain ; but you've got a very good deal ; some DIY guys will be able to help you. Or just connect to Viren and try to get it repaired, rest all solutions may not turn out in your favor (may be counter productive) and there's a genuine chance that Rethm may not have any obligation to repair the Speakers.

Connecting with Viren should be your best option in my experience, he's a thorough gentleman and will try his best to help you. And please, please don't haggle with him on repair charges or for other freebies. Because the way you negotiate (I had an experience, luckily the deal didn't work out) only 2 kinds of Sellers will be willing to sell the products. First if the Seller is in Distress, 2nd when the Seller is Planning to Sell some sort of damaged product. So in the future, you should be very careful if any seller agrees for your terms and bargains easily. Lyrita stuff will be repaired easily, as for Rethm Speakers ; They're very well built speakers and I sincerely hope that these damages don't make a significant audible difference.
@Jatintan007 maybe the product came damaged due to harsh handling by the shipping company but as all FM's have suggested you still got a very good deal and with suggestion and help from fellow FM's on repairing from external sources. If you are sending it back to the seller don't you think the same damage might happen again apart from the cost of transportation?

Also I had a feeling that since the product came damaged you are stuck with it and not able to resell it and now trying to get the money back from the seller. If it is only cosmetic damage you can still enjoy the audio after doing the minor repair it needs.
Bad packaging- seller's big mistake.
Not checking the packaging- buyers mistake.
Not getting insured - buyers mistake.

Experienced or inexperienced has nothing to do with the end result.

All this is a part and parcel of buying used products, with benefits comes the risks. That's why it's recommended to buy in person or buy locally.

Proactive action should be taken now, no point in arguing.
But yeah there's a lesson to learn for everyone on the forum.
If everyone else stops replying, this thread will die a normal death. As it should. Enough seems to have been said, except for the buyer and seller figuring out where to go with the seller's offer.
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Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Red Mahogany finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.