Yamaha A-S3000 or Pass INT-250?

Pass Lab amps are built like tanks
4 ohm stable too

I think some have a class A range, few watts at least

One thing to consider - how large is the room? In a (relatively) smaller room, you could get away with the Yamaha. In a large room, the extra power of the Pass would come in handy

I haven’t heard either amp so can’t offer any specific feedback on either option
I use 40.2 with Conrad Johnson Pre/Power. I have heard Pass Labs Pre/Power with 40.2 and was really good, would assume INT 25 would be equally good. Pass Labs only limitation is it have only 3 to 4 inputs. Other option is Karan Acoustics integrated Amp.
Please provide your suggestions.
My speakers are going to be Harbeth 40.2.
DAC is yet to be decided.

If possible, audition both after finalizing the DAC in your room... if not possible, IMHO PASS.....

Also, are they both in the same price range??
I would also consider the Pass Labs INT 60 since it does the first 30 watts in class A as compared to 15 watts of INT 250. 60 watts should be more than enough for the 40.2 in your room of approx 200 sq ft. I would suggest check directly with Nelson Pass. He will recommend the right amp. Yamaha 3000 is discontinued and a new model has been introduced. So you might get the 3000 at discounted price.

Assuming you are sitting 10 feet away from the speakers, 250w would allow peaks of 103db - thats a lot of headroom. Power requirements drop exponentially with volume - to get to 97db, 60w is enough using the 10 feet distance.

With my listening preferences, dynamic peaks stay below 95db at the listening position even when I'm listening a little loud (peak is even lower on compressed music). Worth considering how loud you listen. Also how live or damped your room is - a better damped room needs more power.
As Jai 1611 rightly pointed out you are getting 6 dB more for the additional 180 watts. So the trade off is between the increased 6 dB vs additional 15 watts of class A.
If you listen to more of Indian music, go with Yamaha as its upper mids and higher octaves is likely to be more open than Pass. If you listen to a lot of Western stuff get the Pass as it’s weightier down. It all depends on your personal listening preferences. You can choose either. There’s no right or wrong here. I would have chosen Yamaha.
I am asking for your opinions. Means I am about to buy them.
But no audition possibility.

Your earlier post gives a feeling that you have both the amps with you in your setup :)

I guess that's why you were asked that question.

Confusion happens
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