An Audio-fool's journey

Good stuff once again Bhaskar! And congratulations on the Shindo!

Very true of your comparison of an audio system that needs to play together as a team.
But it also takes patience and hence the analogy to the audiophile "journey".

Always nice to read your writing - hopefully this will get you to keep writing more.

#2 post is here, this is what started me on this blog, because I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, because I found this preamp. Do take a read if you get a chance.

Beautiful description of reaching this happy place with top notch components and synergy.
Could you explain how you made the choices that you did to attain this synergy? There are so many designs, topologies and brands that it’s bewildering. I understand that you bought the Shindo preamp without actually listening to it first. Grateful for Any advice or tips on how to narrow it down so there is a good chance the chain will work well together?
Beautiful description of reaching this happy place with top notch components and synergy.
Could you explain how you made the choices that you did to attain this synergy? There are so many designs, topologies and brands that it’s bewildering. I understand that you bought the Shindo preamp without actually listening to it first. Grateful for Any advice or tips on how to narrow it down so there is a good chance the chain will work well together?
Thank you!
Could you explain how you made the choices that you did to attain this synergy?
I think that could be a good topic for another blog post, but I was very promiscuous with audio while living in the USA and came up with a basic formula that would work for me: Tube DAC -> Shindo Pre -> 300b amp -> Devore speaker.

Re-Implementing this formula in India was the big problem, and far more expensive than I ever imagined; but I learnt more about hifi in India, than I ever did in the USA. Also, I all but abandoned the formula, until it found me again.

Still a journeyman, still a ways to go :)

I understand that you bought the Shindo preamp without actually listening to it first.
I owned a Shindo Monbrison in the USA, so it wasn't that much of a gamble, I knew that the VR would only be better.
Thank you!

I think that could be a good topic for another blog post, but I was very promiscuous with audio while living in the USA and came up with a basic formula that would work for me: Tube DAC -> Shindo Pre -> 300b amp -> Devore speaker.

Re-Implementing this formula in India was the big problem, and far more expensive than I ever imagined; but I learnt more about hifi in India, than I ever did in the USA. Also, I all but abandoned the formula, until it found me again.

Still a journeyman, still a ways to go :)

I owned a Shindo Monbrison in the USA, so it wasn't that much of a gamble, I knew that the VR would only be better.

Have heard the entry level Auriges preamp and the montille power amp quite a few times. Loved the combo. Shindo is a modern classic both in looks and sound.
The Marantz PM7000N offers big, spacious and insightful sound, class-leading clarity and a solid streaming platform in a award winning package.